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Old 20 August 2013, 11:58   #1
Country: UK - England
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First outing this weekend!...

Hi All

I'm planning on going to Ullswater this weekend to try my new SIB (Quicksilver 340 & Mariner 15hp 2 stroke) as was suggested by members of this forum.

I inflated (and deflated) the boat at home at the weekend, made an outboard stand and started the engine a few times so (hopefully) things will go smoother when I get to the lake!

I'm still unsure of a few things though so would really appreciate your help again, my questions are:

1) The engine (2006 Mariner 15hp 2 stroke) has a sticker on it stating that the fuel/oil mix should be 100:1 however the instruction manual states that it should be 50:1 (after the run-in period). The previous owner said he'd always used 100:1 as per the sticker on the engine however I'm confused as to why the manual would state 50:1? What is the general consensus? Should I stick with what the previous owner did and use 100:1, switch to 50:1 as per the manual? or go for a halfway house of something inbetween!??

2) Is it essential that I have an anchor before I try the boat for a day on Ullswater? (I don't have one yet)... And if so, what would you recommend?

3) I was looking at a map of Ullswater last night and noticed that part of the shoreline was labelled as 'Public Access' (between Aira Force and Glenridding) does this mean that I can launch my SIB at any point along this section? Or do I have to launch it from a designated site (like Park Foot campsite or somewhere similar)?

4) I understand the speed limit is 10 mph on Ullswater - Surely I have no idea how fast I'm going as I have no speedo? I suppose you just have to guess?

Thanks in advance.....

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Old 20 August 2013, 13:45   #2
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I would stay away from the 100:1 mix for longer life of the motor. Remember that all lubrication of a 2 stroke engine comes from the oil mixed with the gasoline.

Years ago one of the outboard manufacturers recommended the 100:1 mixture which did not work out so well in practice. It was a short lived recommendation.
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Old 20 August 2013, 15:55   #3
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Search my thread on mariner 15 hp. There have also been a number of recent similar deliberations. It appears possibly the manufacturers recently have been advocating 100:1 it's suggested more from ecological motivations. General consensus appears to be it depends on your engine use. Lots of WOT may indicate higher oil ratio 50:1, gentle trolling 100:1. You possibly can't go wrong with 75:1.
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Old 20 August 2013, 22:01   #4
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1) I would go somewhere between the 2, 75-1 will give you a bit more protection but avoid oiling the plugs at slow speeds.

2)On a lake an anchor is not needed unless you want to you actually use one for anchoring. On the sea they are used in an emergency situation to stop you drifting. but on the lake you can row to the shore in a minute or so.

3) You can launch at a couple of places on Ullswater, but Parkfoot is a great place. For £5 you get lake access, parking, picnic area etc. You can then cruise the length of the lake down to Glenridding for an ice cream or a butty.

4) Your sib will do about 20mph flat out with a couple of people on board. If you have a smartphone try downloading a GPS app to give you a more accurate speed. But Ullswater is a quiet place, as long as you stay away from other lake users and act sensibly you can open the taps every now and again. I clocked the ferry at 18kts earlier in the year !

I'm up there all weekend on Parkfoot, group of 4 families. Probably taking a couple of Sibs - Red Zodiac Futura and a Grey Wetline, give me a shout if you need any help.
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Old 20 August 2013, 22:13   #5
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I have a Mercury 15 2003 and have always mixed at 75-1 with no issues but I do enjoy opening it up on occasions & do very little trolling so haven't tested the oiling the plugs scenario!
We used the free speed download app on my wifes I phone last week and it was as accurate as the car. Once you've had a run at speed you'll have a better idea what your outfit's capable of and be better able to judge what speed you're at.
As already said it's a big lake and if you don't make a nuisance of yourself you should be able to give it a thorough test.
I wouldn't bother on there with the anchor, only more weight and there's plenty of nice places to beach!
Have a good one.
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