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Old 11 February 2021, 10:11   #1
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Elling KB350 for Fenlander?

Well yes it seems so. I've just placed a deposit for the Boatworld March delivery. Now to find someone with a minter Tohatsu 9.8 2-stroke.

Truth is despite the Aerotec already being quite light and my 15hp Yamaha at 36kg being a real sweet spot weight/power wise for a SIB motor a long term neck/shoulder injury is playing up and docs/physio say I'm pushing my luck continuing to move even these fairly modest weights about.

So it's a choice of make a sensible move now to preserve what's left of my ability into our true retirement years.... or continue as is and risk more damage then a much reduced ability before long.

I know all the tricks re minimising the effort with our present outfit but it's not enough... and moving to a fully trailed setup isn't an option.

I've enthused enough on here about the concept of the Elling KB350 in regard to its light weight and exceptional performance with smaller motors it seemed I should take my own advice.

Two Youtube videos have been a great help enabling this decision.... A long one from Ukraine/Russia with some pretty impressive speeds and an even more impressive tight radius turn at speed...

And the one posted by our own Jasierock on Ullswater...

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Old 11 February 2021, 10:23   #2
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Well done that man! Glad to add another owner to the fold.
If you were close enough to Kent you could if we get gov permission before your boat arrives take mine out for a trial run with its 8hp Suzuki.
Has Dave managed to keep the price tag the same? I was worried the EU split might price them too high to be competitive here.
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Old 11 February 2021, 10:33   #3
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Price anticipated the same but not 100% guaranteed if there were extra costs shifting them over the border at night with men in dark clothing.

If I already had an 8hp I would give that a go but from my experience with trying both 8 & 10 on the Aerotec I'll hope to find that very specific Tohatsu 9.8 2-stroke which I've owned before and know well.

I'm pondering hard on buying their own bow dodger... high cost but in the scheme of our boating costs over the past decade it all averages out. Looks well made with a good tube support but I'd have preferred it a few inches lower.
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Old 11 February 2021, 10:56   #4
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Hi Fenlander , I fully understand your thoughts and its the very reason why I bought the small 2.75 F Rib and 6HP when I retired at 60 years old.

Its very easy to use anywhere and at 33KG for the boat..I still carry it on my shoulders so can launch anywhere. I appreciate there will be two of you in your boat so the wee F Rib is not the answer for you but the Elling sounds great for your use.

Im fully retired this year too(By that I mean I will get a state pension as well as my small work pension) I have had no wish to work since I turned 60

I still enjoy the 4.3m Ali hull with its 25HP for the multi day trips round the inner Hebrides but its purely trailer launched from slipways so easy to do. I miss using it just now as Im landlocked with local Covid lockdowns.

Covid has given me a valuable insight into how I want to spend my next few years. I hate the lockdowns that confine me within my council area this week I am putting the house on the market and looking to buy a wee retirement bungalow beside the sea somewhere in the west coast. The closer to the water the better

Retirement is great although we cant physically do what we used to do.. we can easily adapt and enjoy life to the full...which is how it should be. Hope all else is well in your land. I got the Jab last hoping to get a few more years messing around it boats despite having lockdowns every 6 months or so.

Have fun with the new boat when it arrives
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Old 11 February 2021, 11:05   #5
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I’ve been waiting for boatworld to call me regarding a deposit on the Elling. I called about 10 days ago and as told that Elling had run out of material. I’ll give them another call to see what’s happening. As to the outboard I have that on order. Tohatsu 9.8 2 stroke. It’s costing me a fortune but hopefully will be worth it.
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Old 11 February 2021, 11:13   #6
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Tel have PM'd you.
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Old 11 February 2021, 11:23   #7
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Just called boatworld and got my Elling on order too
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Old 11 February 2021, 11:34   #8
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Fenlander, hope you got my replies. I struggle a bit with the private message part. Lol
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Old 11 February 2021, 11:48   #9
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Yep all received thanks Terry.

So Donny you have crept over the retirement finish line... I am a year or so behind... actually we both get the state element May '22.

Yes we need that bit more space with two plus dog and now and again lightweight daughter. The Elling is an inch narrower internally than the Aerotec but eight inches longer internally. It is a little more shallow re floor to seat height as the Aerotec did benefit from your feet going down a bit into the V which made it feel more secure. That's why I'm thinking of buying their dodger to give more of a feeling of security for dog and kit in the bow. Forget the price as it's not the issue but what do you think of the design... looks a little taller than ideal possibly? Do the dodgers you've made or seen others with suffer windage... slowing in a headwind or blowing the bow off course in a side wind?

Have a look and see what you think.

Re your potential move... perfect idea... just perfect!
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Old 11 February 2021, 11:54   #10
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I’ve been looking at the proper bow canopy too. It’s very pricey compared with others I’ve seen. I’m still deciding if to go for a cheaper manufacturer or even make one myself. I’m looking forward to replies on this thread.
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Old 11 February 2021, 11:58   #11
Country: UK - England
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Fenlander, your inbox is overflowing
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Old 11 February 2021, 12:19   #12
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Sorry... sorted.
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Old 11 February 2021, 13:42   #13
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Hi again Fenlander ..the Elling Bow Dodger looks very similar to the F Rib one my brother has.

Your biggest issue you will have if you buy it ... is your good missus might get mad you never bought a dodger before, instead preferring her to act as your dodger.

On a more serious note.. my brother loves his and is a permanent fixture although he swaps between a 6HP and a 15 HP for power on his 330 FRib. Its performance is not noticeably different even with the lightweight 6HP and he does go out in rough conditions too.

Personally, I would not dream of not using a dodger on any of my boats either and never noticed and difference handling in any of the conditions I go out in. The advantage is the shelter and sense of security younger kids get sitting behind it, and the fact my own dodgers keep the camera gear dry and stop bags bouncing about.

I appreciate some guys say they don’t like them .. but I don’t know any guys who don’t use them in my circles. If it was me..I would get the Elling dodger without hesitation.

I don’t know much about the boat itself but you wont notice the narrower hull once you get used to it. My Ali Hull is 6 inch narrower than my old SIB and initially I thought it would show in a beam sea .. but in reality it was all in my imagination. I think you will appreciate the extra length.

My regular boating buddy who is in my “Covid Bubble” (Kaman) has a painful neck injury and he got rid of his floored SIBS in favour of the airfloors as he prefers the softer ride of the airfloor .. they dont jar his neck injury in a chop the way a solid floor can.

Looking forward to your write up on it as there have not been many except those that have them seem happy with their purchase.
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Old 11 February 2021, 14:41   #14
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The wife was asking if it’s possible to stand up at the front and hold onto the top of the bow canopy?
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Old 11 February 2021, 15:42   #15
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If you were static fishing or similar you could possibly take the lightest support from it but under way I'd say totally not. In truth the movement of all sibs at sea isn't conducive to standing up.

Looking at the images you might note the mounts on the tube to take the dodger poles are not a standard in the images of the boat. I asked Boatworld and it seems you have to glue the mounts to the tubes which may or may not change your thoughts on their dodger.

The Gurnard is a whizz on the sewing machine and has made some impressive dodgers in the past so it's certainly doable.
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Old 11 February 2021, 15:55   #16
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Hi Tel1965 ..Im sorry but Im not the best to ask asIm old school and was taught never to stand up in small boats... end of story.

However the canopy is very secure, It has a robust aluminium tube to shape the canopy which sits in plastic feet glued to the tubes. There are a lot of fixing straps to hold it in place too. It has to be secure as it can be hit by a far weight of water in a rough sea. Its never been known to dislodge even in bad conditions.

Perhaps this photo will show the robust frame and also give a better sense of scale and why its perfect for small kids.

And this video will illustrate it and various home made canopies going through their paces in the chop. They have to be secure as its no use if a wave takes them off fact could be dangerous if its swept overboard but still tied on in rough waters. Hope that helps some

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Old 11 February 2021, 15:57   #17
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PS Just noticed Fenlanders reply.. the F Rib in the video with the canopy chose not to glue the plastic feet on the tubes..they sit in position just fine even not glued..but my brother glued his on
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Old 11 February 2021, 16:17   #18
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Thanks for the videos I think I’d be crapping bricks if I was out in that sort of weather. I think I’ll wait till I get the boat and then decide if to make one myself. With the type of work my company do it’s quite easy to get some decent pipe bent and fittings welded on to suit the borika mounts already fixed on the boat. But, if I need to buy more mounts then that’s not a problem as they are only about £20 each and the clips to hold it onto the bow are quite cheap too. As to holding on to it when on the move the wife said she’ll enjoy a bit of danger. I guess I’d better get her a decent life jacket then lol
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Old 11 February 2021, 22:51   #19
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Hi Fenlander, really looking forward to hearing about the build, kit out and adventures in your new Elling KB350 when it arrives.
My input re: bow dodger, I wouldn't hesitate.
I have now used mine more times than not when we managed to get on the water last year. Keeps the gear dry when it's a bit choppy or raining and the dog likes to use it as a shelter from the sun.
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Old 11 February 2021, 23:25   #20
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Cheers Steve. Yep always positive... so despite this being somewhat forced on me due to an age related issue a change and all the fiddling about with shiny new things is always fun.

I've just emailed the dealer to order the bow dodger after the info and pics The Gurnard helpfully added.

>>>the dog likes to use it as a shelter from the sun<<< Yep indeed... after a search of some two years since we lost the last one our new pup comes home next Monday. Hope he takes to smallcraft boating like our previous three.

There will be loads of small things to work out but the only big thing to decide on is transom wheels. I usually like the Trems unless it's on a Bombard/Zodiac with OE wheels like I have now but they will go with the Aerotec.

Tel asked in a PM about the things I'd have to set up when the Elling arrives. Basically I'll have it as a version of how I reported on the Aerotec last year when it had it's lockdown outing... on the back lawn...
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