Originally Posted by Lee1
I thinking about a fixed anchor buoy set up just off shore a few meters so we can anchor up and wade in to shore and wade out to the anchored boat thus save the never ending beaching and launching.
Your answer is there - in your own question ;-)
First off what's the law on making an offshore fixed buoy anchor? (U.K)
My understanding is that you have a right to anchor as part of the normal process of navigation. Normal navigation doesn't mean leaving your anchor on the sea bed for weeks on end with no boat attached to the other end.. ...its a mooring. Legally you need to sort out the rental with crown estates.
Secondly what's the best way to make one? The water current is very strong as the beach drop of steep. Life guard swimming markers often move or disappear. I think the weight needs to be flat to prevent rolling and movement something like 5 paving slabs stacked with holes drilled in the centre of all for the anchor line?
A hole through slabs adds weakness, and friction and a load of issues. Anything concrete may not be as ideal as you think - it isn't as heavy as you expect in the sea. You would do far better with a stainless U set in concrete onto which you shackle (and mouse) a chain. If you happened to be able to find one - an old train wheel is perfect - heavier and even though it "could" roll - it wont!
Some say you want a small concave on the base as it creates a seal with the "ground" making it harder to move.
I have seen a similar set up using round containers filled with cement but I think they will roll and move location?
If its heavy enough on a soft bed it will bed in and becomes hard to roll... think car tyre on sand...
Dropping anchored just off shore is a pain as your left with meters and meters of unused line to tie and secure,
Why? You presumably keep the line somewhere when out... so leave it there. drop the hook, tie it off on a cleat etc - rest is still where it is stored? It should be easy...
a few members just drop anchor with their full 20 plus meter line and thus drift, boats end up get entangled and even wash up on the beach it's carnage lol,
Why wont they get mixed up in your mooring?
Ive had guys tie their boat onto my personal anchor line and then wade ashore like I do, that's fine but when I want to go back out I have to find them or disconnect their boat from my anchor (as I want to take it with me) and drag their boat on shore! a fixed buoy would be bliss!
You'll come in to find 3 boats attached to your mooring and no space for you?
I'm now thinking to get the biggest folding anchor and a buoy and just deploy that on the beach for myself and other can use it while I'm boating and when I'm done I will pull it up and it's not there.
Close... but still no prize...

Joel's Navigator Site: Clothesline Anchoring Revisited
If you want to come and go through the day - simply replace the boat in the image with a buoy... then attach to the buoy when you come ashore.
You can come and go without getting your feet wet!