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Old 14 October 2017, 20:33   #1
Country: UK - England
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2016/17 Honwave 3.8 what's a fair price?

Hi all,
I do not think me having this boat was meant to be? New other because of a pain in the ar*e slight weep in the port air deck is why I acquired this honwave as a simple project!!! I
Located a 'nick' under the flap on the trim tab of which I prepped and glued back.... hurrah! Nope, it slowed it down to neglible but was still a niggle because I was confident I could seal it, completed by adding 500ml of sealant! Anyhow soddit I can live with it so bought some brand new launching wheels (not Honda) and never again I may add and fitted them...... which is another story.
So now my dilemma???? The only water this boat as seen in my care is warm soapy and then rinsed off.
It has no seats, tho' I did price them up ready to buy and no bow rope? This boat is virtually unmarked apart from the holes in the transom made for these crappy wheels, although the valise/bag looks slept in? and I'd never played in it? So today I rolled it up fully, nice and tight and bagged it to take for a wet in the river derwent (lovely warm and sunny day today) and guess what?! It's too blo*dy big to go in the car with the outboard too, add my son and wife to our day out meant using 2 cars which is unpractical for a family day out.
So that's it folks? The final straw, I'm going to look at selling/swapping the boat and look out for a 3.4/3.5m airdeck inflatable over the next few months.
So what's a fair price? Selling on knowing it has a very slight weep? And rubbish wheels?
I have been approached, but want it to be fair to me as well as the purchaser? One thing is for sure the future owner will have a steal! Compared to the price of a new one!
Advice anyone (keep it clean please)
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Old 15 October 2017, 16:56   #2
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Old 15 October 2017, 17:16   #3
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This time of year and listed truthfully I think £350 could be hoped for but it may not even sell for that, however it will sell in the spring, everyone goes over the top for honwaves regardless of the condition and you can always usually get half new price as long as they are not faded as that really kills their value.
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Old 15 October 2017, 18:44   #4
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Thank you, I think, for the honest replies fellas, may well be a good idea to wait until they become more attractive in the spring. I'm watching a 3.8m just listed on eBay at the moment to see what that one realises, because that's more what I exspected? And then possibly advertise it there and gum tree etc?
It is a bugger because it looks great (I'll try and post some pics) I'm also toying with leaving it inflated and sitting it on a trailer which I guess would mean buying a trailer and then ..... storage problems, can't win!
I would be sad as owt to see it go as I waited a long time to get one and the time, effort and money put into this one I'll never get back at the current sale prices predicted ..... or change the car for a van! Oh!.... My wife now has her hands on her hips which may suggest that's a no no!
Anyhow, enough jabbering, I will have to wait and see.
Will let you know how I get on.
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Old 15 October 2017, 19:25   #5
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Just a quick question. Wheels... They don't happen to be Europa branded wheels are they? As mine are poo aswell.
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Old 15 October 2017, 19:45   #6
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Hi rossy,
I was told they were a brand called tr*m....... but after looking on the web at the pics I soon realised they may well have been the ones you said!
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Old 15 October 2017, 19:50   #7
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I was left with no choice but to modify mine to take 10mm shaft locking pins. I now have less movement and much easier to get the pins in and out.
Was gutting to find after spending so much on a brand new t38 and fitting those wheels they didn't work to my expectation.

A few options I thought for you

Folding road trailer?
Or even small erde trailer takes up less space and can use it for tip runs well
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Old 15 October 2017, 20:11   #8
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Ha ha, rossy that's funny! I did exactly the same, drilled out the holes put some stainless round bar on the lathe and made some lockable pins then tig welded a little chain to the brackets so I didn't lose them in the sea, I even put more holes in and 2x8mm stainless bolts for launching then just used the 2 pins for on the water..... anyway, which has never happened! Although I now have no movement on the legs when nipped up for launching, the worse than useless bushes and play in the axles make it just waddle..... absolutely sh*te .... my next mission was to buy some bigger bearinged wheels and sleeve the existing axles to take them but alas enough is enough, they do work but I'm a bit of a perfectionist and in hindsight I would have joined this forum, read the threads and bought the original!
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Old 15 October 2017, 20:11   #9
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+1 for the erde trailer stands on its end leave the boat a bit then go back to it and try again you will be suprised.
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Old 15 October 2017, 20:21   #10
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You're both right about the erde trailer, problem is? I tow a caravan, I have the current inflatable boat and engine in the car along with my wife and son and trundle off on our hols. Great!!!
We are now considering taking two cars all the way down to Cornwall in summer but when priced up its crazy.
For local seaside and lake romps the trailer would be perfect I may just consider that..... and thanks, sound advice.
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Old 15 October 2017, 20:26   #11
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Roof rack?
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Old 15 October 2017, 20:28   #12
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Tony re value. If I understand correctly you bought this newish Honwave with an undiagnosed leak. I'm guessing you bought it cheaply because of this. Now you have established the leak is proving impossible to trace so I'd say you out to be prepared to sell it for about half what you paid.
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Old 15 October 2017, 20:29   #13
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You've made a good choice to seek opinions now before its to late lol back in the day I spent to much money trying to save cheap sibs i had brought and the reason they were cheap was because they were at the end if their life lol I could have brought a new sib a few times over with the money I spent saving old ones but the projects did give me a lot of sib experience such as regluing and transom replacements etc! I still now buy the odd sib and restore and customise them, have a look at my other restoration posts to give you some ideas and if you've nothing to do over the winter you could get that honwave restored, modded and ready for spring bidding fever lol
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