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Old 30 August 2014, 16:47   #1
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So I'm looking to get a second hand or new set up. I want a Sib between 3.2 to 3.8m and a outboard ranging from 15hp to 20hp.

What sort of money do you think I could get this set up for?

I've seen some second hand boats and others that are £800 new?
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Old 30 August 2014, 18:00   #2
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honwave are cheap from mailspeed marine I bought a 3.2 airfloor for £850 delivered
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Old 30 August 2014, 18:05   #3
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Bit of an open q...

A new 15 will cost from £2200.

But u could find a useable one for £1-1.5k on a SIB... But that's not going to be 1 week old with 1 hour on it.

So not sure what ur really asking!
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Old 31 August 2014, 07:22   #4
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Look everywhere, be patient, be lucky, see sticky above too for advice but basically always buy a used outfit together (ie boat with engine - and frequently trailer) on eBay that is well looked after and from one of the big names - contact the seller and try and do a deal off eBay. I've bought four complete set ups in the last 3 years or so; Zodiac 3.4m/Tohatsu 9.8, Yamaha 3.8m/Yamaha 15hp (incl trailer), Suzumar 3.6m/Mariner 15hp (incl trailer) and Bombard 3.4m/Mercury 15hp.

The first three were around £1400 to £1500, the Bombard around £1800 but included accessories that when sold bought it down to a similar price. The outfits with trailer I sold the trailers on recouping £200 to £300.

Two deals done 'off' eBay, the other two resulted from this forum.

So, answer is around £1500! But as you see if you can, get a trailer included and if you don't need it then sell that on and you end up with a very cheap boating set-up indeed.
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Old 31 August 2014, 07:48   #5
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Echo everything MAX and others said, if you are not in a hurry trolling through Ebay and the like can pay dividends, even if the add looks crap it is always worth reading as you never know, that is how I stumbled accross mine

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Old 31 August 2014, 08:13   #6
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A bad eBay advert deters others so cheaper sale. Not a fan of dealing off the bay. As a seller I never would. As a buyer you have no protection (although eBay protection on boats not great). Read the scam stuff carefully on here.

Not sure what it says that someone has bought 4 outfits in 3 years for c.£1500 each. Part if me thinks that means £1500 won't buy a sustainable outfit and you'll be replacing it in a year...
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Old 31 August 2014, 08:20   #7
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Bartiny that looks like a very good and great boat! What make and model is it?
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Old 31 August 2014, 10:15   #8
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Originally Posted by Chinchilla View Post
Bartiny that looks like a very good and great boat! What make and model is it?
Thanks, it is an old Humber 3.8 wooden floor wooden 2 piece keel, it is Hypalon, so it is heavy with the 25hp + kit (hence now have it trailered) but it is solid and safe, it only has 1 repair patch, I can still handball it over beech/down slipway etc but takes 2 to recover.

The point is do not let the age put you off, could be a good deal and might not have been used much.

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Old 31 August 2014, 10:47   #9
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As an example;

This is a similar set up, looks like Hypalon (but might not be), could be a good little winter project it looks like it will clean up very well or just use as is.

Could do with viewing though if possible.


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Old 31 August 2014, 15:04   #10
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Originally Posted by ShinyShoe View Post
A bad eBay advert deters others so cheaper sale. Not a fan of dealing off the bay. As a seller I never would. As a buyer you have no protection (although eBay protection on boats not great). Read the scam stuff carefully on here.

Not sure what it says that someone has bought 4 outfits in 3 years for c.£1500 each. Part if me thinks that means £1500 won't buy a sustainable outfit and you'll be replacing it in a year...
Not at all, its purely the info I posted in the sticky and a means to an end regards a learning process as well as funding for future purchases. Every rig was split and sold on to make a very nice profit (not a business for me but plenty of others do this).

So - first rig was the Zodiac and 9.8 and my first SIB, loved it, used it loads but wanted to try more speed so bought the 380 Yam and 15hp with trailer knowing the 380 and trailer would sell on immediately for £900 effectively netting me a 15hp Yam for £600 . But that engine turned out a little heavy to manhandle so sold on for £1150 (off the bay).

Stuck with the Zodiac/9.8 for a year to two but again wanted to try bigger so got the Suzumar/15 + trailer, boat great but too heavy so sold boat and trailer on (off the bay) separately for £800 all told. A week or so later the Bombard came up, so sold the Zodiac (£500) and 9.8 (£1100) and the 15 (£1150) that came with the Suzumar.

So I now have a Bombard Aerotec and Mercury 15 that is going no where for the forseeable future - if you want a SIB you can avoid all the above trying/buying and just do what most of us do and come to the conclusion that they are hands down the best SIB/engine combo out there.

But the upshot is the process got me trying various engines and sizes/types of SIB. And as a bonus buying at the right time complete rigs and then splitting and selling well (do the maths above!) means you can end up with an Aerotec and Mercury 15 for effectively a few hundred quid. The simple key is buying desirable outfits (ie big brand SIB/engine names) in lovely cherished condition at the right time and price knowing they will easily sell on so you're getting to try them for free - any profit being a bonus.

Regarding ebay - said it many times but it has nothing to do with scams or protection - the *only* way to buy/sell a boat on eBay is using it purely as a classified advert. You then arrange a viewing in person and make or don't make a purchase face to face as you would via any other advert thus satisfying yourself the seller is legit and the boat his to sell and taking it away yourself having paid cash. NO-ONE in their right mind ever buys/bids on a boat/engine sight unseen and then pays at a distance.

That would be nuts!
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Old 31 August 2014, 15:42   #11
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Don't think the need to see a boat prevents bidding in auction. Just view b4 bidding.

I can see that if you need to travel 200 miles to view, you don't want to do that one week and then repeat the following after winning. But from a seller perspective I'd want to be convinced I was maximising my sale value which is why I'd have put it on auction. From a buyer perspective I will bid unseen if the value is cheap enough. But either no money or small deposit till I see the goods and if usually ask enough to know the vessel is legit...

I've had items I've been bidding on that disappear because some got offers a price to BIN had they bid that I'd have out bid them...
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Old 31 August 2014, 16:46   #12
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Another good quality old SIB.

avon supersport s340 inflatable SIB | eBay
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Old 31 August 2014, 16:51   #13
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Yes I saw the avon but it's too far for me to travel for it :/
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