06 August 2023, 09:54
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Originally Posted by Pikey Dave
The ones I got were a poor fit in the “down” locking pins, they were sloppy side to side & the ally had cracked on the operating handle where it had been bent. Apart from that they were fine…
I assume you sent them back for a full refund?
06 August 2023, 13:20
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Originally Posted by Steve509926
I assume you sent them back for a full refund?
Rule#2: Never argue with an idiot. He'll drag you down to his level & then beat you with experience.
Rule#3: Tha' can't educate pork.
Rule#4: Don't feed the troll
06 August 2023, 13:47
Country: UK - England
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So quality control is an issue with them as Blankton had cracks in the bend on his wheels.
Think I've been lucky and got a decent pair, the only issue I've had is the lose locking pins, but touch wood I think that has now been resolved.
06 August 2023, 22:27
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Mine seem well made.
They obviously can't be as good as the genuine ones but they seem okay.
l would have bought the genuine Beachmaster wheels but the price was prohibitive, nearly £400 by the time l had factored in postage, import tax etc.
The copy ones cost £140 delivered. Time will tell as to how long they last, or if they give any trouble.
06 August 2023, 22:54
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by lightning
Mine seem well made.
They obviously can't be as good as the genuine ones but they seem okay.
l would have bought the genuine Beachmaster wheels but the price was prohibitive, nearly £400 by the time l had factored in postage, import tax etc.
The copy ones cost £140 delivered. Time will tell as to how long they last, or if they give any trouble.
With the exception of the problem with the loose locking pins, which hopefully is now resolved, I'm pleased with the wheels.
They obviously have a decent product, some of the time, but with proper quality control it would probably be all of the time.
I, like you would have bought the genuine article, but £400! That's just taking the p..s!
I do like the look of the Seamax wheels, however, I don't like "Mickey Mouse" ears and I want something that I can deploy and retract from inside the SIB.
08 August 2023, 20:16
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Originally Posted by Steve509926
With the exception of the problem with the loose locking pins, which hopefully is now resolved, I'm pleased with the wheels.
They obviously have a decent product, some of the time, but with proper quality control it would probably be all of the time.
I, like you would have bought the genuine article, but £400! That's just taking the p..s!
I do like the look of the Seamax wheels, however, I don't like "Mickey Mouse" ears and I want something that I can deploy and retract from inside the SIB.
Can the Seamax wheels not be deployed from within the boat Steve?
08 August 2023, 20:19
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Originally Posted by Brinormeg
Hi Brinormeg, do you have any pictures of the wheels fitted and the engine please?
I’m stuck between Beachmasters and Seamax. If I chose Beachmasters, it need to make a bracket to sit the wheels lower. The Seamax look good though.
Does the engine turn ok with the legs up?
Are they fully detachable?
Thanks, Jon.
08 August 2023, 21:02
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Jon B
Can the Seamax wheels not be deployed from within the boat Steve?
Hi Jon, honest answer is I don't know. If its anything like the "single" leg wheels I've had, it is doable but very awkward.
Chipko should be able to give us a better idea, with his Russian copycat ones.
08 August 2023, 21:09
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When I’ve had folding wheels in the past they’ve been the excellent Trem brand. The biggest problem with them all has been the degree of tyre flotation meaning they are so hard to push down into the water from within the boat. This can be negated by fitting the famous yellow puncture proof wheels/tyres which have close to neutral buoyancy.
08 August 2023, 22:07
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I generally run my wheels only about 50% inflated so they're easier to push over rough stuff, soft beach sand etc. Can't say I've ever even noticed any resistance when trying to sink them in water. My only gripe with mine is that they use pins to lock in the up or down position and getting the pin in requires a bit of contortionism, what with the outboard and the upstanding wheels in the way. I've been meaning to grind a taper into the top of the pin to see if that helps.
08 August 2023, 22:50
Country: UK - England
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Hi Jon, I've watched a few videos of the Seamax wheels and they look pretty good and robust. It looks as though the pin that holds the leg in either the up or down position is spring loaded which will make it easier to deploy them from inside the SIB. They look as though they are completely detachable and it doesn't look as though they will foul the OB even on full lock. Providing you don't mind the Mickey Mouse ears look, they are certainly worth considering.
You may still need to have 10/15mm packing to set them away from the transom (hdpe board) but IMO it will probably be more secure than the extension plate you would need with the Beachmasters to clear the overhang of your airdeck/keel. Pikey Dave will be able to let you know if he has to use a packing plate on his Volaire (similar overhang) when he fits his new Seamax. Personally I wouldn't rush into buying any wheels just yet.
09 August 2023, 06:41
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Originally Posted by Fenlander
When I’ve had folding wheels in the past they’ve been the excellent Trem brand. The biggest problem with them all has been the degree of tyre flotation meaning they are so hard to push down into the water from within the boat. This can be negated by fitting the famous yellow puncture proof wheels/tyres which have close to neutral buoyancy.
I found my paddle pushed between the axle and tyre, then quickly bounced, would force a 49cm super floaty tyre under water. Recovery was to pry the tyre up using the paddle and it would POP to the surface with force. Hook it with the paddle and install the locking pin.
09 August 2023, 11:31
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Originally Posted by Steve509926
Hi Jon, I've watched a few videos of the Seamax wheels and they look pretty good and robust. It looks as though the pin that holds the leg in either the up or down position is spring loaded which will make it easier to deploy them from inside the SIB. They look as though they are completely detachable and it doesn't look as though they will foul the OB even on full lock. Providing you don't mind the Mickey Mouse ears look, they are certainly worth considering.
You may still need to have 10/15mm packing to set them away from the transom (hdpe board) but IMO it will probably be more secure than the extension plate you would need with the Beachmasters to clear the overhang of your airdeck/keel. Pikey Dave will be able to let you know if he has to use a packing plate on his Volaire (similar overhang) when he fits his new Seamax. Personally I wouldn't rush into buying any wheels just yet.
Having just fitted a pair I'll report back to you with a few pics and a bit of a review... just don't have the time away from work now! I'll start a Seamax Deluxe thread, or add to one if someone beats me to it!
I've fitted my Seamax quite wide apart and my Mercury 20HP EFI just touches the rubber of the wheels but only just so they don't foul the OB very much.
I hopped in the boat on the trailer and tried the wheels from the deck... it's still awkward as you are operating under the level of your feet, but going to be so much easier than what I had. They will snap into the first downward position really easily - the second (full) downward position would be more ideal - hard to tell until I try them on the water.
The pins that secure the wheels are really nice and tapered to be easy to guide, so should be dead easy to take off and replace. All in all very robust.
09 August 2023, 18:59
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Originally Posted by Jon B
Hi Brinormeg, do you have any pictures of the wheels fitted and the engine please?
I’m stuck between Beachmasters and Seamax. If I chose Beachmasters, it need to make a bracket to sit the wheels lower. The Seamax look good though.
Does the engine turn ok with the legs up?
Are they fully detachable?
Thanks, Jon.
Sorry Jon I’m undecided as yet what way I’m going with wheels yet.
Although looking very much like it’s going to be between the beach-master or the seamax.
What sib did you end up buying? I’m sure I have photos somewhere of the beachmaster fixed to a honwave if that helps?
Can see there is benefits and negatives of both, and the quality control of the beachmaster copies is a bit of a concern given my outfits weight.
I think for all I’m going to get out this year by the looks of things, I might try stick with my original excel ones for now, and just keep the outboard tilted well up just in case they completely collapse. Then hope Santas very generous
If you check out YouTube there’s a few videos on the go that might help with any concerns you have, and be interesting to see how the guys get on with them.
If you don’t mind the ears and the guys here find it not too difficult to push the tyres down underneath whilst in the water, then seamax are looking my fav.
Looks like there would be loads of clearance under the sib (a consideration with mine) and a bit of adjustment too if I changed sibs in the future.
I might even be able to use the original box section spacer that my excel wheels are fixed to so no need to drill into the transom. But would need to investigate that a bit more when the time comes.
On the other hand, the beachmaster are more discrete. Seem relatively easy to deploy under the boat while afloat. Theres not that much clearance with the volaire without a step down block I believe. But haven’t actually seen any fitted to the volaire yet.
Only real advice I can give is don’t go too cheap or you could be back visiting this thread sooner than you would want. And don’t buy the the curved excel ones many of us did here because they bend, the mechanism jams etc and are complete bugger to deploy from the sib for us.
Cheers Brian
09 August 2023, 22:32
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Originally Posted by Tonus
I've fitted my Seamax quite wide apart and my Mercury 20HP EFI just touches the rubber of the wheels but only just so they don't foul the OB very much.
Hi Tonus, I think in this instance a picture and some measurements would be really helpful to others, distance you've set them apart and distance from the tubes?
Would I be correct in thinking you have a Zodiac Cadet 360 Ali rib?
10 August 2023, 13:16
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Originally Posted by lightning
Mine seem well made.
They obviously can't be as good as the genuine ones but they seem okay.
l would have bought the genuine Beachmaster wheels but the price was prohibitive, nearly £400 by the time l had factored in postage, import tax etc.
The copy ones cost £140 delivered. Time will tell as to how long they last, or if they give any trouble.
£260 for the Seamax on Amazon seems good vs £400 for the NZ Beachmasters (although I'd be interested to hear if Amazon charges for the import duty...).
I think I've spent over £500 on various wheels in the last couple of years! The problem with these things is that you never know that they'll be any good for your setup unless 1. you have them in your hand and 2. you've fitted them to your boat and put it in the water!
10 August 2023, 13:47
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Genuine question not a wind up. Do all you folks that try various types of expensive folding up wheels really need fold ups? I can't think of the last time we needed transom wheels post launch/pre recovery so the bolt on/off ones have proved ideal.
10 August 2023, 14:27
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Fenlander
Genuine question not a wind up. Do all you folks that try various types of expensive folding up wheels really need fold ups? I can't think of the last time we needed transom wheels post launch/pre recovery so the bolt on/off ones have proved ideal.
Speaking purely for my own needs, yes.
We beach a lot on our travels, pub lunches, coffee, walks, dog stops.
I found the leg type transom wheels a PITA (never tried the Trem ones or the Seamax)
When the last set of wheels failed, it was an option I wanted to try and I have found them so much easier to use, albeit with very limited outings this year.
10 August 2023, 17:30
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Fenlander
Genuine question not a wind up. Do all you folks that try various types of expensive folding up wheels really need fold ups? I can't think of the last time we needed transom wheels post launch/pre recovery so the bolt on/off ones have proved ideal.
I wouldn’t be without ours. We use the boat mainly abroad for exploring, we never know when or where we’ll end up. We frequently pull up on a beach or slip on a foreign shore.
Rule#2: Never argue with an idiot. He'll drag you down to his level & then beat you with experience.
Rule#3: Tha' can't educate pork.
Rule#4: Don't feed the troll
10 August 2023, 18:35
Country: UK - England
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After seeing what a minefield the transom wheel subject is, I’m very tempted to get a folding launch trolley for my new boat. Yeah it might restrict me a little, but I’ll always be boating with someone that can return the trolley to the camper or watch the boat while I do it.
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