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Old 14 June 2009, 09:49   #1
Country: UK - England
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Advice on choosing a rig.........please!!!!!!

I would appreciate some advice....

I have just purchased a beach hut and would like an inflatable or RIB to use off of Southend, in the Thames Estuary.

I am not looking to go out that far, and being an estuary, I would not be expecting to use it on very choppy water.

It will likely only ever carry 2/3 people max, but more likely only myself and my son. My priorities are as follows:

1. Good build quality, ie something that will last and not continually punture (will be launched on and off shingle beach).

2. Can get up to 20/25 MPH (I do not want to tow anything, but would just like the ability to have a fast ride if wanted).

3. Be managable by one person ie one person can get boat off of a trailer, and carry the engine (not at the same time!!!!!)

4. Reliable !!!!!

5. Budget about £1500 - £2000

I have seen loads of used rigs on ebay etc, but there always seems to be something wrong, eg nice RIB, but engine is too big or small... Decent weight/power engine, but boat is some make I have never heard of!

So I feel, that whilst I do not really want to buy new, due to cost, I feel my best option would be to go for a new boat of the right type, and seek advice on this, and what would be the best s/h outboard to match with it.....

I would value any help anyone can give......assuming you have the time to read all of the above....


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Old 14 June 2009, 09:57   #2
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Go for a SIB not a RIB. You'll get a nice SIB within your budget. You'll barely get a rib at all for sub £2k.
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Old 14 June 2009, 10:27   #3
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Originally Posted by YellowDuck View Post
I would appreciate some advice....

I have just purchased a beach hut and would like an inflatable or RIB to use off of Southend, in the Thames Estuary.

I am not looking to go out that far, and being an estuary, I would not be expecting to use it on very choppy water.

It will likely only ever carry 2/3 people max, but more likely only myself and my son. My priorities are as follows:

1. Good build quality, ie something that will last and not continually punture (will be launched on and off shingle beach).

2. Can get up to 20/25 MPH (I do not want to tow anything, but would just like the ability to have a fast ride if wanted).

3. Be managable by one person ie one person can get boat off of a trailer, and carry the engine (not at the same time!!!!!)

4. Reliable !!!!!

5. Budget about £1500 - £2000

I have seen loads of used rigs on ebay etc, but there always seems to be something wrong, eg nice RIB, but engine is too big or small... Decent weight/power engine, but boat is some make I have never heard of!

So I feel, that whilst I do not really want to buy new, due to cost, I feel my best option would be to go for a new boat of the right type, and seek advice on this, and what would be the best s/h outboard to match with it.....

I would value any help anyone can give......assuming you have the time to read all of the above....


Hi ya mate ,i would say reading between your lines if you are after a speed of 20/25 mph ,don t know that in knots ,then you are gonna be wanting atleast a 10 h/p outboard maybe more? you will need a good quality sib recomended to take the weight ,bearing in mind what type of flooring you go for alloy /wood can be heavy but manageable ,air deck light ,but if you plan fishing then better off with a hard deck ,avon sibs are nice zodiac aswell ,but can be expensive there are some good ones on e,bay if you know what to look for ,but buying secound hand especialy the o/b ,well you got to see it running or test it out ,if you could get the o/b new and look out for a good condition sib ,thats what i would do,a new engine should not let you down and be gaurenteed for repair,transom wheels are a godsend over shingle ,well the pump up tyre ones are ,my little sib can be darn heavy when bringing her back out of the water and thats only a 3.3 o/b and 2.70 sib,mind you all wood floor with a heavy duty anti slip mat, batts,electric gear aswell but we do get it up the beach ,,,,,,,,,good luck on what you decide ,ther be some cracking people on here with excellent advice who im sure will come along ,happy sibbing ,HERES MINE ,i know weres the bow gone,lol ,in from fishing, its more tidy then this honest ,lol
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Old 14 June 2009, 10:30   #4
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If you've got access to launch it, I'd buy GraemeCooper's Sr4. It's in the 'for sales' right now for £2000.
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Old 14 June 2009, 11:15   #5
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by YellowDuck View Post
I would appreciate some advice....

I have just purchased a beach hut and would like an inflatable or RIB to use off of Southend, in the Thames Estuary.

I am not looking to go out that far, and being an estuary, I would not be expecting to use it on very choppy water.

It will likely only ever carry 2/3 people max, but more likely only myself and my son. My priorities are as follows:

1. Good build quality, ie something that will last and not continually punture (will be launched on and off shingle beach).

2. Can get up to 20/25 MPH (I do not want to tow anything, but would just like the ability to have a fast ride if wanted).

3. Be managable by one person ie one person can get boat off of a trailer, and carry the engine (not at the same time!!!!!)

4. Reliable !!!!!

5. Budget about £1500 - £2000

I have seen loads of used rigs on ebay etc, but there always seems to be something wrong, eg nice RIB, but engine is too big or small... Decent weight/power engine, but boat is some make I have never heard of!

So I feel, that whilst I do not really want to buy new, due to cost, I feel my best option would be to go for a new boat of the right type, and seek advice on this, and what would be the best s/h outboard to match with it.....

I would value any help anyone can give......assuming you have the time to read all of the above....



Thanks Guys.....I have posted this in the SIB forum as it is more appropriate there....Cheers!!

< Edit: I've merged the two threads JK >
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Old 14 June 2009, 13:05   #6
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"3. Be managable by one person ie one person can get boat off of a trailer, and carry the engine (not at the same time!!!!!)"

What does that actually mean in pounds (or Kgs)? For some people, a 50 hp 2 stroke carb'd Tohatsu (~155 lbs) or Yamaha (~ 170 lbs) would fall into that category, for others a 10 hp 4 stroke (~ 100) may be the upper limit.

If using a trailer, 1 person can easily manage a pretty large SIB with a Mid range outboard on the back. Will the boat & motor stay setup on the trailer throughout the boating season, then taken down at the end of the season? If this is the case, then having a buddy help you with the end of season takedown will give you a wider range of outboard choices.

Also, in keeping to a target budget, don't give up on the used market. Keep tuned in to the used listings, particularly with regard to the outboards. Good used 2 strokes at reasonable prices should be out there - especially if you get the word out. Ask around at the local marine areas. With regard to use SIBs, if it is a bit older, make certain that it is hypalon rather than PVC.
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Old 14 June 2009, 23:43   #7
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You won't go far wrong with a R310 (10') Avon SIB and a 10hp 2 stroke outboard. £1500 would get you something a couple of years old. Good fun and easy to carry up the beach to your hut.
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Old 15 June 2009, 08:17   #8
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Martin , Hiya

" I am not looking to go out that far, and being an estuary, I would not be expecting to use it on very choppy water. "

Please do not under estimate just how rough it can get in the Thames Estuary , especially in " wind over tide " conditions for small boats and sibs . Tides are over seven metres and currents can flow rapidly even on " nice weather " days .I believe that there has already been at least one fatality of an experienced fisherman in the Estuary in the last six months .

If you are not already properly trained , please think about doing a PB2 course and VHF radio as a minimum . ( Sorry to be bore if this does not apply , but safety first especially if young families are involved )

There's lots of fun to be had out there , but it ain't no mill pond
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Old 15 June 2009, 09:47   #9
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If you're thinking the area by Southend, Don't buy a rib - you'll get about half an hour either side of High water when you can use it! (deep V & flat mud not a good combo!)

Also seriously think about transom wheels & a lightweight engine - when the tide goes out there very quickly appears a LOT of mud to carry anything across.......
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Old 15 June 2009, 13:33   #10
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Originally Posted by 9D280 View Post
If you're thinking the area by Southend, Don't buy a rib - you'll get about half an hour either side of High water when you can use it! (deep V & flat mud not a good combo!)
Funny .. I was just about to suggest a light-weight RIB like our Zodiac Zoom (Avon Riblite or Bombard AX500 both very similar). I was just wondering if the very shallow hull would be too shallow!

I'm pretty sure these very light RIBs run faster and cleaner than an inflatable, but would need fairly flat water to go fast.

Tony S
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Old 16 June 2009, 18:59   #11
Country: UK - England
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Thanks Guys.....

You know how sometimes you make a decision on impulse...... Problem I have found is that things dont hang araound for be decisive!!!

Now I am sure, based on what some of you have commented about the tidal thames, I may have made a mistake, but if so, I will sell it on and try something else....but, for the time being......

I have just purchased a 2007 Walker Bay Genesis 3.1m, with a 2007 Mariner 15hp 2 stroke, (both hardly used), and trailer, for £1800.

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Old 16 June 2009, 21:14   #12
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Martin , Have a look at the boatlaunch website for some sheltered start points such as two tree island or even the Wat Tyler Country Park . I'm sure you haven't made a mistake , just go carefully , use your loaf and make sure everyone has a decent life jacket & warm kit . Please do think about the training though ! Bern .
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Old 16 June 2009, 21:16   #13
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Sounds fine to me - I have a 3.1m with a 15hp 4 stroke and have crossed 25 miles of open sea on a nice day - and back again of course!!!

Is it hypalon or PVC - I see they do both.

And get some proper transom wheels unless you use the trailer all the time.
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