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Old 19 December 2019, 05:25   #1
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Crisis T38 or T40 mostly for fishing??

Hi I was just about 100% decided to get a T38 and have found an alright new price for one. But after talking to someone who fishes from a T38 who said they regretted getting it for fishing due to the deck being awkward and more difficult for storage I am now finding myself not so sure about my choice.

I had originally thought about the T40 but after reading lots of people saying how heavy they were and what a pain it is to put the ally floor in it really put me off. After watching some videos online assembling the T40 it doesn't really look that bad with an electric pump. I will be launching from a slip way I don't think I will have a need for a beach launch with the extra range I will have with a SIB over a kayak. I am viewing a 15hp tohatsu this weekend to go on which ever I decide. From the videos I have seen online the T40 seems a more popular fishing platform. It also seems like there is a lot more room compared to the T38. I have seen people in vids standing up in the T40 and it looks very stable and solid. There aren't as many videos online of people fishing from the T38 is it because it is more cramped inside? I know dimensionally they are very similar but it just looks so much bigger??

Speed isn't a massive concern to me I really just want something that will get me out to my marks and provide a good fishing platform. I will also like to take the family out for trips myself,partner,5 year old and 2 11 year olds. The T40 seems like it might be a bit for roomy for the crew?

I'm 38 and have a Zafira so the boot is pretty huge when the 2 extra seats aren't up and I have no back problems etc yet so will the weight really be that bad? I will on occasion be on my own wanting to go out fishing but often will be going with friends or family. With everything setup on wheels is the T40 really that heavy to move?

Oh and another curveball the excel Volaire and Vanguards look pretty awesome. I am not sure if that's just me wanting to look a badass.

I would be very grateful to hear peoples thoughts and experience on this. cheers Matt
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Old 19 December 2019, 08:08   #2
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Originally Posted by Mattallica View Post
Hi I was just about 100% decided to get a T38 and have found an alright new price for one. But after talking to someone who fishes from a T38 who said they regretted getting it for fishing due to the deck being awkward and more difficult for storage I am now finding myself not so sure about my choice.

I had originally thought about the T40 but after reading lots of people saying how heavy they were and what a pain it is to put the ally floor in it really put me off. After watching some videos online assembling the T40 it doesn't really look that bad with an electric pump. I will be launching from a slip way I don't think I will have a need for a beach launch with the extra range I will have with a SIB over a kayak. I am viewing a 15hp tohatsu this weekend to go on which ever I decide. From the videos I have seen online the T40 seems a more popular fishing platform. It also seems like there is a lot more room compared to the T38. I have seen people in vids standing up in the T40 and it looks very stable and solid. There aren't as many videos online of people fishing from the T38 is it because it is more cramped inside? I know dimensionally they are very similar but it just looks so much bigger??

Speed isn't a massive concern to me I really just want something that will get me out to my marks and provide a good fishing platform. I will also like to take the family out for trips myself,partner,5 year old and 2 11 year olds. The T40 seems like it might be a bit for roomy for the crew?

I'm 38 and have a Zafira so the boot is pretty huge when the 2 extra seats aren't up and I have no back problems etc yet so will the weight really be that bad? I will on occasion be on my own wanting to go out fishing but often will be going with friends or family. With everything setup on wheels is the T40 really that heavy to move?

Oh and another curveball the excel Volaire and Vanguards look pretty awesome. I am not sure if that's just me wanting to look a badass.

I would be very grateful to hear peoples thoughts and experience on this. cheers Matt

Don’t underestimate the size/ weight/awkwardness of a SIB. I have a recently acquired Volaire 390 which travels in a custom trailer. Packed up it weighs 75kg (ish), but it’s a 4’x3’x2’ (1400x900x600) dead weight & bloody awkward to manhandle single handed. I’m fit & well built, but I’d struggle to get it into the back of a car. There would be some collateral damage either to me, car or boat. Also to consider is all the other gubbins apart from the boat & engine; fuel tank, pump, anchor, LJs, clothing, fishing gear, oars, seats, food/drinks etc etc. It soon grows.
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Old 19 December 2019, 08:33   #3
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Hi Matt and welcome to the forum.

It’s a dilemma we see on here loads... the ideal SIB on the water for your use may not be ideal to move about and set up particularly when solo.

PD makes a fair point re weight and bulk manhandling when deflated. But his Volaire is all one integral lump... with the T40 the alloy floor is in a separate bag so the total weight is split.

I had the slightly smaller alloy floor T35 and it was a fantastic stable platform and so practical and roomy for kit and activities. With that heavy alloy floor low down it had probably the best stability at rest of any SIB I’ve used.

But... when the family lost interest and I was mostly setting I solo I swapped it for a lighter air floor SIB.

Two more random comparison facts. Any water that comes into a T38 slops about your feet... the T40 has bilge space under the floor so this doesn’t happen.

The T38 needs far more expensive and rather floppy transom wheels due to the floor tabs that stick out from the transom.

BTW buy that 15hp Tohatsu... brilliant engine and a bargain.

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Old 19 December 2019, 08:36   #4
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Arghhh. This is a real tough one. Ideally I need something that I can pack away to fit in my shed or my mother inlaws garage while not being used. I rent a garage about 10 miles away that can take up to 40 mins to get to in the summer when traffic is bad. So if on a trailer I would have to go home after fishing the harbour which will take about 20 mins, then set it all up hose it off allow it to dry and then drive it back to the garage on trailer about 40 mins away then drive home another 40 mins.

With a boat I can store in the shed packed up ill have instant access to it as my shed and mother inlaws garage is about 1 min away. I will still have to pack it away after fishing drive home about 15 mins set it up wash it off allow to dry and pack away. So that is definitely a whole lot easier than leaving it setup on a trailer.

So leaving it setup is not currently an option so I guess it boils down to whether or not I can accept the extra effort and weight of the T40....I really don't know how I can answer this without trying it....

Any other feedback from anyone that fishes in the T38 would be appreciated.

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Old 19 December 2019, 09:15   #5
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I've had the T49 and definitely would trailer it the T38 would be your best option if you are taking it apart all the time
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Old 19 December 2019, 09:15   #6
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I meant T40 [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]
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Old 20 December 2019, 06:32   #7
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I got t32 and fine for fishing , t38 suppose extra space good.. t40 never to fiddly and heavy. Bad enough with t32 as I have no patients and any extra time faffing about would mean less time fishing and could not be bothered to go. I get out more because it's easy.
Seen loads folk selling ally floors to get blow ups due to above
Just my bit,
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Old 20 December 2019, 06:37   #8
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Originally Posted by Cumbria View Post
I got t32 and fine for fishing , t38 suppose extra space good.. t40 never to fiddly and heavy. Bad enough with t32 as I have no patients and any extra time faffing about would mean less time fishing and could not be bothered to go. I get out more because it's easy.
Seen loads folk selling ally floors to get blow ups due to above
Just my bit,
Yeah I think I am swaying toward the T38 now after reading the comments and having a long hard think about it. It will be my first SIB so going for something that will be easier to setup makes sense and if I feel that I need an ally floor and the extra room I can always sell it on they seems to hold their value really well compared to selling a t40.

How do you find the air deck in the T32 is it difficult to store stuff? Can you stand up in it ? Do you find it stable?

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Old 20 December 2019, 06:38   #9
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Originally Posted by Highland Haggis View Post
I've had the T49 and definitely would trailer it the T38 would be your best option if you are taking it apart all the time
Thanks for your reply I think I just need to use my head and follow the advice and get the T38 although I love the look of the solid ally floor and the extra space it provides. I really dont want to find myself dreading getting it out and going fishing.
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Old 20 December 2019, 11:01   #10
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This might be of interest. Stu's blog where he has a T40 then goes to a T38 then back to a T40. Of course all our circumstances are different so the fact he returned to the heavier SIB doesn't mean that's right for you.

Lots of info you'll pick up from reading the two SIB reports on there.

Also his T38 videos...

And the T40...

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Old 20 December 2019, 11:53   #11
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T32 stable and enough room 4 Me and m8 and stuff.. extra space would be useful but wieght my biggest issue. Easier to get up more likely use.

I sit to fish don't tend to stand , seems stable when do though
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Old 20 December 2019, 21:08   #12
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Originally Posted by Fenlander View Post
This might be of interest. Stu's blog where he has a T40 then goes to a T38 then back to a T40. Of course all our circumstances are different so the fact he returned to the heavier SIB doesn't mean that's right for you.

Lots of info you'll pick up from reading the two SIB reports on there.

Also his T38 videos...

And the T40...

Thanks mate I actually found this page this morning and quickly watched all his vids. It's been really helpful in helping me decide and its given me a much better overview of each of the sibs.
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Old 21 December 2019, 02:05   #13
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The air floor is good but has a down side with hooks so be careful when fishing the T40 is heavy and has more room but floor solves this a wwe bit
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Old 21 December 2019, 11:08   #14
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I don't fish so I don't know but...

Is an air floor really such an issue for hooks? Surely the main risk is to the tubes which is the same problem for both floor types?
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Old 21 December 2019, 14:01   #15
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Originally Posted by Fenlander View Post
I don't fish so I don't know but...

Is an air floor really such an issue for hooks? Surely the main risk is to the tubes which is the same problem for both floor types?

We’ve fished for years from RIBs & never had a problem with hooks. You’d have to be very determined to get a hook through a tube/floor imo. I’ve no fears about fishing from the Volaire.
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Old 24 December 2019, 18:50   #16
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I have a T38 air deck. Saves weight on floor. My friend Andrew also has T38 airdeck. They are great, floor feels sturdy and hard as is a alloy.

I've had both and I prefer the air deck. Simple and easy to pack away. Mines packed away everytime and stored in a 1.2m erde trailer.

Alloy floors are great if you're keeping it on a trailer. If youre folding it up for boot storage its deffo air deck.

Any more questions I'd be happy to help Click image for larger version

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ID:	131773
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Old 25 December 2019, 16:08   #17
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+1 for the T38. I fish from ours no problem, but do sit to do it. Hooks never been an issue, even when my other half who's a fishing beginner starts wafting the mackerel feathers all over the place!
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