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Old 31 December 2016, 20:07   #1
Country: Australia
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Boat name: F470
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F470 vs Classic mk2

Gday lads, happy new year.

At bit of a cross roads with zodiac sibs at the moment. I currently have an ex army 470 zodiac that was built around late 80's early 90's. It has seam leaks, cracked rubbing strakes, multiple repair patches, stiff valves and is looking a little tired. I've come across a 2003 unused classic mk2 made from hypalon in dark green. It was a special order made for the army. It comes with a brand new 30hp motor and new trailer. It costs the same as what it would cost to buy a new 50hp and trailer for the 470 as well as have it sent away for repairs.

My question is I just don't know wich horse to back. Will the classic mk2 be as fun and manouvarble as the 470 seeing as it doesn't have speed tubes? Will it go very well with just 30hp pushing it? I typically only carry max 4 people but usually just myself and my partner for general boating use. Will it have enough room to carry people plus gear (spearfishing or esky etc) ? Or it the 470 the reigning champion and I should just put all my money into refurbishing that craft?

Anyway all options, opinions and experiences welcome. Would love to hear from people that have driven both or at least own a mk2 and what they think of them. I'll be using the sib for everything from open water, crossing bars, to sheltered still waters

Thanks fellas.
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Old 31 December 2016, 21:30   #2
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MkII with 30hp will go very nicely (fast). On the other hand, while all SIBs handle chop poorly (lots of bouncing around) the F470 will do a better job since it's just plain heavier.

You have to decide if you want a smaller, newer SIB, or an older, bigger champion.
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Old 01 January 2017, 00:10   #3
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Grand Raid mk2 vs F470

Edit to my original post.

It's actually a grand raid mk2, not a classic mk2

So the question is do I go with a new Grand raid mk2 vs old f470?
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Old 01 January 2017, 03:46   #4
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Are you talking scuba divers or freedivin speros?
Four in the Grand Raid with gear and a 30 will be bit much in open average seas. I have had both boats, and lean toward F470s with max hp fitted.

I fear for your 470 baffles and inner seam caulking though if the boat has been in hot conditions all it's life, as a few months ago I had the chance to inspect a early 470 after I cut it up for spare bits. The white caulking used on the inner seams was hard, cracking and braking off in many spots along with the lower buoyancy tube (speedtube) could be peeled off the main tube with a wee pulling. She was a boat that was really used hard and had reached a ripe old age.

Maybe your boat could go a few more seasons with a couple weekends of service and repair. Tough call.
Edit: Just reread your post. If you still need a motor and trailer I would go with the Grand Raid and cut back to 2 mates unless seas are glass.

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Old 01 January 2017, 06:04   #5
Country: Australia
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I think the F470 is the winner. I actually have 2 with both types of floorboards (solid and slatted) There old due to age and have a few rough edges but unless I stand corrected these things seem fairly repairable and there are plenty of reputable inflatable boat repair shops here in Australia. I'm the type of person that likes to have a boat than can do more than less and it seems like the 470 with a max hp donk will do it. Is it worth keeping both or should I just sell the crappier of the two and repair the good one? Or should I keep both in case one completely shits itself?

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Old 01 January 2017, 17:18   #6
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Well the valves on either of those boats ( zodiac intrcommunicating) require maintenance. In military use the interval is set at every six months. For the average recreational user once every year or two is probably sufficient as lung as they are not getting stiff or covered in dirt and mud. Since they have grease in them they are a magnet for sand and grit which can cause them to leak. What size transom do you have ?? 15", 18", 20"?? They have been made in all three. Most of the older boats are 15". Here in the US , you can no longer buy a 50hp with a 15" shaft. So if that is the case it may be the answer to your question. Just something to consider.

Good luck with your decision !!
Chris Going
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Old 01 January 2017, 17:46   #7
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Cgoing's advice about transom height on the 470 is excellent. If that's not an issue, the only one you'll have to wrestle with is size vs condition.

The MkIIGR will perform very well, is in considerably better condition, but is a little smaller. If it can accommodate your needs, it's a very reasonable choice, and would probably be mine.

Or, be patient and wait for a better 470 to turn up.
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Old 01 January 2017, 18:14   #8
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If you decide to go with the MkIIGR I´ve be happy to by the alufloor and keel from your old 470

Anyway you must check the transom size on both boats, as cgoing advised.

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Old 03 January 2017, 06:51   #9
Country: Australia
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The transom is a 15' and luckily you are still able to buy new 50hp donks in short shaft variants. I'm going to take it to a reputable repair shop this week and see what it'll cost to get it repaired. I'd like to think the craft still has a usable work life left in it given the right repairs and maintenance is performed. Isn't that why hypalon is so sort after. Thanks for all the replies.
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Old 21 January 2017, 15:16   #10
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If it were me, I'd go with the newer GR, because its newer, and because its simpler.
I had a Mk IIC before my present Futura.
I think the speed tubes are more trouble than they're worth.
My next boat won't have them.
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