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Old 13 August 2014, 19:43   #1
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Buying a larger SIB

Hi all, first time post here

We are going to buy a SIB to use down the road on the Tor/Torridge estuary. We are thinking of getting this one: Seapro 470HD - 4.7m Heavy Duty | Inflatables at Bill Higham Marine It's a 4.7m with an aluminium floor. We want something big enough for the whole family plus friends + luggage + camping gear and use it to visit beaches and coves on the estuary plus the occasional trip over the bar to sea when its calm weather.

I have been recommended a 30hp for it but my main question is whether or not two strong adults are going to be able to wheel the whole thing up a beach on transom wheels. Also I already have a 3hp outboard and was wondering if that could be mounted on the transom for emergencies.

After previous experiences I don't want to keep it inflated and moored up on the estuary, I just want to pack it away and take it home after use. If we had a driveway I'd consider a RIB but we can't have everything can we


-edit: Also can anyone point me to a website that sells accessories like sun canopies, cuddys etc for SIBs?
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Old 13 August 2014, 20:29   #2
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Depends on the beach but for me and my wife an Aerotec with engine off and partial gear (around 45kg) is a struggle. Our beach is very steep shingle/pebbles in banks, don't underestimate the huge increase in drag/effective weight this type of beach creates. Your rig will be *much* heavier.
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Old 13 August 2014, 20:50   #3
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Originally Posted by Max... View Post
Depends on the beach but for me and my wife an Aerotec with engine off and partial gear (around 45kg) is a struggle. Our beach is very steep shingle/pebbles in banks, don't underestimate the huge increase in drag/effective weight this type of beach creates. Your rig will be *much* heavier.
The beaches around here are pretty flat and we're only talking about rolling the boat out of the sea at high tide then settling down for a BBQ.
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Old 13 August 2014, 21:04   #4
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You should read this thread.
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Old 13 August 2014, 21:15   #5
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Originally Posted by Peter_C View Post
I saw that... Not so good! But on the other hand my opinion may not be swayed by one negative thread...

Ok maybe I should expand this, what would others recommend I buy?

Needs to be wheelable on beaches at a push
Needs to seat up to 6 adults + luggage or 4 adults + kids + luggage
Needs to pack away
Needs to be decent quality
If only the bombard aerotech went bigger than 3.8m, I'd be straight on that.

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Old 13 August 2014, 21:29   #6
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What vehicle are you going to put this SIB, adults and luggage into?

There's something missing in this picture - have you SEEN the HUGE pile of bags and machinery this SIB will pack down into? You'd be lucky to get it into an estate car without the PAX and their kit.
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Old 13 August 2014, 21:36   #7
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Originally Posted by simonafloat View Post
.......only talking about rolling the boat out of the sea at high tide then settling down for a BBQ.
It sounds easy on paper! Thats a big heavy cumbersome rig on a glassy sea let alone any kind of surf.
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Old 13 August 2014, 21:44   #8
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Originally Posted by willk View Post
What vehicle are you going to put this SIB, adults and luggage into?

There's something missing in this picture - have you SEEN the HUGE pile of bags and machinery this SIB will pack down into? You'd be lucky to get it into an estate car without the PAX and their kit.
We have a big vehicle and are lucky enough to live 200 yards from the estuary. Car carries kit, people walk. Like I said, not keen on leaving it moored. Boats get stolen/borrowed, vandalised a lot here unless you moor them right out on the mud, then you need another dinghy to get to your dinghy. We have a 10ft rowing dinghy that I keep on the estuary. I keep that looking as shitty as possible to put off would be thieves but it still gets 'borrowed' from time to time, then I have to spend the morning driving around all the usual slipways down the Torridge trying to find it. I have no driveway, but I do have a nice workshop where I can store things and work on them in the dry. So a SIB suits me fine. The only other craft that would foot the bill is a 14ft Porta-Bote and I am tempted by that TBH, if I can find one.

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Old 13 August 2014, 22:13   #9
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Well, that doesn't sound entirely unworkable. I'm guessing but expect about an hour to rig the SIB from packed? Most of the bags will need two to lift, etc, but if you're OK for hands then you might be OK!
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Old 13 August 2014, 22:14   #10
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Hi Simon. I've got a Seapro 380hd with a 30hp 2 stroke engine (52kg) and to be honest it's a heavy bit of kit. I'm guessing around 140 kg plus fuel tank plus anchor etc. Have it set up on a De Graff road trailer. Went to Cornwall few weeks ago and to save on £21 per time launching cost decided to bring a launching trolley but took one look at the beach and it's deep sand thought no way even with 2 adults and 2 teenagers. Left it on trailer and got the tractor to do the work. It's prob possible but I didn't want all the effort and embarrassment if I couldn't haul it up the beach. That said there were quite a few sibbers with similar size boats with 20hp engines that did manage with transom wheel but bear in mind your boats bigger. Also just like to add Seapro boats get a bit of a bad press on Ribnet but in my experience my boat has been fine - although wasn't impressed with Simon Higham and his poor level of service when I bought the boat, had to wait months and months for extras I ordered.
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Old 13 August 2014, 22:30   #11
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It is going to be very hard work and weigh a hell of a lot, most sibs this size and smaller seam to end up on a trailer! It will be a sod to setup and dismantle but doable, I would consider looking at storage and getting a rib on a trailer
If you do go with a sib I would give this a consideration EXCEL VANGUARD 485 RIB DIVE SPORT COMMERICIAL INFLATABLE BOAT | eBay

4.2m aerotec do come up 2006 Bombard 420 Aerotec Mariner 15hp 2 Stroke Outboard Engine | BoatsandOutboards4Sale

Or how about this one?
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Old 13 August 2014, 22:48   #12
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You are not gonna get the perfect match. A lot of what you are asking for is going to be expensive or custom and expensive. For a boat that size you should put it on a trailer. A dolly of sorts will bring it in or out of the water, and could travel 200 yards. Jet Ski (PWC) Dolly 24- from Wheeleez, Inc. There are other dolly options out there too. Then you have to store the dolly.

An engine large enough to move 6 people plus luggage, should be at least a 40hp and probably a 50hp. That means a crane to get it on or off the boat, or a couple of really strong people, and that is questionable as motors are awkward.

Two of us can move my 4.2m boat around. We can beach recover it over soft sand by removing most of the weight and carrying it separately (Anchor in crate w/rode, electronics tower, and fuel tank). I can launch it by myself since that is downhill. BTW no one makes transom wheels large enough to launch a boat that size over a soft surface. (At least I couldn't find any, so I built my own for a hefty price. Then recently built the front dolly.)

6 people in a SIB is tight or at least with my smaller 4.2m boat. We do it sometimes but we only have day packs with us for hiking not luggage. It is very noticeable in the power needed to plane that much weight.

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Old 14 August 2014, 00:47   #13
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My Avon CRRC 520 weighs around 120ish kg but can be manhandled by myself from the garden trailer and is easily carried by 2 men once inflated.

It can be unrolled and inflated/deflated with a 12v inflator within 5 minutes.

Rolled up it measures 6ft x 3ft x 2ft

They are very hard to find but build quality is fantastic (M.O.D. spec).

It will just about fit into the likes of an empty Disco with the seats folded down if you don't use a trailer.

Goes quite nicely with a 25hp shortshaft which is manageable to lift on/off.

Might be a bit big but there are the 4.5m CRRC 450 variants out there.

Not sure whether you have room at your place for the likes of a garden trailer but it may be worth considering if you can store elsewhere if you have the need to carry 6 adults because there aren't many sibs out there that will do the job you want with all the gubbinery you will also be carrying.
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Old 14 August 2014, 06:15   #14
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If you are going to be inflating everytime you use it, the only option to go for is an air floor, they are lighter and a lot easier and quicker to put together.

The only decent boats with air floors over 4m are the Bombard 420 or the Zodiac Futura Mk2 or Mk3 FR.

Because the Bombard is still quite narrow its got a small internal volume and I doubt would be big enough for your needs.

The Zodiacs are much bigger. We can drag a Mk3 over sand with a 50kg engine using the Zodiac wheels, its not easy, but its possible as long as its not too deep.

Futura's are stupidly expensive new ( Over 4k for a Mk3 ) but they do come up 2nd hand at around 1 to 2k. Excellent boats, no floor flex and very quick with 20 to 30 hp.
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Old 14 August 2014, 12:39   #15
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Originally Posted by Landlockedpirate View Post
If you are going to be inflating everytime you use it, the only option to go for is an air floor, they are lighter and a lot easier and quicker to put together.

The only decent boats with air floors over 4m are the Bombard 420 or the Zodiac Futura Mk2 or Mk3 FR.

Because the Bombard is still quite narrow its got a small internal volume and I doubt would be big enough for your needs.

The Zodiacs are much bigger. We can drag a Mk3 over sand with a 50kg engine using the Zodiac wheels, its not easy, but its possible as long as its not too deep.

Futura's are stupidly expensive new ( Over 4k for a Mk3 ) but they do come up 2nd hand at around 1 to 2k. Excellent boats, no floor flex and very quick with 20 to 30 hp.
Thanks for this reply, I think I'm going to hold out for a second hand large Futura. Or a bombard 4.2 if that comes up.

So, my next question is what outboard? There are always loads for sale in my area but basically max horsepower, min weight. Prefer a mix in the tank 2 stroke, I understand them fairly well.

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Old 14 August 2014, 13:04   #16
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Launching that boat from a beach will mean lots of hard work and at least 4 people to carry, even with launch wheels. Most launch wheels will get stuck on sand with some weight on them and if the beach is crowded people won't move a millimeter to let you through.

I have a light boat (60 kg) and it's such a nightmare to launch it from the beach that I just gave up and know I always launch it from a dock ramp an then get it to the beach.
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Old 14 August 2014, 13:44   #17
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This may sound dumb, buuuuuut................Have you considered 2 inflatables?
I have this 12 footer Saturn 12' inflatable sport runabouts are largest boats with air floor..
I run it with a 9.8 Tohatsu and it will plane with 2 adults. I haven't tried it with more than 2 for planning. It carries 4 comfortably, 5 a little crowded, but not too bad. With the air floor it only weighs 110 lbs. If you have more people, you can tow a smaller inflatable behind you - 2 people with all of the luggage. You will just have to figure out how often it is just you and mate and how often you have passengers and how fast you want to go and how convenient 2 would be rather than one.
The 12 footer is rated for 5 passengers with a 30HP which means 2 people with luggage would be great. With 4 people and some luggage would be fine. For 6 people, tow the 2nd dink or buy a second motor.
Just a thought.
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Old 14 August 2014, 14:04   #18
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As a side note, I think 6 people + luggage + camping gear might be too crowded for a 4.7 meter boat on any trip longer than use as a tender from ship to shore.
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Old 14 August 2014, 17:54   #19
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We had no problem moving our heavy dinghies across sandy beaches in the 60’s and 70’s.

I have no problem shoving my 4.3m SIB across sand..mud.. shingle or small rocky beaches in my 60’s single handed..and with little effort. Inflatable roller boats do the heavy work. SIBs are particularly suited to them because of the flattish bottom of the boat. It also leaves space on the transom for the auxiliary engine. They don’t take up much room when deflated.. and inflate with the SIB pump in seconds. Grand kids love playing with them in the water too.

A fraction of the cost of transom wheels too
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Old 14 August 2014, 21:49   #20
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My bro has a 4.7 zodiac grand raid with a 50hp yam 2 stroke and we carry it up and down a really steep shingle bank from the trailer to the sea and back everytime we take it out!! We have to take the fuel tank out and It's not easy but the two of us can do it!! It was a tad embarrassing for the guy next to us struggling with his 3m and 5hp and two mates
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