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Old 17 February 2015, 07:49   #1
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Bombard 380 transom wheels / manual

Hi all,

I bought a pair of original Zodiac transom wheels for my Bombard 380. I have question: when the boat is in the water, where do you leave the transom wheels ?

Another question: does anyone have a pdf version of the ownersmanual (Bombard 380 aerotec)

Thanks !
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Old 17 February 2015, 08:38   #2
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I assume you have the proper ones for the 380, not the smaller Cadet version made by Zodiac

Until last year I'd had several sets of these proper Zodiac wheels with big tyres on different inflatables. In my opinion they are one of the best sets in relation to strength of both of the leg itself and the way the fitting arrangement spreads the load across the transom, a class above many generic wheels in this respect. Also the legs are long so they get the boat well off the ground.

They are not flip up friendly though but will stow fixed to the inside of the transom fixed by the top bolts with the wheel ends splayed out resting on the tubes.... not ideal though.

Apart from the fact they are not ideal left on the boat there is so much buoyancy in those large tyres they can be a pig to fit with the boat in the water when you get back to recover it, they keep trying to pop to the surface before you've managed to engage the bottom slide-in fixing. Also it is all too easy to lose the cranked bolt and they're expensive to replace.

Despite the negatives this type had always suited me as I never went to sea with the wheels. I launched and put them back in the car.

But last year I bought an inflatable that was already fitted with flip up Trem type wheels and I've been totally converted due to the ease of use during launch/recovery and relatively neat look when folded up under way.
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Old 17 February 2015, 08:44   #3
Country: Netherlands
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Thanks for your reply.

I have the proper wheels, was surprised at how big the tyres are. I guess we'll just leave them in the car then.
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Old 19 February 2015, 14:43   #4
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I use 380mm dia tyres on my pop up wheels which I find work well for me although it must be said not always easy to push them under water to lock up but well worth the little effort needed.

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Old 31 August 2015, 16:31   #5
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hi Piotr, did you ever manage to get a copy of thew owners manual by any chance ?
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