17 January 2018, 20:33
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Does anyone know of a high transom SIB around 3-4 meters
Hi chaps, I don't want to sell my mint long shaft outboard but I am struggling to find a 3.3 meter size SIB for it as all SIB's seem to have short transoms for use with short shaft outboards, my outboard is 22 inches long from the transom clamp to cavitation plate, any suggestions, budget is £700 and it must be a roll up SIB 3-3.7 meters thanks
17 January 2018, 21:11
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can you not just bolt a transom height extension onto your sib to raise your outboard
17 January 2018, 21:20
Country: UK - England
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Make: Waveline V SIB
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Does anyone know of a high transom SIB around 3-4 meters
I could mod a low transom sib but would rather not there must be a high transom sib out there if I was to do a mod I would completely remove the low transom and fit a custom high one, but now we're talking a few hundred pounds to mod a transom properly and I just as well sell the mint long shaft and hunt for a new short. And I like the high transoms as they slow less wash inside the boat
17 January 2018, 21:29
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Never done it but considered it with my old suzimar sib. I didn't look too much but if you do it yourself it can't cost more than maybe 80 quid in marine ply and glue?
I looked at the time and only found one long shaft sib, the aerotec 420 or 430 but I dread to think what they cost. There maybe others nowadays as this was maybe 2 years ago I had the suzimar.
In end I sold the sib so not much use other than some moral support if you put a new transom in here.
I'm not sure how much difference the height makes to the transom flex, one of the many sib experts will keep you right I'm sure.
17 January 2018, 21:56
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Usually the only SIBs designed for a longshaft were larger ones than you say you want... such as the 4.2 Aerotec Xk59D mentions, some Futuras but very few others others.
But I'm a bit puzzled as in a previous thread you said your transom measured 19" to the waterline and 3" more to the bottom of keel/hull... and your OB was a 22". On those figures it would seem you already have a LS transom with a matching LS OB???? A photo of your OB on the transom taken level with the cav plate would help.
However if I have misunderstood and you have a SS transom and LS OB... There are loads of mint OBs about so I'd always say sell on the 25hp LS as soon as the 2018 market picks up... I don't like the increased height C of G of a LS mod to a SS transom particularly with an overweight/power OB and your outfit would probably perform better overall with a correct power SS outboard. With a £700 budget on top of your existing OB you will easily find another minter.
If you really want to keep the OB and it's really too long it's so easily done and can be a bolt on arrangement that doesn't spoil the existing transom for future resale. See this thread for some ideas...
A bolt-on alternative is a mini-jacker... might suit your needs?? http://thmarine.com/mini-jacker
To construct and glue in a complete new transom is a lot of work and just not needed.
I have years of experience in some very difficult conditions with many different shortshaft SIB/OB combos and wash coming over the transom due to the lower height has never been an issue.
17 January 2018, 22:12
Join Date: Jun 2010
Posts: 2,934
I often wondered why very few sibs cater for a long shaft.
I was toying with getting a 9.9 Suzuki 4 stroke as a kicker for rib but to justify the cost in my mind I thought I'd get a sib to use it....boaters logic for you....spend even more on something don't really want to at least get usage out of a fairly expensive kicker.
The suzimar I probably would have modded the transom but it was only a 3.4 I think and too small really imo so off it went. (Keep in mind I'm used to a bigger boat)
18 January 2018, 04:45
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People are far too hung up on longshaft auxiliaries. You're not planing, so that 3 inches makes no odds really. I've got a short shaft auxiliary. As it's offset from the main engine, the prop is in clear water, and with the setback of the bracket as well, it works perfectly.
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18 January 2018, 07:45
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Originally Posted by Nos4r2
People are far too hung up on longshaft auxiliaries. You're not planing, so that 3 inches makes no odds really. I've got a short shaft auxiliary. As it's offset from the main engine, the prop is in clear water, and with the setback of the bracket as well, it works perfectly.
totally agree i did same on my rib
18 January 2018, 10:16
Join Date: Jun 2010
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Originally Posted by Nos4r2
People are far too hung up on longshaft auxiliaries. You're not planing, so that 3 inches makes no odds really. I've got a short shaft auxiliary. As it's offset from the main engine, the prop is in clear water, and with the setback of the bracket as well, it works perfectly.
Totally disagree  in my case anyway.
both ribs I've had needed the long shaft as I used to have a standard shaft 5hp 4 stroke, all it done was grab air in anything but flat ish water. Waste of a brand new engine in end as I sold it with less than 1 hour on it.
Wouldn't dream of putting an outboard on a bracket on a Rib if avoidable. Both mine went on the transom so ive avoided it thankfully.
a short or standard shaft isn't going to work for everyone and certainly not on the ribs I've had unless I wanted to sit and cavitate or fit a bracket.....ymmv
I made the choice to forget the sib and just get the long shaft which I hope never to need in anger. it makes a huge difference to the cavitation issue I had. Only heard the long shaft cavitate once but it was very rough that day. (I usually give the aux a run every time I go out)
18 January 2018, 11:02
Country: UK - Scotland
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Give terry a call at excel boats they do sort and long transom phone *0121 323 2311 I have the vanguard 435 long shaft
18 January 2018, 11:04
Country: UK - Scotland
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Does anyone know of a high transom SIB around 3-4 meters
Give Terry a call at excel boats they do short and long transom phone *0121 323 2311 I have the vanguard 435 long shaft
18 January 2018, 11:49
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Xk59D
Totally disagree  in my case anyway.
both ribs I've had needed the long shaft as I used to have a standard shaft 5hp 4 stroke, all it done was grab air in anything but flat ish water. Waste of a brand new engine in end as I sold it with less than 1 hour on it.
Wouldn't dream of putting an outboard on a bracket on a Rib if avoidable. Both mine went on the transom so ive avoided it thankfully.
a short or standard shaft isn't going to work for everyone and certainly not on the ribs I've had unless I wanted to sit and cavitate or fit a bracket.....ymmv
I made the choice to forget the sib and just get the long shaft which I hope never to need in anger. it makes a huge difference to the cavitation issue I had. Only heard the long shaft cavitate once but it was very rough that day. (I usually give the aux a run every time I go out)
Isn't that because the hull design on your boat has to have a certain freeboard to get a coding making it a higher transom my tubes were wet at rest. I once stood on a ribcraft at the NEC there was a certain amount of rock at rest for that reason might be wrong but I do know ribquest extended one of thier hulls 3-4 inches for that reason.
18 January 2018, 12:14
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18 January 2018, 12:16
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My ribcraft tubes are barely in water while at rest but I've never noticed any rocking to be honest. I usually only have me and wife on board so the back 6 seats are empty or more would be in obviously.
My previous rib tubes (Avon adventure 560) had a decent amount in water at rest and that had same problem with cavitation. I never looked at the freeboard on it to be honest but probably safe to assume it sat a bit lower than an aux does on the ribcraft so cavitation wasnt quite as bad but it was still very much there. The avon also had a narrower space due to A frame so I got a 3.3 mariner std shaft to leave on or the 5hp could be made to go on if you didn't want to steer the main.
Anyways, in my case, 2 very differect ribs and the same outcome, some to lots of cavitation in anything but reasonably flat water without a long shaft on the respective boat.
Now I have a yam 8hp 2 stroke long shaft, perfect for what I need it for as it is lightest I could find, saves my back a little moving it.
18 January 2018, 20:38
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Originally Posted by Highland Haggis
Give terry a call at excel boats they do sort and long transom phone *0121 323 2311 I have the vanguard 435 long shaft
If excel do a high transom on 3.3m that would be great as I like the excel range although I did find there was not a lot of room left inside the boat with the air deck model
18 January 2018, 20:44
Country: UK - Scotland
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Like I said give Terry a call and let him know what you want and he will get it sorted 3.3 is small I would go for the 395 vanguard look on there website 🤠
18 January 2018, 20:45
Country: UK - England
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Does anyone know of a high transom SIB around 3-4 meters
Originally Posted by Fenlander
Usually the only SIBs designed for a longshaft were larger ones than you say you want... such as the 4.2 Aerotec Xk59D mentions, some Futuras but very few others others.
But I'm a bit puzzled as in a previous thread you said your transom measured 19" to the waterline and 3" more to the bottom of keel/hull... and your OB was a 22". On those figures it would seem you already have a LS transom with a matching LS OB???? A photo of your OB on the transom taken level with the cav plate would help.
However if I have misunderstood and you have a SS transom and LS OB... There are loads of mint OBs about so I'd always say sell on the 25hp LS as soon as the 2018 market picks up... I don't like the increased height C of G of a LS mod to a SS transom particularly with an overweight/power OB and your outfit would probably perform better overall with a correct power SS outboard. With a £700 budget on top of your existing OB you will easily find another minter.
If you really want to keep the OB and it's really too long it's so easily done and can be a bolt on arrangement that doesn't spoil the existing transom for future resale. See this thread for some ideas...
A bolt-on alternative is a mini-jacker... might suit your needs?? http://thmarine.com/mini-jacker
To construct and glue in a complete new transom is a lot of work and just not needed.
I have years of experience in some very difficult conditions with many different shortshaft SIB/OB combos and wash coming over the transom due to the lower height has never been an issue.
Hi, thanks for reply, I think your talking about my waveline 2.7m v floor? If so your right the long shaft fits that SIB perfect but the SIB is just a bit small for 4 persons so I'm looking for something slightly bigger for when I've got passengers and kit I will probably keep the waveline for when it's just myself and say 1 passenger, so my set up for the coming season will be my waveline, my long 25hp, a long backup/spare 8hp that I've got over the winter and a new SIB around 3.5m with these two outboards and SIBs I can interchange outboards and also run both SIBs out together.
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