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Old 30 November 2021, 12:51   #1
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Make: Bombard Aerotec 420
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Aerotec 380 / 420 seat width

I'd like to ask Aerotech owners - both 380 and 420:
Can you please tell me how wide is the seat on these boats?

And my other question, does it fit two people? (for reference I'm around 175 pounds, my girlfriend is around 140 pounds, we would be the ones using it).
I'm considering to pick up a 380 (or if I can get my hands on one, a 420) to replace my Fastroller 360 but I just recently realized that the space in the Aerotech 380 is much smaller - both narrower and shorter than in the Fastroller 360; and since we carry a lot of gear (use the boat for spearfishing/diving usually) I believe we could only fit everything if we use the seat together, installing a steering wheel, and use the space in the back of the boat for the gear. But looking at the images about Aerotecs, I'm not really sure that seat was meant to be used by two people. Please let me know what you think!
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Old 30 November 2021, 15:21   #2
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Hi and welcome to the forum.

The seat for the 380 is 76cm wide and I've always understood the 420 is just longer, no wider. Both of you would feel very tight and that would be a fair combined weight on what are just fabric patches supporting the seat.

Could you not just fit a second seat for the helm as I've done and pack around these two seating positions.

The Aerotec is 10cm narrower and 18cm shorter internally than the Fastroller 3.6 which I've also owned. One place the Aerotec does score in that the V hull gives it great depth internally in front of the standard seat which gives very secure storage for kit.
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Old 01 December 2021, 17:35   #3
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Make: Bombard Aerotec 420
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Thank you for the info Fenlander!

I may be wrong but according to my research the 420 is also wider so I would assume the seat is wider as well. Here's a comparison (the table was google translated from Greek that's why the labels are a little weird in some of the columns)

I considered a second seat but the dimensions of the gear we carry would make it impossible to fit it below the two seats, some stuff (eg the spearguns) are halfway in the boat/halfway resting on the tubes, and if I install a seat there then the guns would pretty much be in my lap at that point which would make for a very uncomfortable ride

Secure storage sounds good, my concern though (on top of the reduced amount of space) is things like diving fins/weight belts/whatnot all sliding down to the middle narrow part because of the v-sides of the bottom, resulting in even less useable space in the end. Which would become even more of a problem if I sit on a bench in the back because all these would end up right below or on right top of my feet. And I can't really see a good way to keep them in place on the sides of the floor..
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Old 01 December 2021, 21:33   #4
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>>>I may be wrong but according to my research the 420 is also wider so I would assume the seat is wider as well.

We could do with a pdf of an old brochure to be sure but in fact you could be correct. There is very little online but I did find one reference just now to the 420 being 6cm wider... and if so likely the seat would be too.
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Old 02 December 2021, 23:02   #5
Country: Other
Make: Bombard Aerotec 420
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Engine: Suzuki 20hp EFI
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Originally Posted by Fenlander View Post
We could do with a pdf of an old brochure to be sure
I tried posting some image of a specs table I found on some site but it didn't get posted for some reason, let me try it again

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