18 May 2017, 19:49
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Bow dodger/canopy/spray hood
call it what you will,
i was looking and asking around the forum without much joy as to how to make one, where to buy etc.
anyway i found this on ebay, might not be to everyones taste but it's in the post and will do me, no measuring, cutting, sourcing equipment etc (i know thats part of the thrill for some, and im not knocking it )
just thought id stick it up here as someone is manufacturing this and at least if it fails i have someone to complain to , rather than give myself a hard time for not getting it right.
18 May 2017, 19:57
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Missing link!
18 May 2017, 22:25
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Originally Posted by davkt
Missing link!
19 May 2017, 07:32
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Look forward to a report when you have it fitted. On the Ebay listing the description says it "clips" to the rubbing strake but the image seems to show a set of buttons that would need to be glued to the tubes.
19 May 2017, 07:37
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Originally Posted by Fenlander
Look forward to a report when you have it fitted. On the Ebay listing the description says it "clips" to the rubbing strake but the image seems to show a set of buttons that would need to be glued to the tubes.
Yep I was wondering about the way it attaches.
19 May 2017, 16:41
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19 May 2017, 16:50
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It was Excel inflatables. I seem to remember the first chap that I contacted was less than helpful, the second gentleman couldn't have been more helpful.The buttons and straps needed to be glued in position. I got North West Ribs and inflatables to do mine. Nice job and a nice outfit to deal with based at Chorley.
19 May 2017, 17:04
Country: UK - Scotland
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Originally Posted by davkt
Yep I was wondering about the way it attaches.
it came with clips for the rub strake and two tubes of glue
i think i can make this work without the need to glue anything on permanently
20 May 2017, 08:02
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Yes, I've been looking for something like this for my T40-AE.
Paddlers would you say it's worth having on your T35?
Get cracking Andyadam I want to see this fitted and hear your verdict
20 May 2017, 09:37
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Wouldn't be without it now. You really notice it when it's raining how much protection it affords. Also at full chat it deflects the wind.
The only downside is not accessing the bow eye when we anchor for fishing. It's a nice piece of kit for the money.
21 May 2017, 15:45
Country: UK - Scotland
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So test fitted it today and no need to be glueing anything to a brand new sib !
The heavy weight velcro strips that come with it wrap nicely around the safety line and the clips tighten it on the rub strake, great bit of kit, just wished id known there was one that matched the honwaves colour-oh well black it is for the time being.
21 May 2017, 16:09
Country: UK - England
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Where did you find it in other colours? Wonder if anyone does it in Bombard red!
21 May 2017, 18:40
Country: UK - Scotland
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Originally Posted by davkt
Where did you find it in other colours? Wonder if anyone does it in Bombard red!
Paddlers has one in grey, matching the honwave
03 June 2017, 18:35
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Originally Posted by paddlers
The only downside is not accessing the bow eye when we anchor for fishing. It's a nice piece of kit for the money.
You shouldn't need to.
Have a painter attached to the bow eye with the loose end safely stowed onboard. Drop the anchor over the side and let out plenty of line.
Put a bight in the anchor line and attach the loose end of the painter to it with a sheetbend.
Let more anchor line out so that the painter and anchor line are in a straight line under tension. Keep the loose end of the anchor line on board, tied off but slack.
When you raise the anchor, do so motoring slowly forwards. The sheetbend comes undone easily and the anchor comes up over the side.
No need to go anywhere near to the bow ring.
04 June 2017, 05:06
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Hi MikeFule,
thanks for that but as a forest ranger I've no idea what a bight or sheetbend are other than possibly knots. I tend to do a decent reef and the occasional granny knot plus a 4 1/2 turn blood knot for fishing.
04 June 2017, 05:17
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Originally Posted by paddlers
Hi MikeFule,
thanks for that but as a forest ranger I've no idea what a bight or sheetbend are other than possibly knots. I tend to do a decent reef and the occasional granny knot plus a 4 1/2 turn blood knot for fishing.

Seriously, proper knots are simple to tie, simple to undo, secure, and ideal for the job. Worth learning.
A reef knot is not very secure compared to a sheet bend. There are some circumstances in which a reef knot can virtually undo itself.
03 August 2017, 14:14
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Does this bow dodver fit a Honwave T40? Anyone tried? I'm thinking of buying one. Tried a fishing umbrella with the side panels to shelter my son from the spray but it got battered in the wind lol. Any advice would be much appreciated.
27 October 2017, 21:29
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They're quick, cheap and easy to make Bazza..
Bit of material (ebay search waterproof canvas)
Tent poles, Bungee cord, rub strake clips all on ebay - a nice sewing machine for the Mrs..  and you're away !!!
29 October 2017, 16:30
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30 October 2017, 11:40
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Originally Posted by Big Al C
Here's the one I've made in aerotec red.
Well done. That looks great.
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