Originally Posted by NickDK
Does the steering setup make it impossible to stay in the front of the boat? I guess small kids would like to stay in the bow?
In anything but calm conditions the bow of the boat is the least comfortable place to be.
To me the shift from tiller to wheel is really about seating. Perched on a tube all day is ok in nice weather or slow speed but it does get tiring after a long time. Tillers are great for close quarters / tight maneuvering work. The benefits of a sib are diluted by a console - how much depends how you intend to use it. If it's fold up each day even five minutes extra is a PITA. If you will keep inflated all season its less of an issue. One thing to be aware of is I have never met anyone who removed steering cables without some "fun" perhaps if they are taken out every day it is trivial but expect to get it stuck or slightly bent at some point!
In terms of tilt/trim at that size most will be manual only. power trim is nice to have, but will mean you need a battery and cables etc so again adds set up effort. It's the only thing I regret not having on mine but 90% of trips and 98% of the time it would make no difference to me.