08 May 2011, 20:59
Country: Other
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Bombard 380 mad idea.
Since we've had the smaller Nashers 380 Aerotec I've had a mad thought about the fuel tank arrangements.
As we roll the boat up each time I can't really do it with ours, but I've had my eye on the gap down the centre of the 'V' Deck, under the flat web that goes between the two.
If we were to keep the boat blown up I'd consider getting Paul Tilley to make me up a flexible fuel bladder to fit down the gap, with an outlet at the stern and filler cap up in the bow.
You can just see what I mean in the attached image.
Could get quite a lot of fuel in a long sauasge down there, and it would get the weight down low and spread out.
What do you think?
Mad Idea, or feasible?
08 May 2011, 21:09
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Great Idea.
We use Avon sausage fuel bags in the Marines on our Zodiacs which is what I would recommend apart from the fact filling it up would be tricky.
I think it'll keep the boat nicely balanced too.
Please post pics if you go for it.
08 May 2011, 21:13
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Originally Posted by Bighag7
Great Idea.
We use Avon sausage fuel bags in the Marines on our Zodiacs which is what I would recommend apart from the fact filling it up would be tricky.
I think it'll keep the boat nicely balanced too.
Please post pics if you go for it.
I've got a couple of these in the FC but they're made of kevlar. Probably overkill but would mr Tilley have a suitable material for a petrol tank?
08 May 2011, 22:18
Country: Other
Town: Principalite d'Chaos
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Originally Posted by martini
I've got a couple of these in the FC but they're made of kevlar. Probably overkill but would mr Tilley have a suitable material for a petrol tank?
I don't know exactly what he makes them from, but I'm sure he does make flexible fuel tanks to order.
He'll probably be along in a minute to say I Made it up.
Found this on Pauls Site.
I'm still sure he can make them for fuel.
09 May 2011, 12:35
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If it could be made to work , it'd be a good use of space. I'll let Paul consider ......
It will always be the cost/benefit thing though...
09 May 2011, 13:42
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Good idea but this was supposed to be Sibing on a budget was it not!
I have used this area under the floor to store the paddles, but have stopped as thought there is a chance of damage to them!
09 May 2011, 16:14
Country: Other
Town: Principalite d'Chaos
Boat name: The Nashers Revenge!
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Budget is the plan
As I said, we couldn't do it with ours anyway because we roll it up ech time.
Athough, wait for it.............
I'm not sure how much grief it would be to 'feed a sausage up the 'V' each time
I'm surprised there's a big enough gap at either end to get the paddles out once the boats blown up?
Or do they telescope down that small?
We currently have a set of 'Sturdy' wooden paddles, but am going to get hold of some telescopic ones soon.
09 May 2011, 16:43
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nasher is going mad
nasher it is a good idea but we can only make tanks for race use as they are not ce approved but the cost is silly compared to a plastic can type tank ,if you let me know sizes i can quote but 2 x 8 inch diameter tanks 3mtrs long would be min £100 each + vat and delivery !!!! .regards paul
09 May 2011, 17:01
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by paul tilley
nasher it is a good idea but we can only make tanks for race use as they are not ce approved but the cost is silly compared to a plastic can type tank ,if you let me know sizes i can quote but 2 x 8 inch diameter tanks 3mtrs long would be min £100 each + vat and delivery !!!! .regards paul
Now thats an idea - a 380 race series !!! Enough of us seem to be getting them
09 May 2011, 17:35
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Originally Posted by paul tilley
nasher it is a good idea but we can only make tanks for race use as they are not ce approved but the cost is silly compared to a plastic can type tank ,if you let me know sizes i can quote but 2 x 8 inch diameter tanks 3mtrs long would be min £100 each + vat and delivery !!!! .regards paul
Is my maths right that it will hold roughly 90 litres?
09 May 2011, 17:43
Country: UK - Channel Islands
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100 quid's an absolute bargain in my book
The Zodiac bow tank 18 gallon (60ish litre?) RRP's at nearly a grand
09 May 2011, 18:16
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Originally Posted by chewy
Is my maths right that it will hold roughly 90 litres?
Yep,97.28 litres.
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09 May 2011, 19:40
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Originally Posted by Nasher
Budget is the plan
As I said, we couldn't do it with ours anyway because we roll it up ech time.
Athough, wait for it.............
I'm not sure how much grief it would be to 'feed a sausage up the 'V' each time
I'm surprised there's a big enough gap at either end to get the paddles out once the boats blown up?
Or do they telescope down that small?
We currently have a set of 'Sturdy' wooden paddles, but am going to get hold of some telescopic ones soon.
Yes they are the telescopic type, I think you are right it would not work with fixed type
09 May 2011, 20:18
Country: Other
Town: Principalite d'Chaos
Boat name: The Nashers Revenge!
Make: Windsor Brothers
Length: 6m +
Engine: Optimax 225
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Posts: 4,944
Originally Posted by paul tilley
nasher it is a good idea but we can only make tanks for race use as they are not ce approved but the cost is silly compared to a plastic can type tank ,if you let me know sizes i can quote but 2 x 8 inch diameter tanks 3mtrs long would be min £100 each + vat and delivery !!!! .regards paul
Thanks Paul, I knew you'd said you made them
They do actualy sound like a bargain as Martini says, but I was thinking something small diameter.
Perhaps 4in dia by 6 or 7ft long.
However, if anyone actualy wanted one I'd suggest under the circumstances they contact you direct, and strictly for their race boat of course.
Oh, and 97.28 litres of fuel would slow it down a bit with the 9.9HP on it 
But the engine would wear out before you used it all.
09 May 2011, 20:32
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the only problem i could think of would be the buffeting of the tank by waves and the posibility of it forcing fuel up the fuel pipe. the spec of the connections would have to be high. But it is a brilliant idea to trial
09 May 2011, 20:40
Country: Other
Town: Principalite d'Chaos
Boat name: The Nashers Revenge!
Make: Windsor Brothers
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Good thought Andy, but I'm sure it wouldn't be too much of an issue.
It would still be on top of the airdeck which is very stiff.
Sadly I'm unlikely to actualy try it, as I've other more pressing things to spend the budget on, but maybe one day.
09 May 2011, 21:06
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would layflat hose be up to the job if you could seal the ends ?
09 May 2011, 21:10
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£14 for telescopic ones from swanick, only 5 cm longer then the blade when collapsed.
09 May 2011, 21:17
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Nasher, have you tested the fuel consumption of the Suziwong yet? I got a shock after 18Nm in the SIB when I discovered that the Toohotsue had burned a whole 5 litres. Basically, I couldn't have burned the 12L tank in a day if I had tried. The flexitank is a nice idea but I'd be concerned that it would be hard to check for fill state, and at such low usage levels, might be overlooked until it was very low. Could you build a 12L tank into a bow-bag or seat base or something?
09 May 2011, 21:36
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A 12ltr tankfull pretty much lasts all season on our 5hp Tosspotsu.
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