25 June 2019, 18:38
Country: UK - England
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Looks like you have found a rather good 15hp 2 stroke
25 June 2019, 18:51
RIBnet admin team
Country: UK - England
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Boat name: Nimrod II
Make: Aerotec 380
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Yes thanks BP it's looking good so far. I was open to a Mercury/Mariner or Yamaha in a 15hp 2-stroke but wanted as near perfect cosmetics as possible and the Yamaha happened to be the deal on the day.
Passed through Tiptree on the way to our coastal weekend and I thought of you.
25 June 2019, 19:14
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 3,124
Tiptree is near me but I am an old Suffolk boy out in the country side near Ipswich
Now I wish I could have found a 15 2 stroke that good when I was looking
My merc is very good but cosmetically could be better
25 June 2019, 19:23
RIBnet admin team
Country: UK - England
Town: Cambridgeshire
Boat name: Nimrod II
Make: Aerotec 380
Length: 3m +
Engine: Yam 15 Tohatsu 9.8
Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 9,098
|In truth cosmetics are personal. It's a thing with me but my belief is most leisure use sub 20hp OBs are massively underused and even if they've bounced about in the back of a van can still be mechanically excellent.
If I'd found a slightly tatty bargain that was otherwise sound I'd have happily purchased but probably would have done a re-spray and new decals... which frankly don't make a jot of difference bouncing about at 15kts.
15 July 2021, 10:44
RIBnet admin team
Country: UK - England
Town: Cambridgeshire
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Make: Aerotec 380
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Engine: Yam 15 Tohatsu 9.8
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Posts: 9,098
I find it easiest to keep to one forum for posting but do read over on Fribs most weeks. I was really interested to see this the other day re the Aerotec transom splash. Basically a guy who bought one new in 2000 which he still has and on complaining to Zodiac about the splash years ago they took it back to France for a mod.
In ten years of Aerotec interest and six years of ownership I'd never heard of this mod and they certainly never updated any later production to add it in the form shown. Very easy to DIY though if anyone wanted to.
The only comment I would make was the "without mod" pic of the guy's transom area looks like the outer floor fabric finished to the transom in a slightly different way to the two I've owned.
15 July 2021, 11:16
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 222
Originally Posted by Fenlander
I find it easiest to keep to one forum for posting but do read over on Fribs most weeks. I was really interested to see this the other day re the Aerotec transom splash. Basically a guy who bought one new in 2000 which he still has and on complaining to Zodiac about the splash years ago they took it back to France for a mod.
In ten years of Aerotec interest and six years of ownership I'd never heard of this mod and they certainly never updated any later production to add it in the form shown. Very easy to DIY though if anyone wanted to.
The only comment I would make was the "without mod" pic of the guy's transom area looks like the outer floor fabric finished to the transom in a slightly different way to the two I've owned.
Hello Fenlander, hope you're well, I followed the link out of curiosity but the picture wasnt there. I havent taken my aerotec out since I posted here last, meant to put it on ebay back in May but was too busy. I did have a hunt around to see whether it was worth getting someone to completely rebuild my zodiac M2c, I really liked that boat but am told Zodiac arent making these anymore either. Does anyone know anyone close to Kent that could take the whole thing apart and reglue completely ? I think mine is hypalon
15 July 2021, 12:32
RIBnet admin team
Country: UK - England
Town: Cambridgeshire
Boat name: Nimrod II
Make: Aerotec 380
Length: 3m +
Engine: Yam 15 Tohatsu 9.8
Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 9,098
Sean you name was one of the Aerotec regulars from a few years back I'd noticed had not been seen for a while.
I forget exactly but your Aerotec must be around a 2017? If so it would be much in demand, particularly in the post pandemic market, as they have stopped making them since you were last about and yours would probably be the newest to come to the used market for some years..
Things OKish here still with huge SIB enthusiasm but family life constantly tripping up outing opportunities.
15 July 2021, 12:52
Country: UK - England
Town: Maidstone
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Make: Zodiac
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Engine: outboard 25p 2stroke
Join Date: May 2014
Posts: 222
Originally Posted by Fenlander
Sean you name was one of the Aerotec regulars from a few years back I'd noticed had not been seen for a while.
I forget exactly but your Aerotec must be around a 2017? If so it would be much in demand, particularly in the post pandemic market, as they have stopped making them since you were last about and yours would probably be the newest to come to the used market for some years..
Things OKish here still with huge SIB enthusiasm but family life constantly tripping up outing opportunities.
Work took over from sibbing, that and a degree I was taking part time (received my certificate this morning, so pleased it's over !). I really want to get back into it, I have a 6 year old I've not got on the water yet. Yeah 2017 sounds about right for the Aerotec, think I used it twice, maybe 3 times. It wasnt the right boat for me, I miss my old Zodiac, hence I was trying to buy a brand new one of these a month or so ago (these are no longer made either). A dealer suggested I put my old one in for a complete rebuild, the material is in good condition other than the glue failing and the baffles being blown. I considered an Frib like you have but from what I have read they can slam a bit at speed ? I get my enjoyment from bouncing around, jumping waves and going as quick as I can. The Zodiac suited me perfectly, I have assumed (though you might correct me) that getting a complete overhaul (take to pieces and reglue everywhere) would probably be cheaper than buying a new zodiac boat ?
Anyone that reads this that wants to make me an offer for the Aerotec is welcome to, I've thought about hanging on to it, just encase I start to like the boat but think thats unlikely and it seems like a waste.
15 July 2021, 13:09
RIBnet admin team
Country: UK - England
Town: Cambridgeshire
Boat name: Nimrod II
Make: Aerotec 380
Length: 3m +
Engine: Yam 15 Tohatsu 9.8
Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 9,098
>>>considered an Frib like you have
You would have needed to be closely following the forum to keep abreast of my SIB choice flip flopping. But suffice to say after a brief foray into alternatives the Aerotec is still here and very much confirmed as staying. I never tried an Frib as they are too fixed in their packed shape for me.
I do wonder if you preferred the feel of the hard floor Mk2C if an alloy floor Honwave or Excel might suit you? You'd pay half their cost for a full re-glue I reckon.
I think your Mk2c will be PVC as Hypalon didn't suffer the peeling seams in the same way as PVC.
15 July 2021, 13:44
Country: UK - England
Town: Maidstone
Boat name: na
Make: Zodiac
Length: 3m +
Engine: outboard 25p 2stroke
Join Date: May 2014
Posts: 222
Originally Posted by Fenlander
>>>considered an Frib like you have
You would have needed to be closely following the forum to keep abreast of my SIB choice flip flopping. But suffice to say after a brief foray into alternatives the Aerotec is still here and very much confirmed as staying. I never tried an Frib as they are too fixed in their packed shape for me.
I do wonder if you preferred the feel of the hard floor Mk2C if an alloy floor Honwave or Excel might suit you? You'd pay half their cost for a full re-glue I reckon.
I think your Mk2c will be PVC as Hypalon didn't suffer the peeling seams in the same way as PVC.
I havent really been on here for a long time, maybe I was thinking of someone else with the Frib. I think you are right regarding the hard floor, I also found it was slower, used more fuel (not a big issue, until I unexpectedly ran out), it just wasnt the same. Perhaps if I found the right outboard it might change my opinion. I just dont have the time to kiss lots of frogs, I'm still very busy at work, I want something I can just grab and go when time allows and know I'll have fun.
Could be PVC, it's probably early 1980's I did some tests years ago when I was still using it and it appeared to be hypalon but could be wrong. One tube opened up on a seam last time I used it, with blown baffles I brought it back to shore swiftly as it deflated, haven't used it since.
I prefer the idea of buying a brand new boat, ideally I would want to try before I buy, I dont want a shed full of abandoned boats, though at least I can be called admiral rather than captain
15 July 2021, 19:10
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Originally Posted by Fenlander
Yes very interesting that Bombard allegedly did a one off custom mod on a well documented and common problem plaguing Aerotec’s from day one, without ever addressing the issue on further production models.
Might be wrong but think the first pics show the moulded rubber fillet uncovered with the triangular fabric cover awaiting reglueing and just layed loose on the hull….hence the weird seam a few inches forward of transom.
Interesting mod and assumed all done by Bombard and worked? However, on our Aerotec, always of the opinion the splashing would be mainly caused by the lack of a hard edge to the floor/transom either side of the keel due to the ridiculous concave profile of transom. The immediate keel area already had a good hard edge.
Well, discussed and documented on here many moons ago. In fact just found the ‘fag packet’ sketch I posted and a pic of the guilty flabby floor/transom joint on ours (quick disclaimer…floor/tubes not at working pressure so flappier than normal.
Also have to say we experienced some splashing but never as bad as some where it came over the transom in bucket loads.
07 June 2022, 09:40
Country: UK - England
Town: Sussex
Boat name: Bombard
Make: Aerotec 380
Length: 3m +
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Posts: 3,499
Anyone anything new to add to this topic or copied Big Al's re-shape mod?
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