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Old 07 October 2017, 09:25   #1
Country: UK - England
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Aerotec floor

Hi all, those of you that have read my posts will know that I own the longer aerotec 420 and have done some fairly challenging offshore expeditions in her.

I want to keep her working long term so at some stage the transom and floor will recieve a reglue. However I'm not sure what to do about the airfloor. It was abused by a prevous owner and has had numerous patches carefully added by myself, all of which have worked just fine. I no longer store the floor rolled up, it now lives in the roof of my van, slightly inflated to keep it rigid. I'd like to do a complete makover on it though. Was thinking of removing all the existing patches and then gluing an extra layer of pvc over the entire thing. Maybe plus a layer of black non slip pvc matting on the tops too. Is there a pvc fabric available with a stretch to it that could deal with the corners and edges? All this might seem like overkill but seeing as I dont need to roll the floor up for storage anymore it kind of makes sense to me to go total overkill, considering the journeys I make on her. Thoughts?
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Old 07 October 2017, 13:54   #2
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>>>Was thinking of removing all the existing patches and then gluing an extra layer of pvc over the entire thing.

To my mind opening up the potential nightmare of one of the existing leaks weeping and inflating this extra skin like a balloon... or allowing a leak to travel under the second skin to emerge some distance away making tracing a nightmare.

I have found the floor as-is 100% fit for purpose and easily repaired patch by patch... and that's how I'd continue.... with just an overmat inside if you wish.

Remember compared with a Honwave air floor or similar you already have an extra skin on the underneath.
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Old 07 October 2017, 14:35   #3
Country: UK - England
Town: Bideford
Make: Bombard Aerotec
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Join Date: Aug 2014
Posts: 358
True Fenlander. Hadnt really condidered the cost of all that fabric either! Just looked on the net, it's very very expensive.

Taking her out tomorrow morning, got a rare day of light winds. Probably not lundy but might head up the exmoor coast. Big tides though so I'll have take care
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Old 08 October 2017, 14:47   #4
Country: UK - England
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I see what your after but if you glue a sheet of fabric on top that could pose serious problems down the line if you do get a leak, I would just find a sheet that fits exact then just tuck it in. I like the interlocking foam matts they do a good job and stay put just fit hem snug.
Patch wise if they are ok leave alone it's not broke no need to fix AIMO
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