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Old 20 April 2015, 09:59   #1
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Cleaning inside/deck of SIB

My new..ish Seasearch 4.2 is starting to look rather grubby inside, with sand, gravel, mud, bits of ragworm, seaweed etc.
I'm not particularly bothered but I am a bit concerned that the sand and gravel might be getting under the aluminium deck and start chafing the PVC.
Am I worrying unnecessarily or is this a real possibility, if so, what do you all do to prevent it?
I was thinking of semi deflating the boat, removing the aluminium deck and power washing the crap out down the drain hole.
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Old 20 April 2015, 11:04   #2
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for how long it takes strip down get a wet vac and suck all the crap out do it as a routine preventative measure all ways the best way look after it and all should be well plus having a look regularly gives piece of mind.
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Old 20 April 2015, 11:11   #3
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Originally Posted by mixyblob View Post
I'm not particularly bothered but I am a bit concerned that the sand and gravel might be getting under the aluminium deck and start chafing the PVC.
Am I worrying unnecessarily or is this a real possibility, if so, what do you all do to prevent it?
I was thinking of semi deflating the boat, removing the aluminium deck and power washing the crap out down the drain hole.
Yep, definitely clean out the gravel after each trip to avoid future issues and wear - I do this mostly without removing the floor but you will need to take the floor out every few trips to do it properly.

When I've been to sea I flip the boat on each side to hose down/scrub the base and tubes then flip it up on the cones (near vertical against my Land Rover) and hose down the inside concentrating the hose on the sharp end so it flushes down and out over the transom.

Regarding the floor surface, much easier to put matting/rubber flooring in to protect it and keep it clean this is easily removed.
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Old 20 April 2015, 11:35   #4
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>>> power washing

Take great care with the power washer.... a hose is good enough.

My Zodiac is inflated/deflated each trip and then the day after an outing it comes out again at home and is inflated for a fresh water wash then dried fully before repacking for next use. Same goes for oars, transom wheels, lifejackets etc.
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Old 20 April 2015, 15:20   #5
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I use my Honwave 3.5 ae for sea fishing also .
I take the floor out a few times a year and give it a thorough clean out.
However - after every trip to the sea I wash mine it with soapy water.
As it's trailered I use a pole which is the same diameter as the jockey wheel in the jockey wheel clamp .
Once I have rinsed it out thoroughly on the level I elevate the bow and let the remaining water out of the drain hole.
There's always a small amount of water that it stuborn to remove so I put a siphon pump hose under the rear floor board to suck the last few dribbles of water out.
Works a treat.
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Old 21 April 2015, 07:48   #6
Country: UK - England
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Many thanks for the replies guys, greatly appreciated.
Yesterday I removed the aluminium floor and powerwashed everything (on the gentle setting).
Pleased to report there was no sign of wear and no debris underneath, other than what fell off the floor panels when I removed them.
My new regime will be to Henry out the crap regularly and give it a strip down wash out every so often.
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