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Old 23 August 2008, 09:00   #1
Locozodiac's Avatar
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Cheap Car Sib's -Transport Racks

Have been reading lately some inquiries advise related to weather buying a small or medium size sib, if better, to have a permanent sib/engine configuration on a trailer or go for the long and exhausting method of taking the beast out of the car trunk, unrolling, inflating, placing engine when going in/out water and the same reverse procedure when going out, including the free, excessive & precious sibbing lost time spent on these exhausting maneuvers.

Had this same problem when started sibbing, definitely solved years back, if you don’t count with a budget to buy a trailer to top your sib, you’ll need to make 2 wooden boards about 10/12 centimeters wide & 10/12 mm thick and long as the sib’s tube’s bottom width. If your car top has open rails, place supporting angles to match these open rails spaces, pic 1. Both boards must be paralell to the floor.

Inflate your sib as usual and place it on top of your car with completely deflated keel facing the roof, pic 3, don’t place it upside down, the wind will tend to make the boat go up and loose some car control, or blow the d’rings off including the sib causing a highway fatal accident. Tied the bow d’ring to front car towing hooks and rear lines to same rear towing hooks secured to the internal transom engine mount plate metal ring. (the ring you tie your engine to) Place engine, gas tank, gear on car/van trunk.

For longer travels can use both, front super d’ring & lateral towing d’rings secured to front car towing hooks and the rear securing transom plate method. Have been using this method for years without any car accident up so far. For peace of mind at highway, you could place extra lateral ropes/straps through windows, will need to tied them properly once inside car. Literally you could throw your sib on any car top, but with this transport method, the tubes will rest at a better angle and accommodate safely in a horizontal position ?

Don’t know what would be your local highway regulations about placing sibs on car roofs, down here as long your transporting material, it could be a horse, is not longer & wider than your car no problem at all, but will have to secure the whole sib correctly with proper securing lines/straps, etc.. This method can be applied to sibs between 2.80 to 330 mtr & 1.50 Mt widths. Will also depend on the car, van, etc, length, width size. If wider could transport 350/360/380 sibs.

Another interesting modification will be to buy a surfboard car roof rack, screw the wooden boards on top of the round or flat metal surface that comes in contact with the surf boards with appropriate hardware. Definitely the first version will be cheaper. Both transport methods will safe precious trunk storing space & time inflating/deflating, just lower inflated sib from car rack, put sib on water, place engine & gear and out you go, the same method for retrieving. If house space possible /available leave the sib inflated against a lateral wall, you’ll have it always ready as boys scouts are, to take it sibbing wherever you please.

To make my sibbing life more easy & expeditious, have two sibs in current use, a 320 air matt floor car top transported and a much wider/heavier 360 permanent sib/engine trailer topped.

See pics for details.

Happy Sibbing
Attached Thumbnails
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Name:	Car Sib Rack 3.JPG
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ID:	37139   Click image for larger version

Name:	Car Sib Racks 4.JPG
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ID:	37140  
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