Originally Posted by jeffstevens763@g
Just out of intrest my transoms 15 inhes leg 17 1/2 inces plate 1/2 inch below keel.
Jeff..I can give you first hand experience of my Quicksilver 4.3 HD . Its transom is/was 16” dead. The OB is the Mariner 25HP two stroke..length 17.5 inches shaft.
I did not use a packing piece..it threw up no spray ..and went plenty fast.
You followed that boat many times so will know how it performed.
Initially … I put a ˝ inch packing piece in to lift the boat..I swear it did not make any noticeable different to my top speed when using gps ..nor the wake coming out the back..so I didn’t bother lifting it. It did appear to ventilate a bit more ..but that could have been due to trim .. sea conditions ..slightly soft keel ..or imagination
I drilled the bolt holes and it was fixed thereafter. Any time you saw the boat ..it was running with AV plate 1.5 inches. below transom