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Old 08 May 2011, 13:24   #1
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DIY Tiller extension

So I've been messing about with my SIB trying to get it to plane and decided I needed to make a tiller extension so I could get a bit further forward.

I used some 40mm wide 1mm thick steel pipe, which fits the tapered rubber handle on my Mariners tiller just perfect. This is how I did it.

Cut the pipe to the desired length

Cut two slots about 10cm long into either side at one end, then gently lever out the two sides taking time to offer it up to your tiller for a snug fit as you go. File off any burrs once your done.

I then wrapped the two ends in gaffer tape to finish off and went out to give it a go. Not the most visually pleasing finish, but It certainly does the job, it stays in place perfectly and still allows me to use my kill switch cord with no issues

The finished result (about 40 seconds in)

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Old 08 May 2011, 13:53   #2
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Many years ago I was cruising in company with 2 other boats, a 12' With and an open aluminium boat. The With had a 9.9hp I think, the steering was very light on it. The driver was sat on the thwart with a homemade tiller extension doing 15+ kts. The tiller came off, the o/b swung over to full lock and the boat went straight into the side of the ali boat. The With driver ended up on his arse in the ali boat which now had it's beam reduced by 18" while the With was doing circles around it (no kill cord).

The trouble with most tiller handles is they taper out, so if the extension comes loose, it'll come straight off. Gaffer tapes good sh*t but you may want to at least back it up with a jubilee clip or similar.

And extend your kill cord to suit if required!
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Old 08 May 2011, 16:19   #3
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Originally Posted by martini View Post
Many years ago I was cruising in company with 2 other boats, a 12' With and an open aluminium boat. The With had a 9.9hp I think, the steering was very light on it. The driver was sat on the thwart with a homemade tiller extension doing 15+ kts. The tiller came off, the o/b swung over to full lock and the boat went straight into the side of the ali boat. The With driver ended up on his arse in the ali boat which now had it's beam reduced by 18" while the With was doing circles around it (no kill cord).

The trouble with most tiller handles is they taper out, so if the extension comes loose, it'll come straight off. Gaffer tapes good sh*t but you may want to at least back it up with a jubilee clip or similar.

And extend your kill cord to suit if required!
Point accepted and taken. I'm going to jubilee clip it on when I'm going to out for proper trips, and as said, my kill switch cord is still perfectly usable so any mishaps and off it comes. The rubber handle on the Mariner tiller is very thick and quite squidgy so when the extension is pushed on it bites into it very well. Even pushing it on quite lightly it takes a fairly good tug to get it back off again.
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Old 08 May 2011, 16:42   #4
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This can be done with plastic pipe too, heated and then formed over the handle. Again, it needs to be secured tightly. I scored a really cheap telescopic unit on ebay, it's handy at close quarters when the long handle is in the way...
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Old 11 May 2011, 15:49   #5
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My mother in law insisted that the local rag and stick racers on my local lake were fishing during a race.... the tiller extensions looked a bit like fishing rods from the shore I guess. When I explained what they were she just thought I was been negative to her observations...... that's mother in laws..... She's a towny (Dublin) , but they have lots of small sail boats next the south ferry port over there ?????...
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