I have never stayed at the Castle steve..so only going by memory.
I doubt you could moor a SIB safely there as its quite rocky around the shore even when the tide went out ? I remember keeping a close eye on the bottom as I moved in to take the photo of the RIB. Here is a crop of the photo..so you can see its tender is on the grass as are some kayaks. Around the corner to the seaward side was similar if I recall correct. So think it will be a haul ashore job at night unless its flat calm. But I may be mistaken..I wasnt really looking for that at the time.
I use the wee free slipway at Crinan Village if Im launching the SIB in that area.
I used to enjoy exploring the islands in Loch Craignish ..ie Island Macaskin had a couple of abandoned cottages and an owl made a nest in one..I often saw the owner of Eilean Righ land on the loch in his seaplane
Seago in Loch Craignish on a beach of Island Macaskin
That is why I started using an aux engine even on my wee seago slat floor.. I found the fishing was good heading from Island Macaskin to Crinan.
To the east of the island is sheltered from the Dorus Mor..so I happily motored around with my 2.5hp outboard ..but knew if it failed..I could be sucked into the tide race very quickly .. my oars wouldn’t stop that happening. Its not as bad as the U tube showed when its calm ..and you can go round it if you wish.
Dorus Mor at Craignish point
Looking over Dorus Mor from Craignish Point towards Jura and Scarba gap..where the Corryvrechan lies sleeping
The Dorus Mor is not a problem when there is no wind.. just big boils of moving water but it will kick up big time when the wind causes waves. It can make your heart stop even in the calm .. when a small vortex starts swirling beside your sib ..and you see air getting sucked way down into the depths

It is a lovely area so don’t let the U Tube vids put you off..just be aware ..the races can get like that...and know where they are so they don’t take you by surprise.
Think springs will be around 23 of July..and around about 4m high ? ..then falling off again after that...but I dont have a tide table for there at the mo.
Hope that all helps..if Im in the area ..and its possible ..I could give you a shout and show you some of the places of interest around the races