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Old 23 April 2022, 10:12   #1
Country: UK - England
Town: Northwich
Make: Elling
Length: 3m +
Engine: Orca 9.8 4 stroke
Join Date: Feb 2020
Posts: 166
Fire extinguisher

Hi fellow sibbers
I am based in Galicia Spain between Spain and Portugal international waters with my Elling kB 350 with a 9.8 4 strock outboard.
Last year I was stopped to check my papers all in order but was told I have to have a fire extinguisher and navigation light.

I was looking at what you carry on your sib and wondering.
Do you have to have these items in the UK
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Old 23 April 2022, 11:14   #2
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There are no regulations in the UK for equipment you must carry on a small privately owned boat at sea. But the rest of the world is generally a lot more stringent, especially in Europe where the authorities generally love to make a fuss of things like this, especially when the boat and/or operator is foreign.

Where is your boat registered?

You also state you were in International waters - 12+ miles out is a long way for a small SIB. Are you sure? In which case the local authorities (port state) would have no jurisdiction on a foreign flagged vessel (assuming its foreign flagged).
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Old 23 April 2022, 14:14   #3
Country: UK - England
Town: Northwich
Make: Elling
Length: 3m +
Engine: Orca 9.8 4 stroke
Join Date: Feb 2020
Posts: 166
Originally Posted by Tim M View Post
There are no regulations in the UK for equipment you must carry on a small privately owned boat at sea. But the rest of the world is generally a lot more stringent, especially in Europe where the authorities generally love to make a fuss of things like this, especially when the boat and/or operator is foreign.

Where is your boat registered?

You also state you were in International waters - 12+ miles out is a long way for a small SIB. Are you sure? In which case the local authorities (port state) would have no jurisdiction on a foreign flagged vessel (assuming its foreign flagged).
The river is classed as international waters because it is the border between Spain and Portugal and patrolled by both country's.

The boat is registered in Spain and I was around 3 miles up the river Minho from the estuary, that is what I could not understand having to have these items but they said the law had changed that year ?

Photo of my boat with registration below
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