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Old 22 May 2016, 10:51   #21
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I genuinely belive they were a great buy given they're so new. Look forward to hearing how you get on with the outfit... chuck up some pics when you can.
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Old 22 May 2016, 13:56   #22
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Aerotech 380 Long or Short

Great package you've got there, well done. Very rare to see such a young 380 up for grabs and grey is so much cooler than those flashy red ones. 😎
Hope you enjoy your new boat.
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Old 29 May 2016, 21:20   #23
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Well I picked up my bombard yesterday and Honda 20hp second hand but as good as new ��and the outboard is a short shaft so happy days! I did get loads of splash which quickly started to fill the boat but loads of adjustment to the trim and seems to be loads better. Has anyone attempted a spray plate?
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Old 29 May 2016, 21:38   #24
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Aerotech 380 Long or Short

Glad you like your new rig.
Splashing seems a fact of life for Aerotec's unfortunately. A cheap splash plate can be cobbled together easily and will help or at least mask the root cause. As a test I mounted a £4.50 cavity tray from Screwfix as a quick try and must confess it controlled the splashing nicely.
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ID:	113177
A better solution though is keep raising the motor until the splashing disappears. All that splashing equates to wasted energy don't forget, so eradicating it at source gives more speed. With some combinations it may even mean building up the transom. The Aerotecs are superb performers but the way the water flow exits the transom is a real pain to sort out. Crazy that Zodiac / Bombard haven't ironed this out years ago.
Good luck.
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Old 29 May 2016, 21:45   #25
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I am puzzled Chipko when we have identical Aerotec/Suzuki 20 outfits that mine doesn't splash at all and yours does (even if an acceptable amount)??

It can only be our heavier (I think we are anyway) load... but why??

Crab catchers when I was choosing between the various new 20hp outboards I noticed in the dealers the water deflector plate (the smaller one above the main anti-ventilation plate) on the Honda 20 was quite small and I did wonder if that might allow more "Aerotec splash".

Have a look for Max's deflector plate too.

Post #18 on this thread...
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Old 29 May 2016, 22:11   #26
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Aerotech 380 Long or Short

Fenlander, I don't run with the splash plate and the splashing is not that bad it comes over the transom. My motor is raised as far as it will go, about 25mm, without remounting the transom plate. Hanging over the back at WOT confirms the AV plate is still an inch or more below water level thus causing additional drag and some spray. I did temporarily raise motor a further 30mm and splashing disappeared totally and speed increased by a few mph. I'm contemplating building up transom this winter for a permanent solution. Due to the weird concave profile of the transom the water flow exit is disturbed and in my findings you need the AV plate up to 2 inches above the transom keel, and you can't do this without building up the transom - crazy - Bombard should have sorted this years ago.
I also find, as you have, loading the bows and not going at max oomph reduces this phenomena.
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Old 30 May 2016, 00:09   #27
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Yes get the feeling the Suzuki could be raised a bit more... not for splash but overall performance. However for me this opportunity to experiment will not come until early August when the Aerotec will be based at the waterside for 14 days and it will be no trouble to keep returning to the pontoon/slip to make changes. On our non-holiday days out it's a bit too much faff.

I think I will take the materials/tools away with us to mod like Nick Hearne in post #2. Once settled to a height mod that works best I'm going to bolt the outboard on to offset any weakening due to the lift... also so I can use this type of outboard lock....
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Old 14 June 2016, 17:37   #28
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Well after 2 weeks in my new aerotech 380 I am quite happy with my purchase. By adjusting the tilt on the outboard the splash back seems to have gone and that is without raising the outboard which I will play around with.
The boat handled the chop miles better than my previous quicksilver 310 and managed to stay dryish. Its now time to pack up for a few weeks so i'm going to install my old set of launching wheels and maybe try some form of protectant ( I guess aerospace 303) or similar any advice on what and where to purchase????
Then roll up into bag!!! any tips transom or front first? obviously I don't have any instructions!

The only downside I found is I managed to get a tiny hole in the air deck. This was down to my 8 year old standing on the material between the 2 sections at the front whilst leaning on the nose which put pressure backwards against the seam. A tiny bit of glue sorted it but I am going to have to come up with something to cover the front section of air deck of im sure it will go again.
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Old 14 June 2016, 17:57   #29
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Pleased to hear it's suiting you CC. I could mail you some jpegs of the important instruction book pages if you want.

However to roll up. Make sure all valves are open and leave floor in. Fold in the cones onto the rear of transom and then roll up ensuring you pull/fold together the tubes so they always are just a tiny bit narrower than the transom as it folds over each time. When you have about 2 rolls of tube left fold about 2ft of the bow in so the last roll of the transom comes on top of this. Lift onto bag and strap in. You should easily be able to get all 6 buckles to their stops.

Hole in air deck.. that sounds odd... they should stand far more abuse than that. Image would make it easier to understand/advise. Some have a mat over their whole Aerotec floor but we don't... just a waterproof dog bed in the area forward of the seat to save his claws on the air floor... which may well do what you need.
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Old 14 June 2016, 18:10   #30
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Yes, the hole from that (faulty seam) is a bit odd?

I am a big convert to the rubber decking (see my 'bastard son' Aerotec topic) - makes the boat much more substantial feeling under foot and levels it off a bit but I'm still thinking some kind of composite (lightweight/sandwich) material to fit in as a solid deck on top of the air deck is a goer - will work on this!
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Old 14 June 2016, 19:26   #31
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struggling to upload photos at the moment, i was hoping to post one to show off ;-)
The hole was a tiny pin prick caused by standing on the very end of the material but leaning forward so applying pressure backwards almost using the end as a stop. obviously under a lot of force due to waves and bouncing around at speed.
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Old 14 June 2016, 19:55   #32
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Originally Posted by crab catchers View Post
struggling to upload photos at the moment, i was hoping to post one to show off ;-)
Are you using app or browser (and if browser is it on a PC or mobile device?)
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Old 14 June 2016, 20:50   #33
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Old 14 June 2016, 21:46   #34
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Originally Posted by crab catchers View Post
Browser on PC
Ok, above the box where you write the message you should see a paperclip. (if not click to go to advanced). Click paperclip.

A new window will open. Browse to the file(s).

Now scroll down you should see a button (says something like upload), not the upload video box. Go back to the original window and you will see the files now listed.
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