09 July 2009, 16:51
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avon sportboat S4-00
aquired one today but its benn 32 years since I played in a sib
Problem I got is the one that I cut my teth in as a kid had a ply floor this one hasn`t got one...
Can I make one????????? if so does it matter that there are no aluminium channels under the tubes (i dont remember them as a kid but hey it was a long time ago) do they sit under the tubes over the inflatable bar in the centre and under the tube the other side
Next question is what sort of thickness of ply 10mm or 12mm (the fixed bit at the pointed end is nominal 11mm
I want it for fishing and training with my newfoundland but its NOT tralorised so i have to carry it everywhere
Please excuse my complete lack of correct terms as in the pointy bit to the front the two spikey bits to the back
Cheers for the help
22 September 2009, 18:46
Country: UK - England
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If you still need to know about the floorboards for the avon s400, ill take a few pics this
weekend and post them on here.
What i will do is take them out, photo all of them together , then apart and also give sizes if that will help you
27 September 2009, 01:47
Country: USA
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Originally Posted by phillnjack
If you still need to know about the floorboards for the avon s400, ill take a few pics this
weekend and post them on here.
What i will do is take them out, photo all of them together , then apart and also give sizes if that will help you
I'm in the process of rebuilding an old S400 that I picked up used. I'd appreciate photos of the floorboards, especially the metal stringers that run down the sides, as mine are missing. Also a picture of the batten board on the transom would be great as I have to make and install one.
27 September 2009, 18:59
Country: UK - England
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Ok no probs
ill try to get the boat out tommorow and take a good few pics for you.
the side pieces are not going to be too hard to make if you can get hold of a bit of
alloy channeling.
i will measure the boards for you if that will help.
27 September 2009, 22:08
Country: USA
Town: Connecticut
Make: Avon FRB380
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Posts: 75
Originally Posted by phillnjack
Ok no probs
ill try to get the boat out tommorow and take a good few pics for you.
the side pieces are not going to be too hard to make if you can get hold of a bit of
alloy channeling.
i will measure the boards for you if that will help.
Yes, if you don't mind please measure the boards also. Is there a board that goes up into the bow area, in front of the board glued into the boat at the floor in the bow area? Just wondering if I'm missing one.
28 September 2009, 20:16
Country: UK - England
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I have a Sportboat 3.10 so can't give you the right measurements, but it's probably the same construction, and yes, there's a bow piece that goes in front of the fixed board.
03 October 2009, 10:01
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Here are the complete set of boards
4 in total plus ofcourse the fixed small board in the boat
here is a pic i found on ebay of the boards in place (shame they are painted orange).
hope this helps
04 October 2009, 13:14
Country: UK - Scotland
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Posts: 9
Hi Folks,
First post on here so please be gentle. I have also just aquired an S400 as well and will be replacing the floor boards as they are rotten.
Quick question though, I gather that there is supposed to be a permanent board glued into the boat and underneath the flooring. If this is correct, does anyone have any pictures of what this looks like and especially what the floor of the boat looks like without the panels in place. I noticed a couple of flaps about 1/3 of the way back which could have been glued to something previously.
This boat looks like it's going to be quite a project to complete. I've already made a new transom to replace the old one and will be gluing this in shortly. Also replacing the old A4 valves with C7 ones as they all leak badly and have a couple of patches to put on.
Starting to think I've bitten off more than I can chew.
08 October 2009, 04:51
Country: Other
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yes the s 400 have a glued board in front i like to send you the floorboar assembly instruccions but i most to scan cause its glued on a wood piece that is used to push down the floorboard.
08 October 2009, 10:02
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Edinburgh
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Posts: 9
Does the exact position of the glued board matter as long as it does the job of holding down the inflatable keel?
There are some hypalon tabs in the boat that look like they might have been glued to a board in the past but I can't be sure.
Any idea of the thickness of ply that this needs to be as well?
08 October 2009, 18:50
Country: Other
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[QUOTE=Paganferret;319933] Does the exact position of the glued board matter as long as it does the job of holding down the inflatable keel?
You are right to hold the keel down is one of jobs that the glued bord does but isnot the only job, the posicion its very important cause here is where the floorbord rest i've the original assambly instruccions i'll send you but i need to scan cause it's glued to the wood piece you need to complete the floorboard assambly
12 October 2009, 16:47
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Edinburgh
Make: Avon
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Posts: 9
Found this picture on ebay showing the glued panel on the floor and thought it might be useful to someone else on here. It is exactly what I was looking for anyway!
18 October 2009, 03:31
Country: Other
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Posts: 34
Originally Posted by Paganferret
Found this picture on ebay showing the glued panel on the floor and thought it might be useful to someone else on here. It is exactly what I was looking for anyway!
I saw the pic on your post and seems to be an s400 but newer than mine i hope boot models have the same mesurements if you dont know what year is yours at the transom of your boat you can see de serial number the last two are the year when your boat was made i will take the mesure of the floor seccions and send to you as soon.
18 October 2009, 13:41
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Originally Posted by Paganferret
Does the exact position of the glued board matter as long as it does the job of holding down the inflatable keel?
There are some hypalon tabs in the boat that look like they might have been glued to a board in the past but I can't be sure.
Any idea of the thickness of ply that this needs to be as well?
Hi Paganferret, that board that is normally glued in is the thrust board. It's primary purpose is to ensure that the 3 floorboards aft of it will fit tightly between it and the transom when those floorboards are pushed flat and the stringers are installed. The tight fit puts the fabric under tension to help keep the inflated hull more rigid. Older zodiacs use a similar system.
The thrust boards do tend to be a real PITA however, because over a period of time they do tend to come loose, and regluing them properly is complicated and laborious. The solution that the RNLI guys use with their Avon IRBs is to remove the thrust board altogether and located 2 marine turnbuckles (they refer to them as bottlejacks) between a single plywood board (that replaces the 3 aft floor boards) and the bowboard. there is a small gap between the boards where the thrust board would have been. I will see if I can find any pictures of this setup. Maybe one of the RNLI fellows will post up.
18 October 2009, 13:48
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Here is a picture that mart chappelow had posted a while back. Notice how thick that the back floorboard is.
18 October 2009, 15:07
Country: Other
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Originally Posted by prairie tuber
Here is a picture that mart chappelow had posted a while back. Notice how thick that the back floorboard is.
here are some pics of the 4 seccions of the floor and 2 side battens for an avon s4000
18 October 2009, 15:20
Country: Other
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Originally Posted by mirssant
here are some pics of the 4 seccions of the floor and 2 side battens for an avon s4000
one more pic from back to front if you need the mesures i can send you
24 October 2009, 16:04
Country: UK - England
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Very Good pics of the boards.
They are exactly the same as mine, is the last pic of the boards the right way up ?
Ive got the transom stay/strengthener bolts the same as those in the pics inc wing nuts.
But ive heard people say the boards should be the other way up so as to see a complete level floor ?
Also on the very front board, what are the 2 outer elongated holes for ?
i know the centre one is for the inflatable keel valve, but no idea what the other two are for.
And what is the big hole for in the board nearest the transom ?
And did these bopats come with a fibreglass centre seat or inflatable seat as standard ?
25 October 2009, 04:00
Country: Other
Town: mexico
Make: avon
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Engine: 15 hp mariner 2 s
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Posts: 34
Originally Posted by phillnjack
Very Good pics of the boards.
They are exactly the same as mine, is the last pic of the boards the right way up ?
Ive got the transom stay/strengthener bolts the same as those in the pics inc wing nuts.
But ive heard people say the boards should be the other way up so as to see a complete level floor ?
Also on the very front board, what are the 2 outer elongated holes for ?
i know the centre one is for the inflatable keel valve, but no idea what the other two are for.
And what is the big hole for in the board nearest the transom ?
And did these bopats come with a fibreglass centre seat or inflatable seat as standard ?
Hi Phill
I dont think the boards flat side shoud be the other way up its not posible the triangle cut on the board sides is in the way i take the pics dont heard people says
The two holes on the front board are needed to insert and to acomodate whit hands the board in its place
The hole in board nearest the transom its for, when the boat starts to plane the water into the boat goes to the transom and water presure needs to goes up in some place thats the reason for this hole i use too for install a blige pump
This boats dont come whith inflatable or wood seats or other centre parts as standard
25 October 2009, 04:11
Country: Other
Town: mexico
Make: avon
Length: 4m +
Engine: 15 hp mariner 2 s
Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 34
Originally Posted by phillnjack
Very Good pics of the boards.
They are exactly the same as mine, is the last pic of the boards the right way up ?
Ive got the transom stay/strengthener bolts the same as those in the pics inc wing nuts.
But ive heard people say the boards should be the other way up so as to see a complete level floor ?
Also on the very front board, what are the 2 outer elongated holes for ?
i know the centre one is for the inflatable keel valve, but no idea what the other two are for.
And what is the big hole for in the board nearest the transom ?
And did these bopats come with a fibreglass centre seat or inflatable seat as standard ?
Hi Phill
I dont think the boards flat side shoud be the other way up its not posible the triangle cut on the board sides is in the way i take the pics dont heard people says
The two holes on the front board are needed to insert and to acomodate whit hands the board in its place
The hole in board nearest the transom its for, when the boat starts to plane the water into the boat goes to the transom and water presure needs to goes up in some place thats the reason for this hole i use too for install a blige pump
This boats dont come whith inflatable or wood seats or other centre parts as standard
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