Originally Posted by HighlandR
Kaman thanks for they pics, I can see myself using your trailer as a building block on converting this bike trailer here. The pole to hold the bow up for draining is a nice touch
Are the bunks level with the road, or are they set on slight incline to lift the nose preventing build up of water while sitting in garden or being towed in the rain etc ?
Having sold the other 3.8 sib ( the one with the 2 chamber issue !! ) I've managed to get my hands on a slightly newer, deal has been done and now have a zodiac 4.2 - just been delivered today.
The main reason for buying this was that it is hypalon and has 5 chambers instead of 2 ( no thoughts of putting foam balls inside the tubes now !  )
also being slightly bigger the deck space should be more comfortable, and it seems to be a good quality boat.
The floor is ply coated with grp - which is pretty heavy, but not much heavier than the old floor that was in the 3.8 so can't complain !
The boat is pretty heavy... that is the only downside i can see so far, however I don't think it will be too heavy to manage on the large pair of transom wheels, also wonder if it will get on a plane with just the 15hp - but I'll find out soon enough !
what are your thoughts on the boat guys ?
I've never seen this model before - since it is an older boat will it be possible to find out more details/ specs etc from the serial number ?
such as weight, max HP, year of manufacture etc....
How does this boat compare against other sibs out there ?
If money was no object I'd have went bought a newer Bombard or futura like most of you guys have here but for an older boat - so far it looks to be just fine for us to go fishing - safe enough to go a mile or so off the coast?
Hi the bunks are mounted level in relation to the trailer bed.
I cover the Sib over when not in use with a Honwave cover and an old tarp on top.
This set up keeps the inside of the sib bone dry and shields it from harmful UV rays.
I tow the Sib most often with the custom made Honwave cover on it.
It fits and ties on tightly.
Thereafter I use two thick 6 tonne ratchet straps over the Sib and cover to help secure it to the trailer and stop the cover coming off.
When I go to my caravan I use the Sib as a make shift trailer as the Tohatsu 20hp outboard claims most of the boot space.
All sorts go inside it safe and dry under the cover.
Even had the kids bikes and scooters and a microwave inside it lol!!
Sib looks neat!
It sure looks robust enough.
I borrowed and used a 15hp Yamaha on my honwave before I bought my Tohatsu 20.
It won't be that much lighter than you Sib and 15hp planed it fine.