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Old 12 September 2009, 15:33   #1
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A RIB or an inflatable keel

I'm looking to upgrade my Zodiac 2.6m which has an inflatable keel to a Zodiac 2.5m RIB. The boat will be used for getting ashore from my powerboat. I really want to get it up on the plane. I'm torn between upgrading the current 4hp to a 6hp or 8hp. However, I don't think the 6hp will get it up on the plane and the 8 is above the maximum power recommendation.

I've seen a really nice little 2.5m RIB with a folding transom. This would fit perfectly on the bathing platform or in the engine bay. The max rated outboard is a 8hp. Would it plane with an 8hp?

My other dilema is that I need to keep the engine weight down because I'll need to manually lift it on and off while the boat is bobbing about! My 4hp is 4 stroke and weights 23Kg. Most 4 stroke 8hps weigh the same as 10hps, ie around 38Kg! So sound I just by a 10hp? Also, there are still a few 2 strokes about - I've seen a 10hp 2 stroke Tohatsu that only weighs 27Kg.

Your thoughts please!
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Old 12 September 2009, 15:47   #2
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I've just posted on another thread about the Tohatsu 9.8 2-stroke which I have. Best power/weight ratio outboard for a small sib/RIB.

Yes I'm pretty sure a 6 or 8hp will get you on the plane one up with any inflatable under 3m... there are loads of Youtube videos showing that.

Why not just upgrade to another inflatable keel sib that will take 10hp?

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Old 13 September 2009, 17:04   #3
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Nashers little ones have SIB that seems to do what you want, might be worth a pm?
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Old 14 September 2009, 10:42   #4
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 154
Thanks for the advice.

I'm currently thinking of a 2.7m Honwave, because it has a high pressure (10psi) V floor/keel. My current 2.6m Zodiac only has a low pressure floor/keel. An alternative would be the Zodiac Cadet Fastroller 2.85m Acti-V, but this is a little too long.

Does anyone have an opinion/experience of the Seago TSR270?

Any suggestions where I can get the best buy on a Honwave?

Finally, where can I find a new 10hp 2 stroke outboard!?!?!
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