Howdy Y'all! Skip down below if you just want to see my
STORAGE question.
I will try to keep the background brief but hopefully what I have learned will be helpful to others new to all this!
I am new to boating and motors, although I have done miles of open water paddleboard trips so I know I will enjoy a small craft. I am in sub-tropical Hilton Head, South Carolina with mazes of salt water marshland, tidal rivers etc to explore and harvest crustaceans/shell fish (sometimes hook/line fishing)
I have been researching for a few weeks now and here is where I am at, let me know if I went off the rails somewhere please and many many thanks!
I need a boat that can be stored indoors between uses since local storage would cost me about 1,000 dollars a year. That had me looking at 3-4 meter SIBS.
I didn't like the idea of a pure air floor. While they are the lightest and most portable, the nature of my exploring would leave me vulnerable to hull damage. Razor sharp oyster beds and all that. I also wanted to be able to stand stable in the boat and have a robust material between me and the aforementioned oysters in case of an emergency.
I will also be beaching the craft for island exploration and oyster harvesting etc more often than I assume these SIBs are intended for on sometimes less than sandy beaches (shells, stray razor oysters, dried marsh reeds etc)
I quickly realized I would be spending my time on the water worrying more about the hazards than I would be enjoying myself. Of course some worry and caution is good but I knew I would be too anxious to venture far - so why bother I say.
For a moment I thought a SIB with Aluminum decking and inflatable V hull was my perfect boat - like the Zodiac Cadet 3.5 alu - a boat that, from my research, seems the perfect middle ground in terms of water performance/ease of storage for those torn between SIB/RIB of this size.
This style SIB would provide me with a stable platform to stand,still be very simple to store and although a little heavier than an air deck would feel a little more stable while underway. Albeit they are a little more hassle than an air deck SIB to assemble as well.
However, our waters are so littered with these oyster beds and while most are visible on the muddy banks, some of the little devils are on mounds in the water. Sometimes hidden by the high tide.
Finally, I decided for my own piece of mind and so I would have the confidence to properly explore the area I will need a Aluminum RIB or Frib (fold-able rib). Frib is best for my needs but unfortunately in the USA options are limited and prices are double what a RIB would cost.
So, RIB it is! I really like the Zodiac 330 or 360 Cadet Alu RIBs with a 15hp 4 stroke Tohatsu (Tohatsu mainly cause I hear they are lighter and cheaper yet still super reliable)
BUT remember I need to store this thing!
Whilst I think I finally found the perfect boat for me in the Zodiac Cadet alu RIB 330 or 360, It is certainly NOT the most compact boat to store indoors!
The 360 is still 3.1 meters long when "packed" and 1 meter wide. It is kinda flat though at half a meter. I will probably go with the 360 for a little extra space/capacity for gear as well as for some reason I don't like the idea of putting the maximum hp on the transom. So 360 is rated for 20hp and again I am going with 15hp.
SO here is my
CRAZY plan - In my mind this will be quicker/easier (sorry Mike lol) than assembling an aluminum SIB AND be more protective from water hazard WHILE giving me a faster more agile boat - Although I hear a small RIB is a rougher ride in choppy conditions - worth the trade off for my needs.
I live alone with a spare room so all I have to do it get this 110 pound 10 foot long beast up the 1 set of stairs to my front door. The stairs are an issue as they are kind of narrow at 1 meter and twisty.
But I have GREAT access over the railing right to the front door
I planned on getting a sturdy 1000 lb limit attachment to screw into the wood above - something like this
Then I would use a single point electric hoist with at least 200lb+ limit to hoist the deflated RIB over the railing and on to a little wheeled furniture mover which I could roll into the spare room.
And to launch I would winch it down into my truck bed with one of these bed extenders
It would only cost about as much as 3 months storage fees to set this up as explained.
So hypothetically I would be able store my boat for its lifetime out of the 100+f degree heat which I hear will extend the PVC life and glue - while being able to get on the water as fast if not faster than setting up a Alu deck SIB....
If you made it to here I am forever grateful! Please let me know what you think of my plans or if you have any questions or clarification needed!
Thank you for taking the time to help and enable me to get out and properly enjoy the water I have been putz paddling around on for 6 years!
Cheers and again many thanks! I hope this isn't the longest post on the forum
