20 October 2022, 19:03
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Beachmaster type wheel users - Question
A winter project I plan to do is to replace the transom wheels on Redneck with something I can have a bit of confidence using. I really like the look of the Beachmaster type of wheel, but have one concern.
In the few videos that show the wheels retracted when the SIB is in use, the lower few centimetres of the wheels appear to be below the water line. Does this cause excessive splash/wash?
20 October 2022, 19:42
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I suppose it depends on where the wheel plates are bolted to the transom and where the water line is. This will vary from boat to boat and then with load.
Beachmaster have this diagram of the wheels on there website.
I haven’t used mine yet but I’m planning on taking it out Saturday if the weathers ok.
I’ll try to take a picture and post it here.
20 October 2022, 20:59
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Originally Posted by Ducati
I haven’t usaed mine yet but I’m planning on taking it out Saturday if the weathers ok.
I’ll try to take a picture and post it here.
Thanks, that would be really useful.
A couple of pics when you're on the plane would be great.
20 October 2022, 21:39
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Will follow with interest as well.
Keep us updated if you do end up trying them Steve.
Unfortunately we dont have the inside space to tinker over the winter.
We have never managed to master the wheels we got from Excel with the Volaire.
Cant seem to put them up or down very well, and almost impossible for us from within the boat. Even in/out of the water, we always seem to struggle, and dont want to have to wade into the water all the time to set them up and down anyway, especially with the colder weather.
Once down they do work well over any ground we have tried so far, and the fact they curve under the transom does mean the bow is quite light, (even single handed with the 20hp Outboard, fuel etc on board)
These beachmaster types or similar on ebay/youtube do seem to work much better and look relatively easy to lower/raise compared to ours......and look more suitable for our intended use.
Just dont want to be drilling any more holes in the transom.... to find out later they arent right for us. And quite a bit of money to drop if they arent any use.
Never really thought about your concerns steve I was more worried that they might not give enough clearence, depending how low down the transom they can be fixed on the volaire and there is also a bit of a lip at the back to consider that might need the spacers like we have already.
Steve I think I will have to have a word with diane to convince her you should get the volaire, so you can experiment on our behalf
20 October 2022, 23:13
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Hi Brian, I've struggled with three different sets of wheels. Firstly the C-Tug wheels which cracked and shattered and then the replacements when the stub axle sheared off and then the replacement for the replacement which just don't inspire confidence. Every time I use them I think they are going to collapse and the bracket on the transom has started to bend (I have to say that Terry from Excel has been good and replaced/changed the wheels everytime without question)
I agree they aren't the easiest to deploy or retract, even with the "Fenlander" yellow wheels fitted, but I could put up with that if I didn't think they was going to fail everytime I use them. Fortunately I do have the space to tinker over the winter and the extra holes don't particularly concern me, a few hardwood dowels topped off with some black epoxy resin will take care of them.
I just want wheels that I can fit and use without any hassle. I'll keep you posted.
Not sure that Diane could be convinced that easily, think she would need to spend an afternoon in a Volaire.
21 October 2022, 00:13
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Beachmaster type wheel users - Question
Surely whether part of any transom wheel bracket, Beachmasters included, is slightly below the waterline at rest or displacement speed is irrelevant in terms of splash. More relevant is that nothing projects lower than the bottom of transom, and preferably at least an inch or so higher, as the water exits at this level (curving upwards and rear wards) at planing speeds.
I like the Beachmaster concept and would definitely consider them if we could cope with the small dia. wheels and ‘low rider’ clearance deployed.
21 October 2022, 08:09
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Originally Posted by chipko
........ as the water exits at this level (curving upwards and rear wards) at planing speeds.
Thanks Chipko, that explication helps a lot.
21 October 2022, 19:54
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Originally Posted by chipko
Surely whether part of any transom wheel bracket, Beachmasters included, is slightly below the waterline at rest or displacement speed is irrelevant in terms of splash. More relevant is that nothing projects lower than the bottom of transom, and preferably at least an inch or so higher, as the water exits at this level (curving upwards and rear wards) at planing speeds.
My friend put them on his boat at my recommendation, so I am happy to say they rock! Super easy up down and complete removal for folding the SIB. No water splashing into the boat that I have ever seen from the wheels. Outside the boat who cares.
Originally Posted by chipko
I like the Beachmaster concept and would definitely consider them if we could cope with the small dia. wheels and ‘low rider’ clearance deployed.
Bigger wheels are always better, but the weight of the SIB is what dictates size of wheels along with what it is rolling over. I used 49CM wheels and they were barely enough. For a small SIB the Beachmasters would be my first choice.
21 October 2022, 20:00
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Hi Peter, what size of sib do you have, and what OB?
22 October 2022, 07:50
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Originally Posted by Steve509926
Hi Peter, what size of sib do you have, and what OB?
I had a SIB, but sold it. Now I have a RIB I am fixing up.
The SIB is a 1992 Zodiac 4.2m MKII Futura Sport. Had a lot of fun with it and miss the beach launch capability in remote locations.
23 October 2022, 21:15
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Anyone have an opinion on the original Beachmasters vs the generic (copies?) often listed as ‘Rugged Heavy Duty Transom Wheels’?
I see the latter on eBay, Chas Newens, Boxmarine etc. Beachmasters are better quality? 120kg seems to be the recommended total weight spec… my small Zodiac tiller control Rib and 20HP a little over that…. My main concern is the height/clearance, so reading this thread with interest.
23 October 2022, 21:19
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BTW I have the excel 350 pneumatics that arc under the transom. They are a bit of a pain to put up/down when in the water. On land I’m not convinced. They just never feel solid or substantial - a lot of movement and flex… hence me looking at the shorter and stubbier BM types
23 October 2022, 22:56
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Originally Posted by Tonus
BTW I have the excel 350 pneumatics that arc under the transom. They are a bit of a pain to put up/down when in the water. On land I’m not convinced. They just never feel solid or substantial - a lot of movement and flex… hence me looking at the shorter and stubbier BM types
Hi Tonus, I have exactly the same wheels but retro fitted with the "Fenlander" solid yellow wheels (hope he has shares in that company) which do help putting them up and down in the water.
Like you I'm always I'm always thinking that they are going to fail when on dry land. One wheel/leg/bracket assembly appears to have developed a mind of its own and wants to wonder off at all angles! The gauge of the steel used in making the leg and bracket just isn't up to the job, it bends and flexes far to much.
Today I printed the Beachmaster template and tried it on the transom of my SD360, mainly to make sure there is enough clearance between the wheel bracket and tube to fit a transducer, it's tight but there is enough room. I also measured the distance I think there will be between the top of the wheel/tyre and the bottom of the transom, which is between 2 - 3 cms which is enough. Hopefully, the Chas Newsom wheels are the same measurements, I'll be giving them a call to check. At that price I think I have found my joint Xmas present from the family.
23 October 2022, 23:19
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Originally Posted by Steve509926
Hi Tonus, I have exactly the same wheels but retro fitted with the "Fenlander" solid yellow wheels (hope he has shares in that company) which do help putting them up and down in the water.
Like you I'm always I'm always thinking that they are going to fail when on dry land. One wheel/leg/bracket assembly appears to have developed a mind of its own and wants to wonder off at all angles! The gauge of the steel used in making the leg and bracket just isn't up to the job, it bends and flexes far to much.
Today I printed the Beachmaster template and tried it on the transom of my SD360, mainly to make sure there is enough clearance between the wheel bracket and tube to fit a transducer, it's tight but there is enough room. I also measured the distance I think there will be between the top of the wheel/tyre and the bottom of the transom, which is between 2 - 3 cms which is enough. Hopefully, the Chas Newsom wheels are the same measurements, I'll be giving them a call to check. At that price I think I have found my joint Xmas present from the family.
You and I seem to be on the exact same page - very similar boat size and weight.
I had a previous set of the 350 wheels/arch arm, and the brackets ended up bending and making a wheels wander apart. The brackets bent and twisted on the bolts and they became unusable. I think those were from a different supplier (still through Excel) and were seemingly better built than the ones I have now, so I’m not filled with confidence.
Let us know how you get on if you decide to go for the Chas Newens wheels. I’m guessing these are the same as the ones on eBay, unless there are few different copies…
Does anyone have the non-Beachmaster types?
25 October 2022, 23:35
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Originally Posted by Steve509926
Hi Tonus, I have exactly the same wheels but retro fitted with the "Fenlander" solid yellow wheels (hope he has shares in that company) which do help putting them up and down in the water.
Like you I'm always I'm always thinking that they are going to fail when on dry land. One wheel/leg/bracket assembly appears to have developed a mind of its own and wants to wonder off at all angles! The gauge of the steel used in making the leg and bracket just isn't up to the job, it bends and flexes far to much.
Today I printed the Beachmaster template and tried it on the transom of my SD360, mainly to make sure there is enough clearance between the wheel bracket and tube to fit a transducer, it's tight but there is enough room. I also measured the distance I think there will be between the top of the wheel/tyre and the bottom of the transom, which is between 2 - 3 cms which is enough. Hopefully, the Chas Newsom wheels are the same measurements, I'll be giving them a call to check. At that price I think I have found my joint Xmas present from the family.
Some pics if still considering the Volaire Steve and how the BM might work on it.
Might have to unpack the Volaire and try a template alongside to see if I think the beachmaster/copy would work if we get a few decent days.
The picture in the box was when my wheels were brand new but now the T/Y bits are all chewed up and bent out of shape, and I think the curved leg might be now as well.
In the pics when new, they did have a lot of clearence below, but last time out they scuffed the inflatable keel quite badly becasue of all the movement now.
So far they have held up, but we always tilt the OB fully in case they do collapse.
We did very nearly have a accident when pulling over some very rough ground when it jumped off the wheel bracket....so we fashioned a pin we stick in to avoid this happening again.
The qouted weight limit on the beachmasters could be a concern for the volaire with the outboard on the transom. But they certainly look ok on any videos Ive watched.
The splash wings and the step at the bottom of the transom might be an issue but any other wheels would be the same.
Not sure if they would clear the bottom or the flap when deployed down, or maybe would need to have a larger spacer.
26 October 2022, 08:31
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Hi Brian, thanks for those pics.
Looking at the depth of the airdeck/hull that is protruding below the bottom of the transom, I think some very careful measuring would be needed to see if the Beachmaster type of wheel would fit. I'd also buy them from a supplier on the understanding that they can be returned if they don't fit.
Redneck has at least another 18 months in my ownership, I've been told! but you never know
26 October 2022, 09:43
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Watching this with interest, my Excel wheels are going the same way as Brin’s & I can’t see them lasting another season. I glanced at the Beachmaster dimensions & I think they will be a squeeze on the Volaire. I’ll have a proper look when I get chance.
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26 October 2022, 20:46
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For Volaire users wishing to fit Beachmaster wheels would it not be possible to fabricate a stepped packer, effectively lowering the assembly to clear the thick air floor.
Of course, still to consider will be the 120kg max weight and the “low rider” stance when deployed.
26 October 2022, 21:35
Country: UK - England
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Great idea chipko, definitely one for the memory bank if (or should that be when) I get a Volaire.
I don't think the 120kg should be a problem as all the Beachmaster type wheels I've read about have said that's a recommendation and not to exceed 200kg.
26 October 2022, 22:24
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Originally Posted by chipko
For Volaire users wishing to fit Beachmaster wheels would it not be possible to fabricate a stepped packer, effectively lowering the assembly to clear the thick air floor.
Attachment 141769
Of course, still to consider will be the 120kg max weight and the “low rider” stance when deployed.
Definately worth thinking about. We already have to use the box section as a spacer for the curved wheels to work (as in the photos).......so could be relatively easy to add another packer or indeed a completely new stepped/deeper one.
Have been searching online for a different size but similar style wheels to the BM but there doesnt seem to be much variation in sizes. Was hoping to find ones with a taller reach perhaps.....if that makes sense
Of course we would also have to be aware of wheels getting in the way of the outboard and thicker the spacers, the larger the the boat will be folded possibly
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