06 September 2014, 15:55
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Aerotec performance
Aerotec 4.2 with a 30 hp Mariner, what sort of top speed should I be expecting, had it out twice and made sure floor pressure is good but am guestimating only about 18 knots, was expecting more?
06 September 2014, 16:32
Country: UK - England
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Make: Aerotec 380
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You should get more than that for sure but guestimating speed is really impossible - check it with a GPS.
06 September 2014, 17:27
Country: UK - England
Town: Cornwall
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Posts: 1,518
there were two of us onboard and I'd be surprised if we were more than a couple of knots out, what's the consensus on predicted top end?
06 September 2014, 17:33
Country: UK - England
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I'd expect more speed. I get 18 in my Honwave 3.5 AE with a 20 hp Tohatsu 4 stroke with 5 of us in!
06 September 2014, 17:53
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I can do 18 to 20 in my 3.8m with 15hp 2st with just me, I don't think you will see much over 20 with 2 up in yours! Not having a flat bottom like most sibs means it is not going to be as fast!
Member of the Ribeye supporters club!!!
Member of Bombard 380 Aerotec club
Member of SR4 club
06 September 2014, 18:27
Country: Finland
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Originally Posted by Kernow Buoy
Aerotec 4.2 with a 30 hp Mariner, what sort of top speed should I be expecting, had it out twice and made sure floor pressure is good but am guestimating only about 18 knots, was expecting more?
I had an Aeroteck 4.2 and a 25HP tohatsu, topped 26-27 knots when loaded very, very light and flat conditions. On the otherhand did a few longer trips with me and 2 teen girls + camping gear, then the speed was about 21 knots , not WOT but at maybe 90% throttle.
The 4.2 is pretty hard to get running fast as the shape of the V before transom is kind of wrong. I lifted the transom height about 40 mm as the 2ST Tohatsu L rig is longer than standard engines. It was surprisingly seaworthy but think the hull design works better in speed slower than 20 knots. What pitch prop do You have?
fun on a boat is inversely proportional to size...sort of anyway
06 September 2014, 19:24
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Kernow Buoy
Aerotec 4.2 with a 30 hp Mariner, what sort of top speed should I be expecting, had it out twice and made sure floor pressure is good but am guestimating only about 18 knots, was expecting more?
WTF have you bought now?!
You need help sunshine. Is there a self help group? Boatsandoutboardsanon?
"Hi, my name is Jeff and I cant stop buying........
06 September 2014, 19:43
Country: UK - England
Town: Cornwall
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Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 1,518
Originally Posted by Mollers
WTF have you bought now?!
You need help sunshine. Is there a self help group? Boatsandoutboardsanon?
"Hi, my name is Jeff and I cant stop buying........ 
Ah, enter the storm bringer
s'pose I was lucky to get this far without being rumbled, right, I had a genuine need for a good size quick launching quick Sib so there, simple.
I may however struggle to explain the the 'other' one
06 September 2014, 19:47
Country: UK - England
Town: Cornwall
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Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 1,518
Originally Posted by C-NUMB
I had an Aeroteck 4.2 and a 25HP tohatsu, topped 26-27 knots when loaded very, very light and flat conditions. On the otherhand did a few longer trips with me and 2 teen girls + camping gear, then the speed was about 21 knots , not WOT but at maybe 90% throttle.
The 4.2 is pretty hard to get running fast as the shape of the V before transom is kind of wrong. I lifted the transom height about 40 mm as the 2ST Tohatsu L rig is longer than standard engines. It was surprisingly seaworthy but think the hull design works better in speed slower than 20 knots. What pitch prop do You have?
Cheers guys, interesting, I was thinking mid 20's or so, prop wise I don't know the pitch, there's not a mark anywhere on the current one, on the top trim hole if I open the throttle it just rev's merrily away and spins without planing, third hole down it planes very quickly but wot looks to only about 4200-4400, engine height looks OK. If I was replacing the prop I'd be after something like a 13"?
06 September 2014, 20:51
Country: UK - England
Town: Mighty Penryn
Boat name: Little Joe.
Make: Avon Searider
Length: 4m +
Engine: Honda BF50
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 8,875
Originally Posted by Kernow Buoy
I may however struggle to explain the the 'other' one 
Leave it to me.
06 September 2014, 20:55
Country: Finland
Town: Helsinki
Boat name: SR 5.4
Make: Avon
Length: 4m +
Engine: Toh1 3,5 Yam 90/2S
Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 919
Tohatsu has a 1:92 gear ratio and think the standard prop was 11 pitch wheras the Rascall had 13. Tohatsu was better but had pretty high revs at WOT lightly loaded.
I did had ventilation issues unless boat was evenly loaded an airfloor pumped to absolutely max pressure. I think the pvc flor was slightly stretched on my boat, might be a part of the issue.
fun on a boat is inversely proportional to size...sort of anyway
06 September 2014, 21:03
Country: UK - England
Town: Mighty Penryn
Boat name: Little Joe.
Make: Avon Searider
Length: 4m +
Engine: Honda BF50
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 8,875
Originally Posted by C-NUMB
..with me and 2 teen girls.
Oh my lord!! Don't tell him that!
"Honestly Fran, these Aerotecs won't run properly without them."
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