Have a look at the below CMK plate, also see words below from another thread where this seems to have had the same issue we are running into, seems the plate was a fix.
I have emailed CMK for costings.
I purchased a 55hp SeaPro from the auctions so I want to make it work.
Can u measure the bottom of the V to the top of the transoms highest point (run a straight edge over the steps downs so you can measure from the centre), does it hit 20” or close ?
Have a look at these words from another thread;
“Previously I have run AML35 short shaft motor on the older notched transom "short shaft" F470s as well as various long-shaft outboards on the same "short shaft" F470s in combination with the CMK Transom Cap which essentially turns the "short shaft" transom to a "long shaft" one and never had these problems”.