To get back on thread ........... why would you want a jockey seat in a Thunderbolt anyway? I don't see the point, only the downside! I have raced a Thundercat, and if the Thunderbolt corners anywhere near the speed of its smaller cousin, Jockey seats would not be at all practical ............................ Probably!

I have no experience of iether Thunderbolt or zapcat etc and i agree bucket seats have to be the answer if you are going to use it hard .
However I see something in the Thunderbolt that is quite unique .
If Iam correct about what i think it can do it may be a way of owning a boat with the performance and sea keeping qualities of a much larger rib at a fraction of the cost and running costs . The only real problem is making it comfortable and practical .
Some performance or driveability will certainly be lost with a jockey , but unless you are just having fun or racing how often do you need to corner very hard .
The rib i have now corners very flat if its doing much speed and there is no way i can get anywhere near finding its limit with a jockey seat but i have never yet needed to turn hard enough to worry about it .
Working on a different throttle controll would probably make the compromise very useable combining the space and storage of jockey's with the ability to hold on enough to really have some fun . something like a quad bike setup maybe .