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Old 05 June 2021, 13:42   #141
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Originally Posted by Tel1965 View Post
They say a woman’s work is never done.
...and yet they wonder why they get paid less?
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Old 05 June 2021, 13:49   #142
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>>>what happened to the 15hp 2 stroke yam?

Mine?? Assuming so it was last seen hanging on the back on another member's Elling!
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Old 05 June 2021, 14:13   #143
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Originally Posted by Fenlander View Post
>>>what happened to the 15hp 2 stroke yam?

Mine?? Assuming so it was last seen hanging on the back on another member's Elling!
Yes, I assume you sold it then? I must pay more attention, I would have loved to own such a meticulously maintained engine
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Old 05 June 2021, 14:52   #144
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Here it is enjoying the Kentish sunshine Blankton, luckily I was at the front of the queue when this engine became available
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Old 06 June 2021, 09:52   #145
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You both look ready to go and have a great summer boating, you've got a nice setup there Tel1965 wish you all the best on your maiden voyage sure it will be fine.

Nice looking outboard you got yourself Oldman KB350 should fly along with that on the back.

Fenlander, you must be all ready to go now summer is on its way

Has for my KB350 after waiting nearly a year and all the problems with the UK leaving EU I have finally got my Spanish Registration now I can use it here with no problems as without it if I got cought the boat would have been impounded and a big fine as the river Minho up hear in Galicia is international waters that separates Spain & Portugal.

The weather here now is around 25 degrees and sunny so tomorrow I will be out on the river to try out my new launching wheels and folding swivel seat I fitted this winter, Looking forward to it
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Old 06 June 2021, 10:11   #146
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>>>Fenlander, you must be all ready to go now

Yes indeed boat wise we are... but I've distracted myself slightly by buying the day van I've been thinking about for a few years to increase our facilities on long days out with our daily set up use. So I'm a bit involved with reverse camera fitting, mats/carpeting, curtains, interior lights and similar fettling.
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Old 12 June 2021, 11:06   #147
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So I went looking for lobsters and crabs with my dad last weekend in my Zodiac 275 with an 8 hp Yamaha Enduro. It was the first time I tried the boat/outboard combo for its true intended purpose and unfortunately it is not as ideal as I had hoped. Firstly I couldn't get the boat on the plane even after installing a permatrim hydrofoil on the outboard. Secondly it is just a bit too small to be comfortable with two people and all our spearfishing gear.

The Zodiac is rated for max 8hp so I can't upgrade the outboard and it wouldn't make the boat any bigger so I've all but decided to find another SIB and so far the Elling KB350 looks like the best choice.

However I want to make sure that I will not end up with yet another SIB that cannot get on the plane with with my current outboard. I haven't seen any of you Elling owners with an 8 hp but do you think it will be able to get on the plane with 2 adults, fuel and gear (approximately 200 kg)?
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Old 12 June 2021, 11:15   #148
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Originally Posted by Kristian S View Post
So I went looking for lobsters and crabs with my dad last weekend in my Zodiac 275 with an 8 hp Yamaha Enduro. It was the first time I tried the boat/outboard combo for its true intended purpose and unfortunately it is not as ideal as I had hoped. Firstly I couldn't get the boat on the plane even after installing a permatrim hydrofoil on the outboard. Secondly it is just a bit too small to be comfortable with two people and all our spearfishing gear.

The Zodiac is rated for max 8hp so I can't upgrade the outboard and it wouldn't make the boat any bigger so I've all but decided to find another SIB and so far the Elling KB350 looks like the best choice.

However I want to make sure that I will not end up with yet another SIB that cannot get on the plane with with my current outboard. I haven't seen any of you Elling owners with an 8 hp but do you think it will be able to get on the plane with 2 adults, fuel and gear (approximately 200 kg)?

You need to change your engine not your boat.
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Rule#3: Tha' can't educate pork.
Rule#4:Don't feed the troll
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Old 12 June 2021, 21:47   #149
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I’ve just got back from my very first launch. I laughed at Polperro harbour mid high tide. Fortunately a local friend here came with us and showed me the ropes so to say. All in all it went well. I wasn’t nervous about setting up, even though I had quite a big audience. The only mistake I made was I forgot to pull up the valve covers when inflating the air floor, so I had to deflate the air floor again to pull one of them back out from underneath it.The other mistake I made was to forget to put the fish finder on before we set off so I don’t know what speeds we did. The sea was calm so they say down here in Cornwall, but to me it felt a bit choppy which kind of makes me a bit nervous. My friend said to open the throttle up a bit and as it’s a new engine under running in I took it up to 3000rpm which seemed pretty fast to me. Maybe it’s my age, but when I was younger I used to love speed, now I just like to plod along. I felt very safe on the Elling and so did my wife. She loved it. My friend was quite impressed with it too. It feels very stable on the sea and when I feel a bit braver I might just ope the throttle up a bit more and see what happens. I have to say I’m very happy with my purchase of the Elling and the engine even though I think it might be too powerful for me to handle at the moment. I think once I’ve got used to it then I will feel a little more relaxed about going a bit faster. But. For a first time out I’m quite satisfied with how I performed.
In a previous post I commented that wanted to be out on it all day, having been out on it for nearly 3 hours, my bum and my back are in a little pain. So I can now truly understand why comments were made about how I’d feel about being out all day on it.
I’ll be out on it again tomorrow so I’ll do another report of how I got on. At the moment though it’s happy wife happy life. I think she felt more comfortable that I did to be honest.
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Old 12 June 2021, 22:04   #150
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Glad it all went well for you, tomorrow will feel even better. Enjoy and remember the fish finder or get an app on your phone if you want to just log your speed.
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Old 12 June 2021, 22:11   #151
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Hi Tel, sounds like a good first day, pleased things went well for you.
If it's a new engine, don't be tempted to open up the throttle too much. Run it in as per the manual so that it lasts you a lifetime.
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Old 12 June 2021, 22:19   #152
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Thank you gentlemen. I’ll definitely remember the fish finder next time and I’m definitely following the run in procedures as I’m too scared to give it full throttle. At 3000rpm it felt fast enough to me. I think at full throttle it would frighten the life out of me, at the moment anyway. Maybe after many more hours I might be tempted to go a bit faster. But for now I’m quite happy with the speed I was doing. Hopefully I’ll get a lot more confident as time goes by.
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Old 13 June 2021, 11:02   #153
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Great to hear you made that first trip... remember as others have said to run that engine in kindly but get those first 10hrs done asap!
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Old 13 June 2021, 19:31   #154
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Just got back from another day out on the Elling. Engine is being run in very kindly as I’m still too nervous about opening the throttle too much. Had my first problem with the engine. It won’t lift and tilt when being pulled by the handle on top of the engine. It will only lift when being lifted near the propellor. Had to get someone on another boat to have a look at it but he couldn’t sort the problem out. I hope it’s going to be an easy fix. I found it very difficult not being able to tilt the engine up when going to the beach and back to the harbour. Would appreciate anyone’s thoughts on what the problem might be.
Good news is the missus still loves it. Even though she saying I’m going to slow. I just tell her that I’m running the engine in gently and when I get used to it all I’ll go a bit faster. Today was the first time out on our own so I was especially nervous about it, even though the sea was a lot calmer than yesterday. I’m glad to say I didn’t make any mistakes today though. And apart from the engine problem we have had a very good day out. Even managed to do a bit of fishing too. First fish a Lance. Second, third and fourth lances. So nothing to eat just yet.
Transom wheels are working a treat as this morning I had to pull it into water as the tide was out and also pull it back in to harbour as the tide hadn’t quite reached where I was mooring.
Tomorrow will see the 10 hours run in of the engine so if I feel brave enough I may take it to 4000 or 5000 rpm for a couple of minutes.
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Old 13 June 2021, 19:57   #155
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All sounding good. That's an unusual issue to have a tilt so hard to operate... but the catch is either on or off so I can't think what you're doing wrong. They are normally a light engine to raise.

Hope to see some pics/video when Mrs Tel has finished editing... also hope she has kept her standards up with a new outfit for each day's outing!!

As you are new to all this just take care when flat out as I suspect the Elling has the potential for some "nervous" behaviour at speed from the videos I've seen.

Vey jealous of you in that location with this weather... life has thrown us some curved balls recently... Mrs F currently away with cousin looking after her post chemo and I'm routed here caring for at home daughter, the house and the dog. Oh well one day soon I will hit the water eh...
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Old 13 June 2021, 20:33   #156
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Sounds like another good day Tel, had to Google "Lance" - to a non fisher a sandeel is a sandeel is a sandeel
The only time I had trouble tilting the OB, was when the spring came off the locking handle.
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Old 13 June 2021, 20:55   #157
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David. Sorry to hear you haven’t been able to get out, especially as it’s so nice. How do you know my missus so well lol. I think she’s already done one video and I think she’s posted it on you tube. I’m not able to post pics from my phone on here for some unknown reason, I have to wait till I’m back home and on my laptop.
As to the tilt problem, the guy on the boat that was trying to help me found that it would always lock down and once locked down it wouldn’t lift back up again unless it was pulled up from the propellor end. When raised up he couldn’t see anything missing or in the wrong place so I don’t know what’s wrong with it. The springs all seem to be in the correct places, hopefully tomorrow one of the locals who services engines will have a look for me and fix it. Once I’ve found out what’s wrong with it I’ll post the answer.
As for going flat out. You gotta be kidding me, I feel it’s fast enough at 3000 rpm, I think it’s going to take me many more days out to get the confidence to go a lot faster. In the boating world I’m taking very small steady steps. I’m in no rush to go fast.
Steve, I think your right it’s a sand eel, my friend called it a Lance. So that’s what I’ve called it. It got on my hook so I’m calling it a fish lol.
Hopefully have another great day out tomorrow if the sun burn calms down a bit on my legs.
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Old 13 June 2021, 21:17   #158
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Sandeels are great bait fish! Put them on a bigger hook and you might catch a sea bass or pollock
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Old 13 June 2021, 21:21   #159
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Cheers Christian. Might do that next time if I catch them again. Couldn’t do it today coz the boss wanted to get to the beach.
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Old 13 June 2021, 21:54   #160
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>>> the boss wanted to get to the beach.

If you want some real fun drop her off and carefully try one-up... that will be lively. Do sit well forward though.. arm's length to the tiller or use a short extension.

Edit: Just went to look for some video I'd seen previously where I thought the Elling looked lively one-up... and there you are.

What a great outing and wow how well is that Elling going with three adults and a 9.8 2-stroke... most impressed. Nice fun video style too.
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