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Old 30 June 2008, 20:24   #1
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beach landings

can i set off and land on any beach i like or is there some laws or licences i need, any advicewould be appreciated, will prob be in a 3.10 dinghy with 9.9 engine... thanks
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Old 30 June 2008, 20:45   #2
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you're probably going to get a bit of a yeah-but-no-but answer.

* Yes - you can launch on most beaches (assuming you can access them) with no special requirements.
* But - there may be some slipways associated with beaches and who may be charging or have local rules and regs.
* No - there may be some beaches which are within restricted areas such as harbours with local bye laws (may require insurance, may have speed limits, may even ban boats from some bathing areas etc.
* But - if its on to the open sea and there is no "officialdom" on site you are probably OK.
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Old 30 June 2008, 21:42   #3
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Just do it.

Most people don't see these as "real" boats!!! As there is no trailer nobody seems interested - even our local council don't charge as the engine is below 15hp.

Get some launching wheels though - they are brilliant.
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Old 02 July 2008, 12:02   #4
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I once landed on an Island near me called Ailsa Craig, before progressing up the bank to an old disused wheel house that used to operate a winch to find it had a notice on the door saying "permission to visit the Island must be obtained in advance" ..... right
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Old 02 July 2008, 14:26   #5
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i think that you are ok on most beaches in the uk though its best to sensible about when approching or leaving if theres lots of bathers and swimmers about, ie keeping speed down to a minimum and not to driving along the busy beach pararell close in ,,think the other problem is private or industrial owned beaches such as power stations or m.o.d. land and certain areas some beaches have birds nesting on them at certain times of the year but they are usually have signs up ,with the terrorist situation as it is you may get a visit from the white landrover with blacked out windows security types sent to p... you off , but if your sensible as most sibbers are you shouldent have much bother, anyhow you could always say you had engine problems if anyone said something ,best thing about sibs on shallow beaches especially with inflatable keels that if you do get in very shallow water you can let the keel down and push the boat until you beach or get into deeper water .nearly everytime i launch i always try to find some beach or landing spot for a walk about . happy sibbing . mart.
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Old 02 July 2008, 21:52   #6
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Originally Posted by Bigmuz7 View Post
I once landed on an Island near me called Ailsa Craig, before progressing up the bank to an old disused wheel house that used to operate a winch to find it had a notice on the door saying "permission to visit the Island must be obtained in advance" ..... right
3 mates of mine had a run out to ailsa craig in the early 1970s in a 10 ft sib with a 20 hp on the back , what they dident realise that it was about 9 miles out to sea ,on the way back they finished up about 10 miles along the coast owing to the size of clyde swell .
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