I've been an ocd freak boating it up in the back garden calculating my typical payload weight.
48kg Sib with wheels/brackets etc around 6kg and a near 3kg engine riser (it's tricky trying to weigh properly)
39kg Engine (I assumed 37kilo before) maybe the foils weigh abit!
1.5kg Oars
16.5kg Boat bench, seat (6.5kg) and bag with pump, socket set, extra clothes, bt speaker and some ginger biscuits to prevent me being seasick pahaha
10kg Fuel usually
2kg runner rug
6.5kg flexi bucket with 2.5kg anchor/rope/chain, drogue, net, life jacket
6.5kg tackle bag
6.85kg battery box with 2x 7ah bats/fish finder/radio/repair and service kits inside
Total 135kg ish!
Finally the idiot in control (me) weighs 83kg, the cheeky gets in the manual suggest each person is assumed at 75kg lol. Although Blippi on the absolute king of seats don't look it haha. 85kg with normal clothes and trainers, fair bit more if wearing waders
Total payload around 220kg
Didn't take long and was stressing the outboard engine riser I made by moving the sib about on the grass.