Hi moorsman

..for what its worth .. my own thoughts on the matter of which brand of outboard or type of exhaust on a small outboard gives best performance .. The differences are barely noticeable when comparing same HP size or a couple of inches in boat size and I doubt you will notice much difference ... unless you mark out a mile course and take the best as being a couple of yards in front of the other
Example my Frib 2.75 with its 6HP is the exactly same speed as my brothers Frib 330 size powered by its 6HP..and believe me .. we have often tried to outdo each other in races. We sometimes swap over boats and even outboards .. with much the same results.. which is neck and neck and mood dependant.
So my thought if you decide to Go Loco down in Acapulco .. is
You'll be pulling out your hair, drowning in despair
With a whole lot of nothing on your way to nowhere
The best way I know for anyone to get more performance out of their 6HP and smallish boat is to go on a crash diet as that does make a difference especially to the hole shot .
I know after 2 months in lockdown..my boat will be a bit sluggish until I loose a pile of boredom blubber. Im hoping I can find out .. at the start of next month as our nervous FM cant find the key to unlock Scotland’s coast yet.