02 October 2009, 23:59
Country: USA
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Make: Avon FRB380
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Posts: 75
Avon S400 project
I'm rebuilding an Avon S400 that I picked up for a great price. Does anyone know if this model came with an inflatable bench seat? If so, does anyone know of a source for them?
Love this forum. I've already gotten lot's of great information from it. I can't wait to get this thing on the water next summer.
03 October 2009, 09:46
Country: UK - England
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what exactly do you mean by "re-building" your avon s400 ?
Are you making new floor boards etc ?
What about the transom ? is that going to be re-newed ?
or is it just a good clean up and re-varnish of the wooden parts and fit new valve seals etc.
Ive just got one of these boats as well, not yet got it on the water but expecting some
pretty good results from it.
With mine i will be raising the transom to accept a longshaft engine, this gives more
availability and the fact that an engine i have for it is long shaft has also made me think
about the transom raising.
do your tubes keep inflated for a week or so ?
03 October 2009, 21:25
Country: USA
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Make: Avon FRB380
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Posts: 75
Originally Posted by phillnjack
what exactly do you mean by "re-building" your avon s400 ?
Are you making new floor boards etc ?
What about the transom ? is that going to be re-newed ?
or is it just a good clean up and re-varnish of the wooden parts and fit new valve seals etc.
Ive just got one of these boats as well, not yet got it on the water but expecting some
pretty good results from it.
With mine i will be raising the transom to accept a longshaft engine, this gives more
availability and the fact that an engine i have for it is long shaft has also made me think
about the transom raising.
do your tubes keep inflated for a week or so ?
Hi Phil,
I had to give it an extensive clean up, it was really grimy from improper storage. Now it looks in great condition.
I'll be replacing some patches (only 3 patches on the entire boat), and will reglue the floor doubler in a few places. I also need to replace 2 of the valves, but I might just do all 4 while I'm at it. The transom is still solid and the attachment to the boat looks good. There are a couple of places where the fabric is lifting from the transom and I'll reglue those. There is a 3mm hole in the floor that be patched.
The transom and floor boards will get stripped, sanded, and recoated with varnish or polyurethane, whatever works best in a marine environment. Any suggestions?
I'm trying to clean up and renew the faded red bow cover also. It's looking better, but I'd like to get it back to the bright red color it was originally.
Despite the loose patches and a couple of bad valves, the boat's tubes stay inflated firm after a week. Not bad considering its age. The keel tube holds air well also. I soaped all the seams and they are still very air tight, better than a couple of Avon Redcrest and Redseal dinghies I have.
I'm missing the stringers for the floor boards, so I'm on the hunt for them.
Does your S400 have an inflatable bench seat? I'm trying to find one for my boat, assuming they used them on this model.
Do you have some photos of your boat, especially the floor boards? I'd like to use them as a check so I know what parts I still need.
Let me know how your work progresses. I will post some photos of my boat as I go.
04 October 2009, 18:00
Country: UK - England
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My S400 came with a red fibreglass seat which slid into two MOD style handles.
08 October 2009, 04:15
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Originally Posted by chewy
My S400 came with a red fibreglass seat which slid into two MOD style handles.
Hello this is my first post i own an s 400 sportboat and the floor ís complete and original i have seen some 80s models and find some diferents to mine 1969 i will send you some photos of the side battens, but in this moment i dont know how to do it. one of this diferent i didnt see on some photograph in the 80s models the transom suport bars do you have them?
I live in mexico and we spek spanish i hope my enghlish is not to bad
24 October 2009, 16:17
Country: UK - England
Town: slough
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Make: Orkney Dory 4 metre
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Posts: 80
any chance of a pic of the fibreglass seat and the handles it fits into ? Please
24 October 2009, 17:08
Country: UK - England
Town: Up Norf
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I don't have any photos of them unfortunately. M Chappelow might though as he's had a few SIBs.
24 October 2009, 21:00
Country: UK - England
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dont know if they are any use to any of you but a few pics from the avon 1990 and 1969 brouchures,it says the s400 that it has inflatable seat retaining points ,,,no3 pic is from year 1969 red cat model at just under 4mtrs but it shows the seats that phil [chewy ]was on about .,,,,,,ps just looking at the 1969 price list £148 for a new boat ,,,those were the days ,,no lifejackets and endless summer days ,, mart
24 October 2009, 23:59
Country: UK - England
Town: Up Norf
Make: Avon SR4,Tremlett 23
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Posts: 5,217
The seats had flanges on either end which were at roughly 45 degrees, these seats then went into the handle similar to these below: (picture borrowed from tidel.biz hope you don't mind)
03 March 2010, 02:29
Country: USA
Town: Connecticut
Make: Avon FRB380
Length: 3m +
Engine: Tohatsu 6hp
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Posts: 75
Floor material
Any idea what type of wood Avon used for the floorboards in the S400? I need to manufacture some replacement parts.
09 March 2010, 17:58
Country: USA
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Many of the avon floorboards were marine grade mahogany plywood.
31 March 2010, 22:33
Join Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 1
floor and seat for s400
Originally Posted by cgoing
Many of the avon floorboards were marine grade mahogany plywood.
I also have the s400, 1986, with the aluminium floor and stringers and front wood board. Just in the process of redoing the front board because I think mine came from a smaller boat. It was definitely marine grade mahogany plywood.
I can send pics and specs of it.
If anyone could send me the specs on the front board of their s400, it would really be appreciated. Also, mine didn't come with any reinforcements on the floor, just the 3 aluminium boards, one front wood board, and the fixed board inside, if there were supposed to be some, can you guys tells me how many and where?
Mine also came with a hard shell seat, can send pics of those as well. It just fits down on to the rail from stringers.
I have all of the original paperwork, manuals, brochures, etc., if you guys would like me to make copies and send them to you, let me know.
15 April 2010, 18:52
Country: Other
Town: mexico
Make: avon
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Posts: 34
I own the original front wood board for the 1969 avon s400 i hope it still being the same measure i'll send you soon, i like you send me all the information about the s400.
03 October 2010, 13:29
Country: USA
Town: Connecticut
Make: Avon FRB380
Length: 3m +
Engine: Tohatsu 6hp
Join Date: Aug 2009
Posts: 75
S400 updates
Hi all,
Just thought I'd get this thread going again. I was wondering how everyone was progressing on their Avon S400 boat projects.
I've been held up by missing parts for the floor. Looks like I'll have to make them myself as I can't find them anywhere.
Budgetary issues prevented me from getting a motor for it this year, so I haven't been working on it steadily. I still have some patch work to do. I did replace all the valves as 2 of them leaked, and one was missing the inner seal. There are 3 patches on the tubes that I'll replace next. The patches don't leak but it looks like way too much glue was used on them and I expect them to peel off eventually once the boat is moving through the water.
How's everyone else doing?
01 January 2012, 08:45
Country: UK - England
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Just bought an old S4-00 & now starting work on it. Not bad for £40 on eBay. I was told all the wood was rotten & it had a large hole but the hole is an easy patch, it needs one hell of a clean & the wood isn't too bad. Unfortunately no floor so that needs to be made which I aim to do in 2 parts to retain strength. It's also one less place for my kids to trap their fingers.
12 May 2016, 10:57
Country: UK - Scotland
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Posts: 4
Originally Posted by seagirlgo
I also have the s400, 1986, with the aluminium floor and stringers and front wood board. Just in the process of redoing the front board because I think mine came from a smaller boat. It was definitely marine grade mahogany plywood.
I can send pics and specs of it.
If anyone could send me the specs on the front board of their s400, it would really be appreciated. Also, mine didn't come with any reinforcements on the floor, just the 3 aluminium boards, one front wood board, and the fixed board inside, if there were supposed to be some, can you guys tells me how many and where?
Mine also came with a hard shell seat, can send pics of those as well. It just fits down on to the rail from stringers.
I have all of the original paperwork, manuals, brochures, etc., if you guys would like me to make copies and send them to you, let me know.
hi seagirlgo I also have avon s400 I'm looking for manual for tube pressures and what is correct way for stringers to be fitted also seat spec any info would be greatly appreciated.cheer
12 May 2016, 21:31
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 48
hello FIN
the tube pressure is 3-3.5 psi
to fit floor first push part 1 into slot at transom then install side stringers now slide floor parts 2 and 3 into stringers angle floor up boat partially inflated the 2 bow sections angled up then fit into floor and push down, if you dont do it thsi way its an absolute pig to get floor to fit.
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