20 August 2020, 12:02
Join Date: Jun 2020
Posts: 10
Boat Safety Certification....HELP!
Greetings you nautical nutters!!
I bought a zodiac Projet with an inboard engine. Same as a jet ski system.
If I had an outboard Motor I wouldn’t need a boat safety certificate. However I do have an inboard which requires a BSScert. The examiner wants all manner of things changed which would require modification from the manufacturers build and spec.
The mechanics have said they’ve never seen a list of things to amend quite like this.
It’s a zodiac Projet 420. It runs, its seaworthy, clean tidy etc etc
Does anyone have any experience of this?
20 August 2020, 13:20
Country: UK - England
Town: South Yorks
Boat name: Black Pig
Make: Ribcraft
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Originally Posted by Helimedic
Greetings you nautical nutters!!
I bought a zodiac Projet with an inboard engine. Same as a jet ski system.
If I had an outboard Motor I wouldn’t need a boat safety certificate. However I do have an inboard which requires a BSScert. The examiner wants all manner of things changed which would require modification from the manufacturers build and spec.
The mechanics have said they’ve never seen a list of things to amend quite like this.
It’s a zodiac Projet 420. It runs, its seaworthy, clean tidy etc etc
Does anyone have any experience of this?
I’m guessing you’re not in the UK
Rule#2: Never argue with an idiot. He'll drag you down to his level & then beat you with experience.
Rule#3: Tha' can't educate pork.
Rule#4: Don't feed the troll
20 August 2020, 13:49
Join Date: Jun 2020
Posts: 10
Hi Dave, yes I’m in the uk. Boat manufacturers are zodiac/France
Any pearls of wisdom??
20 August 2020, 13:58
Country: UK - England
Town: South Yorks
Boat name: Black Pig
Make: Ribcraft
Length: 5m +
Engine: DF140a
MMSI: 235111389
Join Date: Feb 2008
Posts: 12,206
Originally Posted by Helimedic
Hi Dave, yes I’m in the uk. Boat manufacturers are zodiac/France
Any pearls of wisdom??
Ahh! Hadn’t realised it was for inland UK waters. Is it an open boat? No gas lockers/cabin etc? What are they asking for? Most of the requirements seem to focus on below deck safety, gas alarms etc.
Rule#2: Never argue with an idiot. He'll drag you down to his level & then beat you with experience.
Rule#3: Tha' can't educate pork.
Rule#4: Don't feed the troll
20 August 2020, 14:12
RIBnet admin team
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>>>examiner wants all manner of things changed which would require modification from the manufacturers build and spec. The mechanics have said they’ve never seen a list of things to amend quite like this.
My old man ran river boats for many years. The detail of the boat cert for inland rivers is staggering. Once you have an inboard some 50+ items on the engine and fuel system alone. And yes they will expect mods if the original build doesn't meet current standards.
20 August 2020, 14:48
Country: UK - Wales
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Originally Posted by Helimedic
Hi Dave, yes I’m in the uk. Boat manufacturers are zodiac/France
Any pearls of wisdom?? ��
Where are you planning on using the boat? What is the safety cert for? It’s far too small to live on or sleep on, it’s a day boat at best no enclosed cabin, also the jet drive is not suited to long term immersion it runs very very tight tolerances the original manufacturer certifications should still be available from zodiac they have a uk officE in Swansea
How is it different to a small grp speedboat with a inboard motor?
My boat is very small and has an outboard motor, do I need BSS Certification?
On most waterways, a BSS Examination is not required in respect of any privately owned, open vessel (i.e. a vessel in which all the accommodation is completely open to the elements) if it has no domestic cooking, heating, refrigerating or lighting appliances installed and it is propelled solely by an outboard engine. Please ask the navigation or harbour authority that will be licensing or registering your boat, as it sets the terms and conditions of that registration.
The rules are likely to be different if the boat is in commercial, community or other public use, or is a workboat. Ask the navigation or harbour authority for more detail about the operating terms and conditions including BSS Certification.
I think there is very strong argument for not need a BSS, but he examiner will disagree as they are paid to inspect boats not decide if the rules apply you need to speak to the navigation authority insurance is probably enough and that is easy to obtain as the vessel is a commercial build from known Maker and will have a classification It’s a bit like taking a tractor to a garage for an MOT.... if they asses it as a car (you can drive it on car licence) it will fail.... but tractors don’t need An mot (Doesn’t stop,garage you asked to mot it telling you it’s £££££ to get it to pass....
20 August 2020, 15:00
Join Date: Jun 2020
Posts: 10
I had planned for just using on the Thames and some coastal. To register the boat you need a BSS certificate, I’m very pro safety so not a problem... however
Thank you for your photos, they have unfortunately answered some of my concerns with FUEL and BATTERY systems.
1 The fuel tank should have a CE mark confirming it's Suitability for use with PETROL
2 Zodiac Ribs are produced in France so the fuel hoses (Filler, Engine Supply and Vents should be marked ISO 7840.
3 The Battery is not in a Box so ALL Fuel Components should be At Least 12" 305mm away from the unenclosed Battery. your photo shows the fuel line and filter to near.
4 The fuel Filter is a definite NO NO
5 A Fuel Shut of Valve should be fitted directly to the Metal Fuel Tank Outlet fitting any Fuel Feed Hose to the Engine to be ISO 7840. Not Sure WHY there is a Priming Bulb in line?there will be a lift pump pressurising the Fuel Injection System.
We only want to use it to potter about on lakes, bigger rivers and some coastal waters when appropriate etc
Not for hire, no commercial interests just pottering about
20 August 2020, 15:16
Country: UK - Wales
Town: Cardiff
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Posts: 2,018
BSS is inland water ways only nothing to do with coast at all James is tidal to Chiswick?
I think this is the application of the wrong legislation like trying to mot a tractor........
Speak to zodiac and ask for op the original conformity paperwork Lakes again are different and I can’t see any lake stopping you launch a rib with valid insurance speak to a none inland specialist as I think your just engaging with the wrong “experts”for your application or just launch slightly further East....it’s possible the boat has been messed with since it was built and some fuel filter and priming bulb may be additions that are not correct
What motor is it? 2/4 stroke? Is it merc V4?
20 August 2020, 15:21
Join Date: Jun 2020
Posts: 10
I’ve spoken to Zodiac MilPro....
They couldn’t help me at all. Only interested in military ribs.
Spoke to boat registration who equally couldn’t help me further than “ah yes it’s an inboard engine so you need a safety certificate”
I’ve tried emailing the international website for zodiac and spoken to a Yamaha dealer (yam engine) again they were very lovely but unable to assist
Sorry to burden you guys
20 August 2020, 15:43
Country: UK - Wales
Town: Cardiff
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Posts: 2,018
Go back to basics where do you want to use the boat? 90% of people wouldn’t give two hoots about bss for an open boat why are are you trying to register it? No legal requirement in U.K. coastal waters, all inland waters have their own rules some councils require council registrations to use council slips
And why a jet rib????? There is a reason they aren’t popular !
Have you done a coastal pb2?
20 August 2020, 15:57
Country: UK - Wales
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Assuming you live in London, don’t email or phone but actually go to chas newens marine and sk them what you need to use your boat
20 August 2020, 17:16
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Are you mooring or day sailing? Usually if your day sailing or short term visiting inland waterways you can self declare & obtain a visitor licence without a bss. We've done several english canals & rivers & all of the Scottish canals & never had a bss, this was in boats with inboard engines, accomodation toilets & cooking facilities
May save you a load of grief if your a visitor
20 August 2020, 18:15
Join Date: Jun 2020
Posts: 10
Guys, i really cannot thank you enough. Im just trying to get it all "Right" so when i looked at yearly use of.... it directed me toward the Gov.uk website which sited the BSS certificate.
I have all singing and dancing insurance but assumed i needed the bss and to register the boat.... ill investigate the boat licensing stuff. Cheers guys
20 August 2020, 18:31
RIBnet admin team
Country: UK - Scotland
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Helimedic - as Ken said if you are planning to take the boat home between use then the solution is to buy “short term licenses” (I think so long as no more than a month in the waterway continuously) - then you don’t need to be fully BSS compliant and just self declare with this form: https://canalrivertrust.org.uk/media/library/1196.pdf
20 August 2020, 18:44
Join Date: Jun 2020
Posts: 10
Cheers Poly, I’ll have a look at that. Thank you!!
21 August 2020, 09:58
Country: UK - England
Town: Lincolnshire
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Boat safety scheme
Before you buy a boat licence you will need a valid Boat Safety Scheme (BSS) certificate or exemption. The BSS is like a boating version of the MOT. It sets standards for boats, their installations and components, which you must meet before buying your licence.
By law, your boat must comply with our standards for boat construction.
So, unless your boat is an open craft such as a canoe, rowing boat or dinghy, and has no engine, all other boats, including houseboats, must have a:
boat safety certificate for older boats
recreational craft directive (RCD) for brand new boats
The scheme is designed to minimise the risks of fires or explosions on boats. The standards combine essential safety needs and best safety practice advice. They include criteria for boat systems such as electrical installations, inboard/outboard engines, appliances, ventilation and fuels.
21 August 2020, 09:59
Country: UK - England
Town: Lincolnshire
Boat name: Mousetrap
Make: Zodiac Cadet 310S
Length: 3m +
Engine: Mariner 4 stroke 9.9
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Posts: 481
A new-ish craft should be compliant with the RCD and is therefore exempt.
21 August 2020, 11:20
RIBnet admin team
Country: UK - Scotland
Boat name: imposter
Make: FunYak
Length: 3m +
Engine: Tohatsu 30HP
MMSI: 235089819
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 11,642
Originally Posted by Mikefule
Before you buy a boat licence lasting more than 30 days you will need a valid Boat Safety Scheme (BSS) certificate or exemption.
I've fixed that for you!
21 August 2020, 16:36
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I used to be BSS examiner in Highlands. Boats don't need a BSS if they are passing through the canal, only need one if they have a mooring on the canal.
13 November 2021, 20:59
Country: UK - England
Town: London/Oxford
Make: Ribcrafts
Length: 5m +
Engine: 150hp/2x115hp
MMSI: 235090215
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Posts: 2,250
You only need a BSS if you keep the boat afloat on the non-tidal Thames or plan to use it more than 10 times (in theory) a year.
A less than honest boater could rock up at any lock, buy a visitor permit 10 times with one boat name then say a month later, rock up at another lock and buy a visitor permit 10 times with another name......not that anybody would do that.
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