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Old 26 June 2021, 10:02   #241
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Originally Posted by Fenlander View Post
Re the Elling's way of going and how it's not ideal for us. Can be summed up by... age, weight and knees! Keeping on the plane in more challenging conditions our weight was enough to bring the flat floor into contact with waves under the hull frequently giving us... and Mrs F in particular being further forward... a sharp jolt which wasn't ideal for 65yr old backs and knees.
Well I wasn't expecting that! such a shame that it's not "The One" for you and Mrs F

Would I be correct in thinking that it wouldn't be particularly suitable for Sibbing with a dog?
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Old 26 June 2021, 10:39   #242
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It would be at least as good and possibly better than many/most other SIBs... as I said second best out of the ten we've owned. The Aerotec is unique in it's deep V, soft entry to waves and kindness to old joints... a point I had somewhat taken for granted.

Would say a bow canopy either OE or DIY of great benefit to add to feeling of security you’re not going to fire dog out over the bow!
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Old 26 June 2021, 10:47   #243
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Shame after all you work and writeups , that it just wasn't 100% right for you and your circumstances.

But perhaps others will have learned a lot from your and the others posts in this thread to make an informed decision for themselves if this sib might be the right one for them or not.

On a positive....if selling very soon I guess it will as good as time as there ever has been to sell with the market the way it is.

So whats the next sibing step and adventure for you and the good lady
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Old 26 June 2021, 10:50   #244
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Shame after all you work and writeups , that it just wasn't 100% right for you and your circumstances.

But perhaps others will have learned a lot from your and the others posts in this thread to make an informed decision for themselves if this sib might be the right one for them or not.

On a positive....if selling very soon I guess it will as good as time as there ever has been to sell with the market the way it is.

So whats the next sibing step and adventure for you and the good lady
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Old 26 June 2021, 10:55   #245
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Well I just revert to the Aerotec which we never sold. Use with this lighter outboard and slimmed down kit plus bow trolley to assist moving when launching and more care in moving packed boat about at home.
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Old 26 June 2021, 12:21   #246
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>>>it just wasn't 100% right for you and your circumstances.

Yep that's the important point to remember really... it's a very personal thing. There are at least three folks on here that have really enjoyed their new Elling outings so I'm in the minority.
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Old 26 June 2021, 18:37   #247
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Glad you finally got out on salt water. I'm yet to even manage fresh water. Sorry to hear the outcome. Hope all the fun over lockdown and a good sale price covers it off.

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Old 26 June 2021, 21:04   #248
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Originally Posted by Fenlander View Post
>>>it just wasn't 100% right for you and your circumstances.

Yep that's the important point to remember really... it's a very personal thing. There are at least three folks on here that have really enjoyed their new Elling outings so I'm in the minority.
As a quiet lurker on this thread, I can relate to your decision that it has to be right for YOU! Luckily you can recover the vast majority of your outlay and it certainly looks like you banged some fun out of the set up phase in lockdown - dreaming of the sea! It will be perfect some someone else. You touched on one happy sidebar - you'll pack a bit lighter in future.

Years ago I had a hankering for a particular class of boat. I had serious plans to buy one but was knocked back a couple of seasons by "life". In that brief hiatus I had the most excellent fortune to drive an example of my dreamboat and I throughly hated it. Lucky me. A sudden about face saw me wait another season or so and finally I'm in the boat I needed.

Get that Sale ad up ASAP and don't forget putting it on Fibs & Squibs too - they like a well unholstered minter.
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Old 27 June 2021, 17:16   #249
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Oh dear, what can I say. As usual I e been busy decorating again this past week, catching up on lost time due to boating, so this is the first time this week I’ve looked at the forum. I can’t really comment on being knocked about a bit when out on the Elling as I was going fairly slow as it was a new engine running in. Although in my previous posts I did say I was a little nervous about going faster. I’m going back to Cornwall again at the weekend so hopefully the weather will be kind and I can get back out again. David, did you feel safe going fast? Or was it just the bumpy ride you didn’t like ? When I was out in it the wife felt safe enough, she was in the bow on the floor, but I didn’t feel so safe being on the seat and was holding on to the grab line very tightly it left a few marks on my fingers. I’ve had an idea to overcome that as I bought the borika 3 mount bar which I’ll take two of the mounts off and put them on the A frame and then use the bar as a handrail in a mount that’s close to me when I’m on the seat. I also bought a standard horizon hx 300e ax I now feel I could go with some sort of radio just in case I’m in trouble.
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Old 27 June 2021, 17:20   #250
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I also bought a borika D ring and a mooring ring.
Hopefully with the radio and the handrail bar I’ll feel a bit safer. But. If not, my thinking is to go the proper boat route with a mooring and keep the Elling just for very calm waters. Perhaps it’s just my age but I always like to feel safe these days.
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Old 27 June 2021, 17:38   #251
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>>>holding on to the grab line very tightly it left a few marks on my fingers...

And.... relax!

Yes always felt safe... it's just about the old knees not being such good shock absorbers these days.

Edit: Just seen your mail re canopy and will reply to that.
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Old 28 June 2021, 11:00   #252
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Short and sweet ownership David, hope you enjoyed the ride. It was good to have you aboard for the added enthusiasm during lockdown, gave us in the Elling camp something else to get our teeth into while ducking covid.
I was pleased to meet up with you briefly while I collected that nice Yamaha 15 from you this spring, we will expect threads of further adventures in The Aerotec with 9.8hp engine now.
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Old 28 June 2021, 11:06   #253
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Yes 100% positive experience all round and sold to a great guy who will carry on the enthusiasm.

And when you have to move on (or back to where I was as in this case) just got to re-focus so looking forward to inflating the Aerotec and seeing what small mods I can do to make life easier.
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Old 05 July 2021, 19:56   #254
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Elling KB350 setup and mods etc

Have to admit slightly disappointed to hear Fenlander’s thrown the towel in with his Elling. Not surprised though. When you already have the ‘best of the best’ (Aerotec) then there’s only one way to go, and that ain’t up.

The Aerotec is a funny old beast, light as a feather at 39 kilos and built like a tank. Power it up and it feels more like a rib than a sib. It has big tubes with a deep V hull/deck, banks hard in turns and seems to cut through chop like no other blow up 3.8m boat. When the going gets gnarly, sitting low down on the floor it just feels so safe and confidence inspiring. It also provides a surprisingly cushty ride whether pushing on though chop or just cruising around.

A fairly recent Elling owner and admittedly early doors yet, but first impressions proving not too shabby at all. It certainly ain’t no Aerotec and wasn’t expecting it to be to be honest.

Although the Elling looks rather conservative and marketed as a fishing platform with a plethora of Borika fittings as standard, it is in essence a tunnel hull (catamaran) sib, and performs as one. Technically a trimaran I suppose as they’ve added a central tube to iron out the water flow over the prop….sceptical at first but seems to work with far less ventilation issues common on other cats.

With it’s mahoosive toobs, 100mm longer than stated length and decent beam provides a competent and seaworthy ride in typical UK chop. It does however handle more like a cat than a conventional sib when pushing on. Corners flat with tenacious grip in the turns. Working the air cushion will smooth out the ride if you keep the power on and accept the bows occasionally riding high into wind. Downwind in a following sea it, like many cats, has a tendency to bow steer so quick reactions some times called for….although the generous sized tubes seems to keep it well clear of any ‘stuffing’ scenario.

Goes really well with 10hp motors even though rated to 15. We did bolt our 20 horse motor on one afternoon just for a laugh. Seemed to handle the 47 kilo weight and power no problem, although not for regular use. Don’t think the transom (or my nerves) could cope.

All in all, a great little boat that goes surprisingly well with modest motors just pootling around. Open it up though and you’ll get an exhilarating ride with great performance, but like any cat, it can bite back if caught unawares. [emoji3]
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Old 05 July 2021, 21:09   #255
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>>> slightly disappointed to hear Fenlander’s thrown the towel

I know I've been beating myself with anything that came to hand for days now... but the self-punishment must stop.

Anyway onwards and sideways as they say hence the reactivation of the "One man's" thread.

You sum up both boats perfectly... as you did when you owned/reported on both Aerotec and Frib a few years back. Couldn't put it any better.
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Old 02 October 2021, 13:20   #256
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Originally Posted by Tel1965 View Post
this week i finally managed to spend a couple of days working on the boat and getting it set up to how i want to use it ready for next weeks first launch. after modifying the transom wheels i have now fitted them, i have tried the engine running on idle and low revs { thank you fenlander for your very helpful advice as always } and also fitted to the sib. i made a gopro mounting that goes into the borika mount and adapted an old sack truck to use as an outboard stand and trolley. i am glad that i have tried everything on a dry run in the garden first as i know i made a few errors in setting up, but hopefully now i know a bit better of how to do things. as always the advice on this forum has been fantastic and i appreciate the knowledge this forum can give. here is a few pics of my Elling ready to go to sea.
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