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Old 28 January 2009, 21:54   #21
Country: UK - England
Boat name: Pisces
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Posts: 145
Hi Locozodiac

I'm pretty au fait with vehicle diagnostics, having previously spent a number of years in the trade. All I can say is that I have the tools and the experience to carry out the checks in short order and at no I may as well do it.

I have the relevant manuals for all of my engines, and whilst they can be handy, if you know what measurements to take, and how to take them, when an engine is new or reasonably new, these can form your baseline readings. I was merely trying to point out that change is your enemy, and that many failing components demonstrate change long before an otherwise unexpected failure.

I'd stand by my statement that factory gas filters are next to useless. Compare the screening with that of a proper filter cartridge / water separator, chalk and cheese. If they were of any quality, nobody would ever have carburetor problems. A quick scan of any outboard forum will tell a very different story.

I appreciate some / all of what I've said is not for everyone, but I was never telling anyone to do it, just offering it up.

At the moment we are pushing out around ten miles into the North Sea to fish over some wartime wrecks. Trips can often be from sunset through to the following afternoon, or until the food runs out. I think we'll do a few 24hr trips when things warm up. :-)
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Old 29 January 2009, 12:21   #22
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Posts: 1,998
Hi Sharkbyte

All points are clear, if you are a skilled sibber, have service manuals and know what to read and how to read it, be my guest.

With respect of fuel filters, must say that screens works ok, will depend entirely where you bought your gasoline, as there are crappy gas stations too that don't change their pumps gas filters very often. On the other hand, according to extent experimentation : if a engine is used all year round, gasoline related components cleaned frequently including removal of particles, dust, etc, won't experiment prob at all.

An engine that is used only in summer time, and not correctly winterized, that is, removed all inside gasoline from gas components, will give you problems on next year use do to varnish builds up. From valve stick to stucked jets. Just a matter of having your carb stripped down and cleaned with acrylic thinner, carb cleaner, etc. Would be nearly impossible for manufacturers to place good quality filter cartridges, water separators inside engine because of insufficient space available, and probably much costier that standars screen filters.

Happy Sibbing
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