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Old 27 December 2007, 15:59   #1
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Having been used to just wading ashore in diving drysuit I now need to think about how to do so without one having giving up diving and sold all my kit.
I was thinking of a small dinghy (2.3m) that comes in a bag which I can inflate quickly with a small 2l dive cylinder.
I need to be able to get ashore on deserted places where there are no quays etc as most of the fun up here with a boat is going to islands and having picnics/exploring off the beaten track.
Any other way other folk use or recommended dinghies? Better with a disposable cheapo one or going for something reasonable I can use the boat backup 2.5HP on to motor around?
Launching and recoevering isn't a problem as I have a good local slip and can use waders then chuck them in the Jeep before going, reversing the process on return.
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Old 27 December 2007, 16:13   #2
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We us a gumotex inflatable kayak . Its much faster than a small rowing dingy and can get through small surf , also more compact when not in use.
Its made of hypalon and is really easy to inflate and deflate on a small boat or rib .
The kids have great fun with it too .
However you wouldn't be able to use a motor on it
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Old 27 December 2007, 17:58   #3
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Check out ebay there are a few on there. I bought one for £185 fully inflatable and can take up to 2.5HP

Came with oars electric pump and engine mount
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Old 27 December 2007, 20:39   #4
Country: UK - Scotland
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As you know I do a lot of anchoring in wild places and use a small dinghy to get ashore. Mine's an XM180. I presume that's 1.80m. It's a well made, 'proper' inflatable, maximum two people (but you have to be careful how you get in, otherwise it's an early bath). There's no outboard bracket or capability though. It rows quite well with its attached oars.

On passage I keep it deflated between the console and raised bow locker. It comes with a foot pump, five minutes to deploy from start to launch. On shorter hops I lash it upside down, athwartships, abaft the console.

I looked recently for it on web sites and it seems it's no longer made - well, I couldn't find one - they all seem to be bigger now. While very small, it's made of heavy material (not hypalon, can't remember if it's PU or er... the other stuff) and doesn't seem to weigh much less than my Avon Redstart.

If you want something big enough to put a motor on - and much more stable - I would look for a good used Avon Redstart. The Avon's, especially the older ones, are the Rolls Royces of inflatable tenders. In the opinion of many, nothing comes close to their all round capabilities afloat and handiness when deflated. Personally, I wouldn't bother with an electric pump, the foot pumps provided are ok as is my RIB's 'stirrup' type pump.

I would not go for the 'cheaper' ones, they won't survive the mussels, barnacles, knife edged rocks you'll be landing on. Oars and fittings are usually crap too. Do get a 'proper' one and be safe.

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Old 27 December 2007, 21:47   #5
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Hi Tony,
I am looking at an XM 2.30 at the moment and will probably buy that. I want something I can take the little 2.3 Honda from the RIB and use to power ashore. Apart from effort it ensures I can use it now and again to keep it in good fettle.
I will probab;y use a small dive cylinder to inflate so not so worried about pumping up.
It will be a while till the boat is ready but will need to organise some "cruises" off the west coast when it is. I fancy a few out over weekends if the weather co-operates.
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Old 27 December 2007, 21:59   #6
Country: UK - England
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Bruce do you use the 2.3 honda as an emergency motor for the rib . I regret selling my honda 2.3 as i reckon it would just about be enough to get a 5.5 m boat out of trouble and very easy to stow away . I know they say a bigger motor is needed but would love to know how it performs on your boat.
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Old 27 December 2007, 22:00   #7
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Old 27 December 2007, 22:07   #8
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or cheap and cheerful !
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Old 27 December 2007, 22:13   #9
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I used to use a 3.5HP Tohatsu but it finally gave up the ghost. I changed to a Honda 2.3HP FS and it pushed my little 5.3 Assaualt along at about 4-5knots with the leg down acting as a rudder.
The new 5.8 Destroyer will probably only get 2-3 knots but it depends what you want. I only wanted to get away from the shore if neccesary to get the hook down and call for help or get to shore if drifting away from shore. I suppose you could get home if you didn't mind hours of travelling..........
If I was going to carry a big enough one to plane and get home I would probably just fit twins and I have never felt the drawbacks were worth it.
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Old 27 December 2007, 22:32   #10
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by BruceB View Post
I used to use a 3.5HP Tohatsu but it finally gave up the ghost. I changed to a Honda 2.3HP FS and it pushed my little 5.3 Assaualt along at about 4-5knots with the leg down acting as a rudder.
The new 5.8 Destroyer will probably only get 2-3 knots but it depends what you want. I only wanted to get away from the shore if neccesary to get the hook down and call for help or get to shore if drifting away from shore. I suppose you could get home if you didn't mind hours of travelling..........
If I was going to carry a big enough one to plane and get home I would probably just fit twins and I have never felt the drawbacks were worth it.
Thats all i want something light enough to just lift into place if I need it , and maybe for fishing , I hate running the motor at tickover for ages when Iam fishing especially with the new 2 stroke , and hopefully there is room on the transom for a little 2hp
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Old 27 December 2007, 22:50   #11
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I managed to get a Plastimo made of the same material as your XM with a transom suitable for mounting a motor in 2.2M size for £249 delivered.
That should do the trick, just need to get the rest of the boat delivered and built......................
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Old 28 December 2007, 10:20   #12
Country: UK - Scotland
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Originally Posted by BruceB View Post
I managed to get a Plastimo made of the same material as your XM with a transom suitable for mounting a motor in 2.2M size for £249 delivered.
That should do the trick, just need to get the rest of the boat delivered and built......................
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Old 28 December 2007, 10:34   #13
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There is another one or two folk just bought boats around the same size and type as yours. Later in the year when we all fitted out and sea tested we might be able to do some RIB meets, especially as all the boats will be around the same size and capabilities.
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Old 28 December 2007, 10:46   #14
Country: UK - Scotland
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Originally Posted by BruceB View Post
Hi Tony,
I am looking at an XM 2.30 at the moment and will probably buy that. I want something I can take the little 2.3 Honda from the RIB and use to power ashore. Apart from effort it ensures I can use it now and again to keep it in good fettle.
I will probab;y use a small dive cylinder to inflate so not so worried about pumping up.
It will be a while till the boat is ready but will need to organise some "cruises" off the west coast when it is. I fancy a few out over weekends if the weather co-operates.
Yep. All good for the engine. These days I need the exercise, so that's my excuse for pumping and rowing and tramping along the shoreline.

The odd 'cruise' would be good in decent weather. The mark 1 version of my RIB tent becomes a bit dodgy in F5 and above and last season had plenty of that. Had to decamp from Scarba in the middle of the night once and run for home in gusts of F6+. Followed the 'track back' on the GPS, it was a black night. 'Interesting' time off Coiresa and through the Dorus as I couldn't see the waves - or anything else . Felt a bit lonely once or twice.

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Old 28 December 2007, 10:57   #15
Country: UK - Scotland
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Make: Humber Destroyer
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Originally Posted by BruceB View Post
There is another one or two folk just bought boats around the same size and type as yours. Later in the year when we all fitted out and sea tested we might be able to do some RIB meets, especially as all the boats will be around the same size and capabilities.
That could be good fun. Hope to get afloat early next season, but I've got some engine work to do.

I tried to run it on water once. I think I need to take all the carburetors off and clean them out as it's running a bit rough around 2000 rpm. Might be an interesting project.
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Old 28 December 2007, 11:31   #16
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I won't be ready till late in the season anyway. I need to fit out the boat completely and haven't even got as far as loking for an outboard yet never mind finding the cash for it.
I don't get my hull till March and I reckon several months fitting it out and getting the A frame made etc before putting it in the water, even with the motor found!
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Old 28 December 2007, 12:15   #17
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Earlier in the year I brought a zodiac Z4 @2.5M and a 4.5HP Johnson.
It was intended for my two lads to use, but was very useful when turning up to a beach and a lot of fun for us adults,
In my usual fashion the total cost was under £200.

I've recently brought a used airdeck for it to replace the wooden boards, but have not yet had a chance to try it out.

The only issue was blowing it up when you get there.

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