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Old 14 September 2017, 22:36   #1
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Bison fishing SIB'S Any thoughts. . . .

I've been considering a Bison 2.7 SIB for a while now and I'm almost about to take the plunge because of these factors. . . .
Category C rated.
Price: £625 for air deck and air keel or £650 with air keel and alliminium floor.
I like the green olive colour as I'm into fishing and it's a change from the boring grey.
42cm tubes.
3 bow end D rings.
High level of features, including fuel tank retention strap AT THE STERN where I would want to keep my fuel tank out of the way against the transom hence leaving the space mid ship for kit and passengers where almost all SIB makes fir the fuel tank retention strap.
Multi Grab handles on the bow fend or carrying the boat and for planning holding on, a bow anchor roller and holder (I like that the best!) rear carry handles where you need them at the heavy end and an adjustable removable seat.
I can't see what more could be added as standard to a 2.7 SIB but it gets better. . . It's rated for a max 10hp outboard, or 38kg max weight outboard, Is their any other 2.7 SIB makes that state similar outboard weight? I know many people go above a SIB outboard maximum HP rating at their own risks but that's the highest ratting I've seen for ANY 2.7 SIB I know of including the 2.7 Honwave that's generally rated King of the 2.7's SIB's at a maximum of 8hp. Plus I can see a 10hp being more than enough for this SIB! Plus keeping 10hp easy planning owners users insurance legal!

I guess these Bison SIB's are made in the one and only Chinese SIB making factory for all but the spec appears to be higher than anything else yet seen for the multi brand manufactured Chinese made 2.7 SIB's

So. . . . Any reason why not to take the plunge on a 2.7 Bison SIB because I can't work out what, but something is still holding me back otherwise I would of already been an owner a good few months ago, is it the old fact that if something seems to good to be true it probably is???

If this high specification 2.7 SIB had a Honwave or Excel badge I would buy one now regardless of the Honda or Excel price tax it would have!
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Old 15 September 2017, 07:07   #2
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Where will you be using it and what for? Sibs with a more pronounced V shaped hull handle better in sea (chop and getting onto plane) if you’re just doing rivers/lakes/canals then this would be fine, as in it floats and has a warranty?

Is it big enough for your needs, can you manage the weight for your proposed uses and will you be packing it down and storing after each use? A 3.2 Honwave is ball park £300.00 or try a search for Sun Sport sibs which are made in the same factory as Honwave
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Old 15 September 2017, 07:57   #3
Lee1's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Yabadabadoo View Post
Where will you be using it and what for? Sibs with a more pronounced V shaped hull handle better in sea (chop and getting onto plane) if you’re just doing rivers/lakes/canals then this would be fine, as in it floats and has a warranty?

Is it big enough for your needs, can you manage the weight for your proposed uses and will you be packing it down and storing after each use? A 3.2 Honwave is ball park £300.00 or try a search for Sun Sport sibs which are made in the same factory as Honwave
It would be for ocean use insure up to a mile or so I've got and had a variety of SIBs over the years from round tails with motor mounts to honwave v floor and old wood slat floors ones so have experience of them all, to be honest I don't like the v floor Hondas due to floor internally flooding with floor punctures, and the sunsport 2.7 v is very low on features.
2.7 is the size I like now and am going to stick with as an 8hp is just about enough for single person and kit use.
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Old 21 June 2018, 23:26   #4
Lee1's Avatar
Country: UK - England
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No I didn't, I got involved in other SIBs lol one come up last week, I saw it not making any money throughout the auction and didn't fancy it for some reason. . . Listing said it was a year old light use and reglued where it had come unglued!!!

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