01 May 2020, 07:55
Country: UK - England
Town: Lincolnshire
Boat name: Mousetrap
Make: Zodiac Cadet 310S
Length: 3m +
Engine: Mariner 4 stroke 9.9
Join Date: Sep 2014
Posts: 481
Originally Posted by HiltonHeadMatt
Great points - thanks again mike! I think I have some ideas that will enable me to get the Cadet Alu RIB  and allow me to mellow out about the oysters a little ! Gonna post it up tomorrow when I can take some pictures but basically it involved an electric hoist (about the cost of 2 months storage)
And I tend to agree with your point on the assembly process - however knowing myself there will be some summer days after work closing in on dusk where I would much prefer to hoist a rigid hull onto my truck bed and inflate / attach motor and im on my way. Stay tuned for the post tomorrow - you have been most helpful so far, very much appreciated
PS I would like to know more about your sailing dinghy also, that sounds cool! I am interested in getting into sailing as well in the future. But that is a can of worms for another day or probably year at this rate hahah
Rather than an electric hoist, why not use a simple tackle? I use a 3:1 tackle to pull my 12 ft GRP sailing dinghy onto the trailer by hand. It's a simple tackle using carabiners instead of pulleys, and was improvised from the "bits box". I work for a tool company and spend some of my time dealing with customers whose electric winches have failed in use. I'm a big believer in reducing complexity and, wherever possible, eliminating things that can go wrong.
Here's a video showing my Cornish Cormorant lugsail dinghy. I am a member of the Dinghy Cruising Association, and use my boats to enjoy days on the water, exploring, anchoring, picnicking, swimming or snorkelling, rather than racing. In the UK, most dinghy sailors race. I think there's more of a "cruising culture" in the USA and parts of Europe.
01 May 2020, 15:18
Country: UK - England
Make: F-RIB 360
Length: 3m +
Engine: TOHATSU 9.8
Join Date: Oct 2019
Posts: 44
Nautical Ventures in Florida sell F-RIBS. Ask if they do finance, I bought mine over 2 years as a full package, on vhf, fishfinder etc. My one is the F-RIB 360. Maybe If I ever get to HHI I will look you up.
01 May 2020, 15:22
Country: USA
Town: Hilton Head Island
Length: 3m +
Join Date: Apr 2020
Posts: 59
Yes I dont have much interest in racing either. That boat looks so fun - but first - I wanna go fast! haha
For the hoist I am gonna take those pics soon and post up a fresh post - but wouldn't a simple pully system require me to be constant hands on the rope? Sorry im new to all this - I was hoping to turn on the electric hoist and let it operate while I guide the boat up so it doesn't start swinging in the breeze or anything.
Thanks as always! Stand by for a fresh post on the topic soon
01 May 2020, 15:27
Country: USA
Town: Hilton Head Island
Length: 3m +
Join Date: Apr 2020
Posts: 59
Originally Posted by Eddzoid
Nautical Ventures in Florida sell F-RIBS. Ask if they do finance, I bought mine over 2 years as a full package, on vhf, fishfinder etc. My one is the F-RIB 360. Maybe If I ever get to HHI I will look you up.
Hell yeah - hopefully I will be able to give you a waterway tour by then! lol
I saw those earlier and got excited - then I saw the 330 Frib is twice the price of the zodiac 330 alu RIB  Just not in the budget with the motor expense too.
You'll see my plan to hoist it in a fresh thread soon
01 May 2020, 16:40
Country: UK - England
Make: F-RIB 360
Length: 3m +
Engine: TOHATSU 9.8
Join Date: Oct 2019
Posts: 44
Good luck with your choice. This is my baby. She is 2 months old & yet to get her head wet!
01 May 2020, 16:58
Country: USA
Town: Hilton Head Island
Length: 3m +
Join Date: Apr 2020
Posts: 59
Originally Posted by Eddzoid
Good luck with your choice. This is my baby. She is 2 months old & yet to get her head wet!
Beautiful! Do you have a picture of it all folded up to store? Haven't been able to find a pic of that for comparison.
Although its just to fantasize over as I can't afford the tag for those quite yet
01 May 2020, 17:46
Country: UK - England
Make: F-RIB 360
Length: 3m +
Engine: TOHATSU 9.8
Join Date: Oct 2019
Posts: 44
It just so happens.....
It weighs about 46kg.
Dims 110 x 100 X 50cms.
This is the middle size. 275, 330, 360, 375 & 430.
01 May 2020, 17:52
Country: USA
Town: Hilton Head Island
Length: 3m +
Join Date: Apr 2020
Posts: 59
What is this sorcery?! the hull folds up that much? I was imaging like 1 fold in the middle but still quite large - looks very portable!
Kinda wish I had an extra 2k to spend now haha
Thanks again!
01 May 2020, 18:30
Country: UK - England
Make: F-RIB 360
Length: 3m +
Engine: TOHATSU 9.8
Join Date: Oct 2019
Posts: 44
It has 3 sections. Each section is held together with a 12mm bolt. We have what you would call a station wagon and a SUV. It fits both & the 9.8 Tohatsu. Start saving!  Gommone WinBoat 375 Lux. Excellent You Tube video of the folding process
01 May 2020, 19:50
Country: USA
Town: Hilton Head Island
Length: 3m +
Join Date: Apr 2020
Posts: 59
Originally Posted by Eddzoid
It has 3 sections. Each section is held together with a 12mm bolt. We have what you would call a station wagon and a SUV. It fits both & the 9.8 Tohatsu. Start saving!  Gommone WinBoat 375 Lux. Excellent You Tube video of the folding process
Nice! But i am already 6 months to a year away from having saved up enough for this - I just figured it would help with the saving process if I knew exactly what boat i was saving for lol
I don't think I can wait any longer - but check my newest thread in this forum - my genius / crazy idea has hatched!
02 May 2020, 09:16
Country: UK - England
Town: Leicester
Length: 5m +
Engine: 135hp Mercury
Join Date: Sep 2013
Posts: 1,431
Act in haste repent at leisure.
02 May 2020, 12:14
Country: UK - England
Town: Lincolnshire
Boat name: Mousetrap
Make: Zodiac Cadet 310S
Length: 3m +
Engine: Mariner 4 stroke 9.9
Join Date: Sep 2014
Posts: 481
Originally Posted by paintman
Act in haste repent at leisure.
True, although within reason, a poorly chosen but sound hull or engine can be sold or traded with little or no loss.
I certainly acted in haste and repented at leisure with my first SIB purchase back around 1990. I discovered the engine had been overboard in saltwater and was a write off. I got some of my money back, but not all.
Then again I spent weeks carefully choosing my current set up and would probably choose differently next time.
02 May 2020, 15:34
Country: UK - England
Town: South West
Make: Zapcat
Length: 4m +
Engine: 50 tohatsu
Join Date: Mar 2020
Posts: 271
Originally Posted by Mikefule
with little or no loss.
Are we still talking about boats?
02 May 2020, 15:40
Country: UK - England
Town: Lincolnshire
Boat name: Mousetrap
Make: Zodiac Cadet 310S
Length: 3m +
Engine: Mariner 4 stroke 9.9
Join Date: Sep 2014
Posts: 481
Originally Posted by Allye
Are we still talking about boats? 
I was assuming, but should have specified: second hand/used and private sale.
If you can buy a second hand hull private sale for £400, use it a handful of times and make the effort to sell it carefully, you can sell it for something approaching £400 for example. Unless of course you paid over the odds in the first place.
If you buy second hand from a commercial seller, or brand new, then obvs you make a big loss when you sell.
02 May 2020, 17:39
Country: UK - England
Town: South West
Make: Zapcat
Length: 4m +
Engine: 50 tohatsu
Join Date: Mar 2020
Posts: 271
Sense of humour lost on you there. Boating in general is ruinous on the wallet.
03 May 2020, 03:37
Country: USA
Town: Hilton Head Island
Length: 3m +
Join Date: Apr 2020
Posts: 59
Originally Posted by paintman
Act in haste repent at leisure.
Wheres the cut off - I have probably read and watched a full time work weeks worth of research so far and still only feel 90 something % sure I found the right boat
Slightly less sure I will be able to pull of my storage plan but am confident I'll figure it out
06 May 2020, 05:07
Country: USA
Town: Hilton Head Island
Length: 3m +
Join Date: Apr 2020
Posts: 59
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