02 November 2014, 08:47
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Cleaning Permanent Marker off SIB
I just bought a 2nd hand Zodiac CaDET 360 Fastroller SIB.
As it was previously registered in QLD I need to change the registration numbers to new NSW ones as they are different between the two states.
The previous owner had drawn the Rego numbers onto the tubes, so I'm wondering what the best way would be to remove the permanent marker so I can have a clean slate to work with.
According to the manufacturer it is made of Strongan™ fabric.
Thanks in advance,
02 November 2014, 08:53
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Might be tough, Strongan is just their brand name for a PVC type. Acetone is about the strongest solvent you can go at PVC with and in combo with a very fine grade Scotchbrite might improve things but I fear you will stil have a trace.
02 November 2014, 09:22
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I know a trick that works very well to get permanent marker off white boards so it may well work for you.
Get a white board pen. Use it and "scribble" over a small area of the permanent marker. Wipe it off immediately with some kitchen roll, hey presto no permanent marker.
It works very well on white boards so good luck!!
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02 November 2014, 09:27
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Acetone, apply with a scotchbrite pad if being really stubborn.
02 November 2014, 10:06
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Originally Posted by Mollers
Acetone, apply with a scotchbrite pad if being really stubborn.
Acetone tends to smudge permanent marker, I think you might just end up with a big mess. I'd look to stick something over them, then if it changes again it's easy enough to remove and reapply a new patch or vinyl "name".
02 November 2014, 11:55
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Cleaning Permanent Marker off SIB
I would start with something less brutal and work your way up. Try petrol. White spirit. Nail varnish remover and just get more aggressive till you find something. But go careful. If it starts to get soft or sticky. Stop
02 November 2014, 12:16
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You may find that you can lighten it but I have not had luck fully removing it. Kinda makes a good theft deterrent when the letters are put On with permanent marker.
02 November 2014, 17:39
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As said acetone is probably the best chemical.
As also said above getting some PVC and gluing it down is an excellent alternative.
02 November 2014, 19:02
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Originally Posted by Crusher
I know a trick that works very well to get permanent marker off white boards so it may well work for you.
Get a white board pen. Use it and "scribble" over a small area of the permanent marker. Wipe it off immediately with some kitchen roll, hey presto no permanent marker.
It works very well on white boards so good luck!!
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Seriously this work brilliantly on white boards, even when the permanent marker has been on many months.
Give it try before you use any a chemicals on your boat.
And let us all know how you get on!!
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02 November 2014, 20:45
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Ethanol spirit works sometimes very well with permanent marker, worth a try. It is not that though stuff so should not go that hard on the pvc.
fun on a boat is inversely proportional to size...sort of anyway
02 November 2014, 21:40
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If Polyform buoys are PVC then I'm afraid you're in trouble. I've found that dyes will migrate into the PVC and are impossible to remove. You can certainly remove the surface mark but a "ghost image" will remain. That said, a season in the sun will probably remove the ghosting as well as most of the new letters. I'd patch it, if possible.
02 November 2014, 21:53
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Why not glue on a patch and put the new numbers on that?
02 November 2014, 23:01
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Anther thing worth trying is baby wipes, God knows what's in them but they shift all sorts!
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02 November 2014, 23:07
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Originally Posted by Nick Hearne
Anther thing worth trying is baby wipes, God knows what's in them but they shift all sorts! 
Best cleaning product going  God know what they do to baby's bums
Some friends of ours told us about this way back when we were caravaning.
It wipes of the black marks under the windows of caravans also many other uses like getting red wine stains out of clothes and carpets the list goes on....
whatever is in em its fekin good stuff is all I can say
It might even be worth trying on some Black Shadows
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02 November 2014, 23:11
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Originally Posted by biffer
I would start with something less brutal and work your way up. Try petrol. White spirit. Nail varnish remover and just get more aggressive till you find something. But go careful. If it starts to get soft or sticky. Stop
Nail varnish remover is Acetone, I have used it may times to remove permanent marker pen from all sorts of things!
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03 November 2014, 19:33
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I was going to try whiteboard marker, if that does not work I'll try with progressively more harsh chemicals.
Don't need it to be virginal, just very faded so the new rego numbers can be seen clearly.
03 November 2014, 22:06
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Flash magic eraser - removes marks even harsh chemicals can't shift. Really good at removing ink from all sorts of surfaces. Worth a try if nothing else works!!
03 November 2014, 22:19
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What about "Cilit Bang" formally known as Napalm! ;@)
Always FROG
04 November 2014, 09:31
Country: Australia
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Acetone seemed to be the most effective and made it 50% better. I have a couple of other things to give a try before I go the patch route, I figure if I can get it to about 25% of how it was I'll be happy to live with it.
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