03 May 2024, 09:33
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Originally Posted by beamishken
You've not been here long so probably haven't seen some of the ridiculous stuff he posted in previous incarnations, his current stuff is only mildly bad in comparison to past stuff & I think he knows he has to keep it slightly toned down or hes out the door.
This right here is exactly my argument.
Your issues are mainly historical and by your own admission, he's toned it down and behaved a bit better.
It's like arguing with your Mrs and she keeps bringing up old stuff shít ya did years ago instead of moving on. I understand your intentions and often agree on your assessment of the quality of advice, but I think you're just getting blinkered by it and going about it all wrong.
Many users, especially new users who aren't " in the know" aren't going to invest the time to figure out the history of why you're annoyed, so instead you just come across as excessively confrontational. I'm sure even for your own sanity you'll feel a lot better if you just ignore him.
03 May 2024, 10:13
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Originally Posted by User name
I'm sure even for your own sanity you'll feel a lot better if you just ignore him.
To be fair it has helped my own sanity just to ignore him, as some will know I even unsubscribed from the forum for a short period of time. Since being back I don't read much of what Dennis posts but on this occasion I have as I am genuinely interested in a small cat for solo use. I have been hoping for a meaningful and objective review on the Aircat 335 along the lines of chipko's excellent review of the Boatworld cat, which, along with the colour, put me off buying one.
The comment I made #40 was nothing to do with the subject of his thread or his videos, it was in reference to the complete lack of empathy and understanding towards a huge number of the population that are struggling to make ends meet.
03 May 2024, 10:59
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Talks about talks on forums are always unwise rarely getting anywhere. They give an impression of negativity that is best avoided but like others I will add my bit.
A couple of you above are playing both sides a bit here. Tinker when I gave the very full benefit of my 10hp vs 15hp history and experience on this thread a couple of days ago Easedale's response was snide adding nothing useful.
User Name it was only in March this year Easedale started a thread to give ill judged and potentially dangerous advice in using a generic bolt of unknown quality for the main steering attachment of his new build RIB to save a few quid over a genuine Yamaha bolt. In that thread he tried to belittle Davie probably the most informed and helpful Yamaha guy on here who actually offered to send him the correct bolt FOC. You were down on Easedale big time for such reckless advice.
So it is still current not just historical. Historical examples for those that might have missed them... The creation of multiple usernames to create mischief and work round being a banned user... Constantly jumping onto posts of mine and others, which usually advocate quality or by the book work, trying to demean the methods we use... even alluding to me having a mental health condition for properly caring for my kit. And that's just the tip of the iceberg.
In all the above, and as usual for me, I do not insult... just deal in the facts.
03 May 2024, 11:35
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Originally Posted by tinker
This forum has always had "characters " codprawn springs to mind , what a character he was, anyone know what happened to him.....or her?
Him. He set up https://www.speedshift.co.uk/ which must have reduced his available time on Ribnet.
03 May 2024, 12:11
Country: Ireland
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Originally Posted by Fenlander
You were down on Easedale big time for such reckless advice.
You are projecting quite a lot there. I was critical (and not overly so) of a black and white safety issue. Not a prolonged campaign of attacking his every post (whether you're in the right or not).
I aim to be helpful as much as I can be. There have been times where I resisted replying to other people on here who were also wrong too. It's all just opinion on the internet & RibNet isn't an academic journal. It's ok to be wrong. I think everyone just needs to chill a bit. It's so negative in here on the regular.
It was a useful thread about a boat that doesn't have a whole lot of info out there until all this kicked off again.
03 May 2024, 13:14
RIBnet admin team
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>>You are projecting quite a lot there.
Be fair to me. "Big time" was just a phrase. In that thread you rightly pointed out the error of buying a bolt your life could depend on based on thread alone, that it could be made of cheese and the spec should be considered, that his purchase decision was misguided and a gamble.
Despite you putting all that politely what you got back from Easdale rather than thanks, a fair point I'll buy the correct bolt was a glib and sarcastic response.
03 May 2024, 13:14
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Originally Posted by willk
Fair game to him, got some decent feedback, bet the ribs gone as well.
Big waves, small boat ;)
03 May 2024, 13:46
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Originally Posted by Fenlander
In that thread he tried to belittle Davie probably the most informed and helpful Yamaha guy on here who actually offered to send him the correct bolt FOC.
Davie is a good stick, helping out members with sound advice on sorting old (and new) outboards over the years. He's a Yamaha expert and I use the word expert deliberately. If I had a 19 year old Yamaha stroker, I'd probably not want to publicly sneer at Davie's advice/offer: Fate can be fickle
03 May 2024, 14:01
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I put Easdale on my ignore list . A useful function and his advice good or bad goes past in a little box.
Davie is a Yamaha expert and his advice generously given is worth listening to.
03 May 2024, 14:44
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Originally Posted by willk
If that is who I think it is, he is still going strong on a very well subscribed to welding forum albeit by a different moniker
03 May 2024, 17:20
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Originally Posted by Steve509926
am genuinely interested in a small cat for solo use. I have been hoping for a meaningful and objective review on the Aircat 335 along the lines of chipko's excellent review of the Boatworld cat, which, along with the colour, put me off buying one.
Having briefly run a smaller closed bow Aqua Marina also been hoping for a meaningful review of the Aircat in this thread but thus far sadly nowt useful apart from I think he likes it.
Steve, glad you liked our KATSport 330 review and, apart from the colour, interested to hear why it wasn’t for you? We thought it was an absolute hoot! We’ll soon be putting our Kolibre 380 through its paces on the sea, and looking forward to the results in some chop and surf. Will probably have to sell on after as surplus to requirements and only purchased as interested in this make to test.
Will also soon be testing the Boatworld Cruiser 380, a closed bow tunnel hull sib similar to the Elling. Interested to see how this goes.
03 May 2024, 18:16
RIBnet admin team
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Originally Posted by FoxZulu
If that is who I think it is, he is still going strong on a very well subscribed to welding forum albeit by a different moniker 
His name is Vincent.
03 May 2024, 18:45
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Had the second test of the Aqua Marina Aircat 335 today and far better video. Hopefully my efforts will help others to decide if they want to buy this little cat. Which after all is what this thread is all about.
03 May 2024, 19:24
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by chipko
Having briefly run a smaller closed bow Aqua Marina also been hoping for a meaningful review of the Aircat in this thread but thus far sadly nowt useful apart from I think he likes it.
Steve, glad you liked our KATSport 330 review and, apart from the colour, interested to hear why it wasn’t for you? We thought it was an absolute hoot! We’ll soon be putting our Kolibre 380 through its paces on the sea, and looking forward to the results in some chop and surf. Will probably have to sell on after as surplus to requirements and only purchased as interested in this make to test.
Will also soon be testing the Boatworld Cruiser 380, a closed bow tunnel hull sib similar to the Elling. Interested to see how this goes.
Hi chipko, I've tried to find your review to refresh my memory but for some reason I can't find it, I'm sure it was something to do with cavitation and transom height.
03 May 2024, 19:55
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Easedalenovice
Had the second test of the Aqua Marina Aircat 335 today and far better video. Hopefully my efforts will help others to decide if they want to buy this little cat. Which after all is what this thread is all about.
Good video Dennis appreciate it. Around 8.15 you say "a lot of splashing" do you mean from the right tube? Don't take this the wrong way, is it because your on the right side and not exactly a feather weight? Would you say it's suitable for bloke's of our build? Drainage, obviously it was dead calm but in any chop are the drain holes big enough to cope? I didn't hear any cavitation, is the OB sat on the transom, would it benefit being any lower?
If you was going to make any improvements, what would they be?
03 May 2024, 20:51
Country: Ireland
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Originally Posted by Easedalenovice
Had the second test of the Aqua Marina Aircat 335 today and far better video. Hopefully my efforts will help others to decide if they want to buy this little cat. Which after all is what this thread is all about.
Looks like good craic. Do you reckon getting the fuel more forward, or sitting more centrally might help? I'm half tempted to grab one of these while they're still heavily discounted.
03 May 2024, 21:16
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All this talk of cats, I need to try this Elling KB 350 I have but not used yet with the 15hp 2 stroke
03 May 2024, 22:34
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Steve509926
Hi chipko, I've tried to find your review to refresh my memory but for some reason I can't find it, I'm sure it was something to do with cavitation and transom height.
03 May 2024, 22:53
Country: UK - England
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Oops! Cavitation and transom height not mentioned at all in your review chipko but it is in Dennis's review of his Boatworld Kat, perhaps that is where I got it from.
04 May 2024, 09:40
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by willk
His name is Vincent.
That's him AKA Fizzy on DIY welding forum. He was seriously ill recently but seems to be recovering well.
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