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Old 21 June 2015, 20:59   #1
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Aerotec mods coming together

Went out today despite the forecast of quite strong winds and showers. The plan was to hug the coastline at low water looking for future bass and sea trout haunts. I took a couple of rods but didn't get much chance to use them as once i got out of the harbour the wind was making the drift very fast and its easy to imagine how far you could be blown if you had engine failure and no anchor. No problem as i was keen to do a bit of cruising to search for future marks.
I was about two miles from the harbour heading North and just got round the headland when the heavens opened and the rain and wind were a hideous combination hitting me head on which was so bad it made me turn around and go very slowly back towards the harbour.
The recently made spray dodger was working overtime and although still not quite yet finished and not looking very pretty it proved its worth keeping the aux and fishing gear relatively dry.

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ID:	106287

Decided not to head North after the rain had stopped as the wind was making progress very slow and so decided to stay in the more sheltered area and test the aux which is secured on the little seat in the bow. I have modified the transom, fitting a 1" baton and adding extra bits of ply which lets me push the mariner 15hp to the side and fit the 2.5hp.

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ID:	106288

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ID:	106289

Its a tight squeeze and i had to take the tiller arm off the 2.5 and steer with the handle but with 15mph winds and low 20mph gusts offshore the 2.5hp worked very well. Don't get me wrong i know against a strong tide it would be more of a struggle but its fine for the area I fish in Northumberland.

I did get one codling on the way back in but it was about 2lb and went back for another day.

All in all even though i hardly fished it was still a great day, learning all of the time.
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ID:	106286  
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Old 22 June 2015, 07:10   #2
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Not sure how well it will work once you move the
Engine to the side, but some people prefer to leave the main engine down, fix the Aux dead ahead and steer using the main leg as a rudder.
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Old 22 June 2015, 07:31   #3
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I keep seeing posts for these spray dodgers but I don't see how they can be effective in typical UK conditions (this year at least) - yesterday force 4/5.

Driving the boat as normal off the starboard side and at many times having to tack against the waves to make effective progress then each time a big wave slaps the front/side of the boat a bucketful comes right in diagonally midships over the tube into your face. The front of a Aerotec is pretty deep and well protected but this is not really where the water comes in when tackling big (for a SIB) seas IME. My son was in the front deep section and stayed virtually bone dry, meanwhile I was as wet as one of the deckhands in an Extreme Fishing docu...
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Old 22 June 2015, 12:20   #4
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Good point Poly, will try that, Cheers. Was going to use a makeshift tiller but that might save me a job.
Agreed Max the Aerotec is quite a dry ride when on the move but it was peeing down at one point and my gear under the cover remained relatively dry. Think ill call mine a rain dodger, and i was pleased i had it yesterday.
I fish from mine and have fitted ( copied ) the coin matting from your post. It was a pita to fit and mine aint perfect but it gives a lot more confidence in lifting fish over the side and onto the deck ( good call ).
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Old 22 June 2015, 12:36   #5
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Cheers Steve, and apologies if the post seemed pessimistic, always interesting to see SIB mods regardless. Have you measured the top speed with GPS in yours? - interested to compare as we have the same outfit.
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Old 22 June 2015, 12:37   #6
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but it gives a lot more confidence in lifting fish over the side and onto the deck

We always land the fish straight into a trug;

then unhook them.
It helps keep the boat clean and safe from stray hooks.
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Old 22 June 2015, 15:55   #7
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Max, valid point about the cover. If the conditions look iffy then i will put it on if ok then no need. I would prefer not to use it if i dont have to, just something else to pack. I have measured about 18 knots on MX mariner. Its fast enough but would love to try a 25hp on it, but for how much top end use it would get i think i would get sick of lugging it around.

I used the exact method Stray before i fitted the matting but having the matting is like having a huge bucket to aim for and pleanty of room to sort out the fish especially if you are feathering or in a slight bit chop. But if it works for you then great. I am trying to get as much gear off the deck to give myself as much room as poss. The fuel tank is possibly the next thing, the bladders are a bit expensive though. I saw a post i think about having a bladder system under the false floor, now i would be on for that.
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