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Old 01 May 2016, 15:17   #1
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3rd new aerotec

Think I had mentioned that bombard had been in contact offering to deliver me a brand new and perfect aerotec. Paid through a dealer but bombard would send their UK representative to deliver and allow me to inspect. It took a while to get organised. Though they had a couple of boats in stock they wanted one checked carefully at each stage, at the factory, by the dealer, by the UK representative and finally by me.

John (the representation) came down the other week, boat looked good, he went through correct set up which was useful. Floor fitted well, I had a good look round and no patches or marks. I did notice some welded seams that didn't look as tidy as I'd have expected but nothing to worry about, I can be picky!

All set to give an aerotec a go at last, late tide near me today, thought I'd give it a dry run set up before leaving. Launch wheels can't be fitted, as metal trim doesn't line up with the hole the bolt goes through!!
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Old 01 May 2016, 16:23   #2
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>>> Launch wheels can't be fitted, as metal trim doesn't line up with the hole the bolt goes through!!

Do you mean the threaded tapping in OE Bombard wheels doesn't line up with the OE hole?

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Old 01 May 2016, 16:46   #3
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Originally Posted by SeanKent View Post
Launch wheels can't be fitted, as metal trim doesn't line up with the hole the bolt goes through!!

Do you mean the fixed washer inside the transom is out of alignment with the hole.
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Old 01 May 2016, 16:46   #4
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Originally Posted by Fenlander View Post
>>> Launch wheels can't be fitted, as metal trim doesn't line up with the hole the bolt goes through!!

Do you mean the threaded tapping in OE Bombard wheels doesn't line up with the OE hole?

I can't find a way to upload picture from my phone, is there a way?
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Old 01 May 2016, 16:50   #5
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Originally Posted by chipko View Post
Do you mean the fixed washer inside the transom is out of alignment with the hole.
Attachment 112316
That's it, it's over to one side covering the whole, are they screwed on or are those just like finishing nails? It's only a bit out so moving might not be possible, too close to original hole. Maybe just drill it.

Bloody annoying, especially after last two!
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Old 01 May 2016, 17:12   #6
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Don't know for sure, look like pinned to me. Re - fix rotated through 90deg if only slightly out.
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Old 01 May 2016, 17:20   #7
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Are we talking OE Zodiac wheels... because they will swing in an arc once located on the bottom tab... does it not line up at all by jiggling it about?

The worse I've had is where they will go but a bit tight on the threads so just drilled the hole out another mm or so.
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Old 01 May 2016, 18:48   #8
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Original zodiac wheels, I need to check if hole in transom lines up with hole on wheel, guess it will but at the moment getting the bolt through the hole in the transom is the issue as that washer is partially covering the hole. never expected to have to bodge/fix q new boat, not really happy about it.
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Old 01 May 2016, 19:47   #9
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>>> washer is partially covering the hole

Ahh understood. Annoying but not too bad then.
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Old 03 May 2016, 10:47   #10
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Originally Posted by Fenlander View Post
>>> washer is partially covering the hole

Ahh understood. Annoying but not too bad then.
No its not that bad but this is 3/3 for Zodiac and highlights their inability to get quality right.

It may only be minor but I find it really frustrating that it's been over 2 months now since originally buying an Aerotec, I've been delivered two faulty ones and then the third needs bodging in order to use it !

Zodiac needs to sort themselves out.
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Old 03 May 2016, 11:12   #11
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>>>Zodiac needs to sort themselves out.

Certainly in the quality of some SIBs they supply to the UK. You might remember that mine supplied last summer had a problem with the floor which needed replacing. That took almost 4mths before every last aspect was resolved and in truth had it been any other SIB where I could have swapped to something the same in another brand I'd have gone straight for the dealer refund and done just that.

However we were in for the long term so stuck with it... now it's in use... the hassle well behind us... and I'm happy there are no other build issues... then it's a rewarding SIB to own.

I often wonder if there is any patent on the exact Aerotec design. I mean once you have the concept the build can't cost that much more than many other SIB designs surely. For example if Honwave can produce the 380 air floor to sell at just under £1000 (best price I could see) could they make an Aerotec clone to sell for no more than £300 more to allow for the separate V air floor? At £1000 cheaper than the Aerotec it I reckon it would be a top seller.
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Old 03 May 2016, 14:03   #12
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Originally Posted by SeanKent View Post
No its not that bad but this is 3/3 for Zodiac and highlights their inability to get quality right.

It may only be minor but I find it really frustrating that it's been over 2 months now since originally buying an Aerotec, I've been delivered two faulty ones and then the third needs bodging in order to use it !

Zodiac needs to sort themselves out.

Quite agree SeanKent, at these prices quality control should be perfect. You do seem to have been rather unlucky though....full marks for sticking with the product. Probably best sorting this little niggle out yourself as who knows what defect the next boat may have.
I also put some A4 ss washers on the outside as well to protect transom when/if wheels are fixed up when underway.
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Views:	197
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ID:	112335
Hope you manage to sort washers out. Next thing to sort, when you eventually get on the water, will be the dreaded Aerotec transom splash. 😳
Good luck, and hope you enjoy your new boat.
PS. Not much consolation, but personally didn't think your first Aerotec looked too bad - mine had lots of crease stress marks in the outer layer from new. Seem a bit prone to these, and they don't disappear totally, but are only aesthetic.
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Old 03 May 2016, 14:21   #13
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I get that the design of the Aerotec is quite unique in the Sib world and there are a lot of folks on here who love them.
They do seem to be a bit of the marmite phenomenon though.
Personally I wouldn't touch one with a barge pole now.
Firstly they are vastly over priced.
There seem to be a lot of issues regarding quality control - even new from the factory.
Glue failure and the infamous transom splash etc
I owned a Plastimo Sib prior to my current Honwave.
It was built in France like the Bombard and a good bit more expensive than my Honwave.
There were areas on it that needed reglued before I sold it on.
Comparing the two anyone would have said the Honwave was the more robust and most expensive.
What are the French doing wrong????
Fenlander I couldn't agree more - if Honwave or Seago or another Chinese Sib manufacturer were to successfully clone an Aerotec and pitch it at around a grand new I would snap 1 up.
It would also be the last nail in the aerotec coffin.
I don't understand why the chinese haven't copied it. I know through years of motorcycle ownership that the Chinese literally clone the motorcycles of the leading Japanese manufacturers and get away with it. Sibs are much less complex than a motorcycle...
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Old 03 May 2016, 17:28   #14
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Does any one know what an aerotec will do top speed with a 25hp 4st on 1 up 25lts fuel bit of kit say top end weight of 200 kg might be two up since boat is light weight.
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Old 03 May 2016, 17:40   #15
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3rd new aerotec

They are light but somewhat draggy - poor water exit off the transom probably the culprit. 24/25 mph tops for mine on a good day lightly loaded with Suzuki 20.
With another 20 odd kilos on the 25 probably only a couple of mph in it - more hole shot though.
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Old 03 May 2016, 18:02   #16
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Now then Jeff what mischief are you planning?
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Old 03 May 2016, 20:49   #17
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Using GPS speedo on my phone last year managed 28mph on Loch Lomond, but was running a mid 80s Johnson 2st 30hp,,,,,, up front steering and remotes,,, Had swapped the prop from a 10-15 (25/26mph) to a 10-13 28mph.That was just me with minimal weight.

This year using a nearly brand new Tohatsu 2st 25hp,,,, two up, 20lt fuel and stuff for the day managed 25mph. That's from the tiller.
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Old 04 May 2016, 10:47   #18
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Originally Posted by chipko View Post
Quite agree SeanKent, at these prices quality control should be perfect. You do seem to have been rather unlucky though....full marks for sticking with the product. Probably best sorting this little niggle out yourself as who knows what defect the next boat may have.
I also put some A4 ss washers on the outside as well to protect transom when/if wheels are fixed up when underway.
Attachment 112335
Hope you manage to sort washers out. Next thing to sort, when you eventually get on the water, will be the dreaded Aerotec transom splash. 😳
Good luck, and hope you enjoy your new boat.
PS. Not much consolation, but personally didn't think your first Aerotec looked too bad - mine had lots of crease stress marks in the outer layer from new. Seem a bit prone to these, and they don't disappear totally, but are only aesthetic.
It wasn't a crease on the first boat, it had started to delaminated/had been nicked and glued.

I spoke to Bombard yesterday and they suggested that I fixed it myself. They are just like nails, levering them out bent them a bit and the washer is a bit buckled but at least I can now fit launch wheels. I'd never ask one of my customers to fix one of my mistakes (I would never have sent out such poor quality products in the first place mind). Bombard seems to blame their dealers for everything, it was the dealers fault that I got the first two (according to Bombard) as they should have checked and rejected them. When I spoke to them yesterday, part of their response was, that if they had a decent dealer network the dealers would rectify this kind of thing before it gets to the customer.

How did you fit the washers to the outside ?

I'm dreading the splash ! lol Think it may have been you that posted a really good post on this not too long ago, will go through some threads and try to find it.

I wish someone had made a similar boat, I would have switched brands, think Zodiacs quality doesn't match their pricing and the customer experience is piss poor !

Hopefully all this will be forgotten once out on the water.

Fenlander - they've used the old white and blue rubbing strip by the way.

I will take some decent pictures over the next week or so and post them for everyone to see.
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Old 04 May 2016, 10:51   #19
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Sorry, I can see how you fixed them in the picture, did you buy the washer with the two holes already there ?
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Old 04 May 2016, 11:08   #20
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I'm surprised you stuck with it, I think I'd have been off running after the first couple of boats... Hope you enjoy her in the water when you finally get there!
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