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Old 15 June 2022, 17:53   #21
Country: UK - England
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Thanks for all the advice and directions to look in.

Max ;- I have order the Inflatables by Pike, Dag I look forward to reading it, This is why I am asking about the condones to go out in as there no way I want to be panicking and not to enjoy being out there, Getting on a bit now so smoother the better

Blankton ;-
Managed to get it on my Mobil OK, what does the green, amber, red mean is this like a traffic light system, green good to go with red is no go.
Had a quick look at the yachtingworld link, luckily having a Sib no keel and can go in peaty shallow water so hopefully no problem there as looking at the Navionics there are a lot of shallow areas at low tide.

GuyC ;- Good bit of advice if all goes well and I get out there will make a quick U-turn and then spend a minute heading back towards home see what I am up against.
I will take into account what's you said, I have a pack of flares that I got when I bought the boat, so will look at a PLB another day as wont be going out too far until I have a lot of confidence.
On my Mobil I have SAFETRX Installed just in case as you must have a VHF Radio Certificate to carry one in Spain so will have to take a course when back in UK.

Fenlander ;- Will take your advice and try to get back in before I get too far out.
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Old 15 June 2022, 18:08   #22
Country: UK - England
Town: Northwich
Make: Elling
Length: 3m +
Engine: Orca 9.8 4 stroke
Join Date: Feb 2020
Posts: 166
Blankton On the MSW forecast it has today, Surf 2 ft, Swell 9s, wind NW, Wind 11mph, taking into account NW is offshore with this reading what would you make of it.
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Old 16 June 2022, 05:41   #23
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 170
Take a VHF with you regardless of whether you have the ticket or not. You're still allowed to use it in an emergency.

In my opinion a VHF DSC handheld is possibly the most important piece of safety kit if you're going any meaningful distance from land on a SIB.
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Old 16 June 2022, 08:07   #24
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This is all brilliant advice from some very experienced people. The only other thing I would add is that it is sometimes difficult not to respond to pressure from friends or family, especially if they have travelled for their boat ride, just because the sun is out and it would "probably" be ok. Like someone said earlier...there's always another day.
Round here, any wind at all from the East and we are going nowhere...sun or no sun.
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Old 16 June 2022, 17:27   #25
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Sibfisher - this is the other book I'd recommend; Paul Glatzel's RYA Powerboat Handbook. It's effectively the accompaniment to the PB2 course but a very good read regardless and very clearly laid out and illustrated - all you'll need to know to get started:

Lastly I like Reeds Skippers Handbook - small and handy to carry and dip into.

Add these to Dag Pike and go out and practise all the stuff and you'll be a pro in no time.
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Old 16 June 2022, 17:52   #26
Country: UK - England
Town: Northwich
Make: Elling
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Engine: Orca 9.8 4 stroke
Join Date: Feb 2020
Posts: 166
tehguy ;- I will look at buying a VHF Radio later date at the moment just looking looking at fishing more inshore till I get used to my Sib.

Max;- Thanks for the updates on the books when I get back to the UK will look at them .

Voodoo ;- Good advice any wind at all from the East and we are going nowhere will keep a eye n that and take your recommendation
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Old 01 October 2023, 13:24   #27
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Renfrew
Boat name: 9504
Make: Halmatic
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Engine: D6-350
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Posts: 27
Weather Conditions

For all weather conditions from mundane to extreme, purchase a Pacific 22.

As the Pacific 22 test phrase went, you will crap it before the boat will, best selling point ever, not that i am bias in any way.

Everyone running for port, Pacific 22 just warming up.
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