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Old 02 October 2014, 17:31   #1
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Air floor Sib or slatted floor

I've decided to ask Santa to bring me a small sib for Xmas.
I've got a 3.5m Honwave which lives on a trailer.
I'm looking for something in the 2.5m range that I can throw in the boot or in the caravan.
I plan to use my Bravo 12v inflator to inflate / deflate at launch site.
I've got a near new suzuki 2.5hp 4 stroke that I use on my Honwave as an auxiliary.
Any recommendations on new / second hand sibs that will be suitable for fishing one up in Scottish sea lochs and sheltered bays.
Not planning on being too adventurous in it just to get out and do some fishing.
Don't want a aluminum or wood floor something quick like air floor or slats?
Any recommendations welcome.
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Old 02 October 2014, 17:50   #2
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Slats are horrid - stick with air floor - usual suspects in terms of recommendations but really any nicely looked after second hand eBay buy will do the job, Chinese Honwave type clone, marine warehouse own brand, Zodiac/QS/Suzumar etc...
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Old 02 October 2014, 21:27   #3
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This looks like a nice little set up.
SEAGO 2.7M air floor.
Anyone got any knowledge of this Sib / manufacturer?
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Old 02 October 2014, 22:33   #4
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I had a good look at the smaller Excel sibs when I picked mine up. They are just scaled down, same features as their bigger cousins and I must admit I thought these would be a good little one up fly fishing craft.

Excel VOLANTE 260 Inflatable Boat.

Here is the range

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Old 03 October 2014, 06:54   #5
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Originally Posted by kaman View Post
This looks like a nice little set up.
SEAGO 2.7M air floor.
Anyone got any knowledge of this Sib / manufacturer?

SEAGO 2.7 METRE AIRDECK INFLATABLE DINGHY - Seago Inflatable Dinghies - Discount Marine Chandlery and Sailing Equipment. Bargain Boat Spares and Clothing
Generic Chinese boat branded by Seago, however they have been around for years and they seem to stand up ok. Lots of companies have branded the same sibs over the years including Mailspeed and the early Wetlines.

My only issue with them is the size of tubes, think they were 36 or 37 cm, which is right in wet bum territory.

As Max says, avoid slat floors, they are cheap and although they fold up easier than a solid floor performance is poor in all other areas. The air floor ones are much better in all areas. Sibs witn V air floors will feel bigger and safer in size range you are looking at, but they are much more expensive and are quite a bit heavier and bulkier, a problem when trying to get them through a caravan door.
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Old 03 October 2014, 07:18   #6
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Hi Landlocked.
According to Marine scene website the Seago 2.7m tubes are 41cm.
Not sure how these compare to the tubes on my Honwave 3.5ae?
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Old 03 October 2014, 08:31   #7
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Hi Kaman..while I agree an air floor will perform better than the slat floor.. IMO it wont matter a toss when powered by your 2.5hp suzi.. because neither will go on the plane.

The seago used to be smaller diameter tubes but later changed to slightly larger diameter. My slat floor is the older smaller dia tube version. It is a wet ride ..and in a wave its best described as a bail as you go SIB ..but then..any small size SIB can be described this way ?

I wear cut off wellingtons to keep my feet drier.

My seago’s age is unknown even though my father bought it new. I think around 14 years old.. not a single patch on it and the only maintenance I have done ... is paint the Transom once..and I guess I must have washed it out around a dozen times ? Built like a Chinese tank. I cant comment on the lighter weight..thinner material version not prepared to recommend it.

Regarding feeling safer in a slightly larger diameter air floor boat... if that is the case..I would question why you are out in conditions that make you feel unsafe. It can fill to the brim with water..but it wont sink.. just bail with a bucket..and you get home and dry ..well wet. I know its limitations though.. so as soon as the first white tops appear..its time to head for shore.

I still take an aux with me even on the small SIB..the photos are from the Firth of Forth and when I was crossing the busy “Mortimers Deep” shipping lane..the 3.3Hp mariner prop sheer pin broke when I ploughed through a large semi submerged clump of sea weed..whichI didn’t notice..there was lots of weed about that day. No panic..even though a huge container ship was entering the channel.. I just started the 2.5 Suzi (same engine as yours) and continued on my way.

Full steam ahead with the Suzi2.5 .. it goes a reasonable displacement pace.

Do go for a 2.7 can see the room I have left in mine (2.7) when loaded with gear..spare fuel and bucket for fish.. its also worth getting a cheap tarp and making a spray hood for a small definitely makes it a far drier boat.

Loaded for a days fishing for one.

I get a lot of fun from this boat and use it as much as my large SIB.. just in different conditions and locations. Im happy with mine...and would replace it with the same.. but strongly suspect I will expire long before the welds of this boat

Air or Slat with a 2.5hp outboard ? ... depends on how much you are willing to spend I guess
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Old 03 October 2014, 08:40   #8
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Hi Kaman I have a sib for Sale could Shop.

AWN Tender-/Sportboote with VIB high pressure ground .

With high-pressure air floor "VIB". The AWN VIB's are rapid glider with a completely new Design concept. Maximum safety, optimum ride and easy handling in all conditions were the requirements for this development. To achieve this, the VIB has a high pressure air floor (0.8 bar!) equipped in a V-shape. This enables virtually identical handling characteristics of RIBs, with significantly lower weight, smaller pack size and higher load capacity! The V-shaped underwater ship is guarantee for balanced control behavior and very good stability on a straight Run.At the rear are trim tabs with tear flow profiles integrated. They optimize planing and achive even greater driving dynamics , and ensures stable conditions in tight corners.The raised bow area provides not only a much drier ride but also for superior handling in rough seas. The tethers increase the safety and comfort on board, and the extra wide Skirting around protects the boat from damage during berthing and collisions. Other features, such as strong aluminum oars with plastic sheets, the secured oarlocks, the stable bench and three towing eyes, are now standard on all AWN sport boats. The boat is only 8 months Old and in New condition it can be put in a Car and it also has a middle Seat and Carry bag and Foot Pump. Click image for larger version

Name:	ImageUploadedByRIB Net1412325600.764771.jpg
Views:	353
Size:	44.2 KB
ID:	99595Click image for larger version

Name:	ImageUploadedByRIB Net1412325620.459964.jpg
Views:	464
Size:	43.0 KB
ID:	99596
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Old 03 October 2014, 08:43   #9
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Sorry l mean Ship not Shop my pc is Playing Games
Regards Barrie
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Old 03 October 2014, 08:55   #10
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Originally Posted by kaman View Post
Hi Landlocked.
According to Marine scene website the Seago 2.7m tubes are 41cm.
Not sure how these compare to the tubes on my Honwave 3.5ae?
41cm tubes are good for a small sib, T35 is about 45cm I think.

Gunard's right about slats performance being irrelevant when using small engines in terms of speed, but air floor still more stable to stand on.

There is nothing wrong with a slat floor boat, we always used one as a tender before air floors came along. They do provide excellent value for money and easy inflation, just be aware of the limitations.
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Old 03 October 2014, 10:05   #11
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Thanks for the input Gurnard very informative as ever.

Barrie thanks for the offer but I'm going to hold off till nearer Xmas until I buy something.
The wife is giving me major earache about 'Another bloody boat' but has agreed to it as my Xmas gift.

Landlocked I am leaning towards an air floor.

I know nothing of air floors.
From the pics I've seen on the net it looks like the Seapro 2.7m has a flat air floor and what looks like an inflatable keel underneath?

For the purposes of setting this Sib up using a bravo 12v inflator how long will it take to blow / set up and what's involved setting the floor up?
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Old 03 October 2014, 10:36   #12
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With my AWN it Takes about 10 min to blow everything up with a Electric Pump the tubes (45cm) and floor are in one.
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